Catrice Blush Box Glow + Multicolour 020 It's Wine O'Clock
torek, september 03, 2019
I saw the press release for the new Catrice products, this was the first thing
to attract my attention apart from the Ten!Sentional primer. I've had nothing but great experience with Catrice' single blushes, their discontinued
Defining Blushes are still one of the best formula I've tried (I like it a bit more than
the new Box Blushes because it's more creamy). There are only two shade and the
first looks like a basic coral, which I've grown tired off, but 020 It's Wine
O'Clock looked more unique and special. I dig the mosaic pattern and it's one
of the prettiest blushes Catrice made.
Texture: This is more creamy formula, but not super soft, which is why I was shocked to discover just how pigmented this is from the start. I did the usual swirl with a brush and immediately ended up with clown level cheeks. I have to be careful how much I apply, but keep in mind that I have a very pale skin tone. It's described as glowy and when I swatch it in a thick coat it has a healthy satin glow to it with very fine shimmer, but on my cheeks I can't get that and it looks matte. I don't know why, but Petra from Adjusting Beauty gets the glow with no problem.
020 It's Wine O'Clock is a medium muted pink-berry, a slight deviation from the
regular cutesy pinks, though it has a similar look on the cheeks.
Staying power: Like most Catrice blushes it lasts well on my cheeks. Of course the base under it is important too, but this one of the most long-lasting blushes in the drugstores.
Packaging: The packaging is the same as their regular box blushes, just in a different colour. It holds tight when closed and I have no complaints about it.
Price and availability: It costs 4.39 € in drugstores.
Catrice yet again created a blush of great quality. Formula is very pigmented (maybe too much for my pale skin), it blends well and has good staying power. The fact I don't get the glow on me, is a bit disappointing, but nothing new when it comes to Catrice (same thing happened to me with their discontinued Illuminating blushes, but I still loved those) and I like this because of the pretty shade. It doesn't beat the outstanding quality of L.O.V. blushes, but these are a nice drugstore buy.
Have a great day!
*PR product
Zelo lepo ti paše ta odtenek <3 Skoraj vintage deluje na tebi.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOdtenek je res čudovit, formula pa super pigmentirana. Še zdaj tuhtam zakaj na tvoji koži ni sajaja. Moja edina razlaga je, če imaš bolj suho kožo. Ker meni sijaja v teh poletnih dneh ni nikoli manjkalo že brez tega rdečila.
Samo jaz imam očitno problem s to embalažo. Nima nič za res trdno zapreti. Meni se zdi, da se bo vedno odprl, ko ga kam nosim.
Hvala <3 Mislim, da je razlog za to morda tudi, da ga lahko nanesem manj kot večina, ker imam tako svetlo kožo in dobim manj šimra gor. Pa ja, moja koža je suha, kar imam sijaja je s Flexitarijanom.
IzbrišiMoja embalaža je pa ok, dobro drži. Mogoče je bila napaka pri proizvodnji pri tvoji ali pa se je kakšen manjši del odlomil.
Meni je tale blush tako všeč <3 Res lepo pride do izraza na koži, taki zdrav videz da.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDa o samem izgledu ne govorim - čudovit, pravi eye candy. Imam pa tudi jaz težave z embalažo, se mi odpre, če ga malce prestavim, tako, da gre najbrž za kako napako.
Lep in kvaliteten :) Zanimivo, da imaš tudi ti težave z embalažo. Očitno nimajo najboljših postopkov preverjanja.