Deborah Atomic Red Lipsticks

torek, januar 18, 2011

There's two types of Atomic Red lipsticks, one is a regular line (with 14 shades) and the other which consists of mat shades (7) is called Atomic Red Mat. The testers were a mess, the numbers were mixed up, some of the shades were missing, some had a different packaging, just really confusing. The only mat shade there was 09, but I have an older picture of mat shade 12, which is I believe a LE. The only shade that appeals to my taste is 09 (from the regular line, 2nd pic), it's a nice light to medium pink with a cream finish. 08 would be gorgeous, if it weren't frosty, but with all that frost it looks a bit cheap. I never owned a Deborah lipstick, but I am tempted to try 09 out. 12 (regular line) also looks nice. 01, 02 and 09 (mat) simply horrify me.

I hope these swatches are helpful.

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  1. Ok, čisto resno, kdo in kam naj bi nosili 01, 02 in 09? Če so takega odtenka tudi na ustnicah si res ne predstavljam komu bi pristajle take barve. o.O Sicer pa iz tega izbora ni nobene barve, ki bi me pritegnila. Hvala za swatche!

  2. Meni so vsi rjavi in vijolični odtenki šmink popolnoma mimo.
    Moram pa priznat, da je 09 (ne mat, ampak iz navadne linije) danes odšel z mano domov.

  3. 09 je ful lep odtenek ;) cena? ;P
