- četrtek, september 30, 2010
This is my second tube in a row of John Frieda's conditioner (trust me it doesn't happen often that I buy the same conditioner twice, let alone in a row). I have to say it really impressed me, I really like it. I have very long, very dry, curly, dark brown hair and let me tell you there aren't a lot of drugstore conditioners that work for me. This one is great, however it's not as moisturising as my beloved Fructis mask.
Catrice Sold Out For Ever is my second nail polish from this brand and I love both of them. This shade is a beautiful pastel green with some micro dark green shimmer.
I already posted a swatch of the new Chanel gloss 56 Imaginare here, here is the same colour plus 2 more. I'm really liking number 56, I might get it. Glossimer Petite Peche is gorgeous too, I didn't expect it to be so pigmented. 57 is the most beautiful barbie pink.
The two eyeshadows are a part of Artdeco's Beauty Desire Colection for Fall 2010. I also like the red gloss from this collection, I don't have a picture of a swatch though.
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Artdeco Beauty Desire Colection for Fall 2010 |
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Artdeco Beauty Desire Colection for Fall 2010 eyeshadows |
- sreda, september 29, 2010
Myth is a peachy pale nude with satin finish, although to me it just looks matte. I'd describe it as the ultimate nude shade. It's really opaque and a bit drying, not creamy therefore really difficult to apply straight from the tube and needs lots of blending.
- sreda, september 29, 2010
Honeylove is a peachy-beige shade and not as pale as I’d liked on my skin tone. Mac’s website describes the shade as ‘’light honey-beige toned with rose”, on my skin it just looks light honey-beige and with no rose. I’m still not sure if I really like it. It’s a matte finish, a bit drying (certainly more than my favourites Revlon’s mattes, which are btw amazing), I usually pair it with a gloss. Staying power is great.
Honeylove je breskovo-bež odtenek, na mojih ustnicah niti približno nude. Na Macovi strani je opisana kot medeno-bež z roza, vendar na mojih ustnicah ni videti niti malo roza pridiha. Nisem čisto prepričana če mi je všeč, a nosim jo vseeno. Je ima mat finiš, je malo izsušujoča (vsekakor bolj kot moje favoritke Revlonove matte šminke, ki so fantastične) zato običajno čez šminko nanesem še glos. Obstojnost je super.
- torek, september 28, 2010
My cousin brought me a little something from London:
Swatches were taken in cloudy weather. These eyeshadows have a lot of fallout.
I love this lippie, this is my 2nd tube
Sleek palette Original
Gosh Darling
I love this lippie, this is my 2nd tube
- ponedeljek, september 27, 2010
I’ve already posted swatches of 2 red lipglosses, Essence Lunch at Cullen’s and Alverde 222 Rose Fantasy (Click), and here is the rest of my team red:
Objavila sem že slike 2 mojih rdečih glosov, Essence Lunch at Cullen’s in Alverde 222 Rose Fantasy (klik). Tu so še ostali:
Manhattan Long Lasting Gloss Glide # 531
I’ve been neglecting this little baby. It’s such a pretty bright red with silver shimmer, I just love the colour. It’s quite thick, slightly sticky and very pigmented. Staying power is actually quite good. The packaging is so cute, a small squared tube with 5 ml of product. The smell is a bit plasticy. It costs a bit over 6 €.
Tale glos sem kar malo zanemarjala. Je čudovite živo rdeče barve z srebrnim šimrom, res lep. Precej gost, malo lepljiv in zelo pigmentiran. Je pravzaprav precej obstojen. Embalaža je luškana mala kvadratasta tubica, ki vsebuje 5 ml izdelka. Glos diši malo po plastiki. Stane nekaj čez 6 €.
Essence Creamylicious 02 Raspberry Smoothie
This one was a part of TE called Creamylicious. It’s a sheer raspberry red with no shimmer.
Bil je del TE Creamylicious. Je rahlo prekrivna malinasto rdeča brez bleščič.
Hawaian Tropic Island Berry
Is a bright red in the tube, but it’s very sheer on the lips and adds just a touch of colour. It smells divine, very sweet and fruity, like some sort of berries. It also tastes sweet, but is has this horrible plastic aftertaste. It has a spf 25 (UVA&UVB). The tube is massive, it packs a generous amount of 20 ml. It costs around 5 €.
V tubi gleda živo rdeč, na ustnicah pa le malenkost obarva. Diši čudovito sladko-sadno, po nekih jagodah. Okus je sladek, ampak se potem začuti tak grozen plastičen okus. Ima spf 25 (UVA&UVB). Tuba je ogromna, vsebuje radodarnih 20 ml. Kupila sem ga v DM-u za okrog 5 €.
Nyx Jumbo Lip Pencil Deep Red
Artdeco High Rouge #10
It’s really pigmented, dry and hard to apply (hence the horrible swatch). I just dab it on the lips. It’s more of a brown red, quite dark. Not one of my favourites.
Je zelo pigmentirana, suha in jo je zelo težko nanesti. Jaz jo le potapkam na ustnice. Je bolj rjavkasta rdeča, precej temna. Ni ena izmed moji najljubših.
Here is another swatch (my ancient one from mua), taken with flash (I think this one is better that the other two):
Objavila sem že slike 2 mojih rdečih glosov, Essence Lunch at Cullen’s in Alverde 222 Rose Fantasy (klik). Tu so še ostali:
Manhattan Long Lasting Gloss Glide # 531
I’ve been neglecting this little baby. It’s such a pretty bright red with silver shimmer, I just love the colour. It’s quite thick, slightly sticky and very pigmented. Staying power is actually quite good. The packaging is so cute, a small squared tube with 5 ml of product. The smell is a bit plasticy. It costs a bit over 6 €.
Tale glos sem kar malo zanemarjala. Je čudovite živo rdeče barve z srebrnim šimrom, res lep. Precej gost, malo lepljiv in zelo pigmentiran. Je pravzaprav precej obstojen. Embalaža je luškana mala kvadratasta tubica, ki vsebuje 5 ml izdelka. Glos diši malo po plastiki. Stane nekaj čez 6 €.
Essence Creamylicious 02 Raspberry Smoothie
This one was a part of TE called Creamylicious. It’s a sheer raspberry red with no shimmer.
Bil je del TE Creamylicious. Je rahlo prekrivna malinasto rdeča brez bleščič.
Hawaian Tropic Island Berry
Is a bright red in the tube, but it’s very sheer on the lips and adds just a touch of colour. It smells divine, very sweet and fruity, like some sort of berries. It also tastes sweet, but is has this horrible plastic aftertaste. It has a spf 25 (UVA&UVB). The tube is massive, it packs a generous amount of 20 ml. It costs around 5 €.
V tubi gleda živo rdeč, na ustnicah pa le malenkost obarva. Diši čudovito sladko-sadno, po nekih jagodah. Okus je sladek, ampak se potem začuti tak grozen plastičen okus. Ima spf 25 (UVA&UVB). Tuba je ogromna, vsebuje radodarnih 20 ml. Kupila sem ga v DM-u za okrog 5 €.
Nyx Jumbo Lip Pencil Deep Red
My favourite red. It’s a darker red with no shimmer, but looks a bit glossy. Very easy to apply, very creamy, not dry at all. A little goes a long way, I only have to colour in my lower lip and then press them together. Great staying power.
Absolutno moja naljubša rdeča. Je temnejša rdeča brez šimra, ampak kar malo glosasta. Zelo lahko jo je nanesti, je zelo kremna in niti najmanj suha. Potrebno jo je nanesti zelo malo, saj je zelo pigmentirana. Jaz jo nanesem le na spodnjo ustnico, potem pa pritisnem ustnice skupaj. Je super obstojna.
Artdeco High Rouge #10
It’s really pigmented, dry and hard to apply (hence the horrible swatch). I just dab it on the lips. It’s more of a brown red, quite dark. Not one of my favourites.
Je zelo pigmentirana, suha in jo je zelo težko nanesti. Jaz jo le potapkam na ustnice. Je bolj rjavkasta rdeča, precej temna. Ni ena izmed moji najljubših.
Here is another swatch (my ancient one from mua), taken with flash (I think this one is better that the other two):
- nedelja, september 26, 2010
Essence Sun Club lipgloss in 05 Sunny Pink and Silky Touch blush in 01 Adorable.
As soon as I applied the gloss I regretted buying it. The colour looks so beautiful in the tube, however it's completely colourless on the lips. And not just that, also the texture is really, really bad. It's very watery, I hate it. I just don't get it, how some of their LE glosses are actually good (like the ones from Twilight TE), but the rest are just horrible.
Takoj ko sem nanesla glos mi je bilo žal da sem ga kupila. V embalaži izgleda barva tako lepa, ko pa ga naneseš je popolnoma prozoren. Ne le to, je tudi voden in neobstojen. Popolnoma brezvezen. Ni mi jasno kako so lahko glosi iz Trend editicij dejansko dobri (kot naprimer iz Twilight TE), ti ostali so pa tako slabi.
Takoj ko sem nanesla glos mi je bilo žal da sem ga kupila. V embalaži izgleda barva tako lepa, ko pa ga naneseš je popolnoma prozoren. Ne le to, je tudi voden in neobstojen. Popolnoma brezvezen. Ni mi jasno kako so lahko glosi iz Trend editicij dejansko dobri (kot naprimer iz Twilight TE), ti ostali so pa tako slabi.
Blush is from the We Saw it First TE, which is just a preview of the product that will be available from Autumn. It's so adorable. A pretty light pink, that looks slightly peachy on the cheeks. Such a lovely colour. I didn't expected it to be this pigmented, I was really pleasantly surprised.
Rdečilo za lica je iz We Saw it First kolekcije, ki so izdelki ki bodo na voljo v prodaji od jeseni. Meni je tale blush zelo všeč. Je svetlo roza barve, ki na ličkih potegne malo na breskovo. Nisem pričakovala, da bo tako pigmentiran. Me je prijetno presenetil.
Rdečilo za lica je iz We Saw it First kolekcije, ki so izdelki ki bodo na voljo v prodaji od jeseni. Meni je tale blush zelo všeč. Je svetlo roza barve, ki na ličkih potegne malo na breskovo. Nisem pričakovala, da bo tako pigmentiran. Me je prijetno presenetil.
- petek, september 24, 2010
Essence Lipliner 01 Soft Rose
As the name suggest the colour is a soft rose, just a hair lighter than my natural lip colour. It's quite soft and easy to apply. Staying power is a bit rubbish, but what can you expect for less than 2 €.
Je nežno roza barve, čisto malo svetlejše od moje naravne barve ustnic. Je kar mehak in se da lepo nanesti. Obstojnost je bolj slaba, ampak kaj pa lahko pričakuješ za manj kot 2 €.
Ombia Cosmetics Lipgloss 05 Apricot Shimmer
Ombia Cosmetics is available in Hofer. Glosses are 2.99 € and are really excessively packaged (boxed + wrapped in a foil). These are way better than the Essence ones. The texture is quite thick and the colour actually shows up, however due to the thickness it's difficult to apply it evenly. The colour is a pretty baby pink with micro shimmer. Staying power is better than with other cheapies. It's a bit sticky.
Ombia Cosmetics je na voljo v Hoferju. Glosi so 2,99 €, za kar dobite glos in en kup nepotrebne embalaže (zapakiran je namreč v škatlo, v kateri je še ena plastika, škatla pa je zavita še v folijo). Tile glosi so po mojem mnenju veliko boljši kot Essencevi. Glos je gost, barva se dejansko pokaže brez da bi ga bilo treba nanesti eno tono, vendar pa ravno zato ker je tako gost, ga je zelo težko enakomerno nanesti. Barva je baby roza z mikro bleščicami. Obstojnost je boljša kot pri ostalih poceni glosih. Je malo lepljiv.
As the name suggest the colour is a soft rose, just a hair lighter than my natural lip colour. It's quite soft and easy to apply. Staying power is a bit rubbish, but what can you expect for less than 2 €.
Je nežno roza barve, čisto malo svetlejše od moje naravne barve ustnic. Je kar mehak in se da lepo nanesti. Obstojnost je bolj slaba, ampak kaj pa lahko pričakuješ za manj kot 2 €.
Ombia Cosmetics Lipgloss 05 Apricot Shimmer
Ombia Cosmetics is available in Hofer. Glosses are 2.99 € and are really excessively packaged (boxed + wrapped in a foil). These are way better than the Essence ones. The texture is quite thick and the colour actually shows up, however due to the thickness it's difficult to apply it evenly. The colour is a pretty baby pink with micro shimmer. Staying power is better than with other cheapies. It's a bit sticky.
Ombia Cosmetics je na voljo v Hoferju. Glosi so 2,99 €, za kar dobite glos in en kup nepotrebne embalaže (zapakiran je namreč v škatlo, v kateri je še ena plastika, škatla pa je zavita še v folijo). Tile glosi so po mojem mnenju veliko boljši kot Essencevi. Glos je gost, barva se dejansko pokaže brez da bi ga bilo treba nanesti eno tono, vendar pa ravno zato ker je tako gost, ga je zelo težko enakomerno nanesti. Barva je baby roza z mikro bleščicami. Obstojnost je boljša kot pri ostalih poceni glosih. Je malo lepljiv.
- petek, september 24, 2010
These are undoubtedly my favourite glosses. The formula is amazing. They are creamy, really pigmented, non-sticky and long lasting.
17 Petal is the most amazingly beautiful colour ever. If I had to buy only one lipgloss until the rest of my life, this would be it. It’s the most beautiful light baby pink, but slightly beigey, it literally looks like Mac’s Hue lipstick in gloss form.
10 Tea Rose looks like a dirty pink with golden shimmer in the tube, but once applied the colour is completely different. It’s a rosey-corally colour, not really one of my favourites. I got this one for free as gift with purchase and I didn’t have the option of choosing the colour myself.
Ti glosi so absolutno moji najljubši. Tekstura je fantastična, so kremni, res pigmentirani in dobro prekrivni. Niso lepljivi in so dobro obstojni.
17 Petal je najbolj čudovita barva ever. Če bi morala kupovati le en glos do konca življenja, bi to bil ta. Je najlepša svetla baby roza barva z malo bež. Dobesedno izgleda kot Macova Hue šminka v obliki glosa.
10 Tea Rose izgleda kot umazana roza z drobnimi zlatimi bleščicami, ampak na ustnicah izgleda popolnoma drugače, kot koralno-roza, skoraj vleče na oranžno. Ni ravno ena izmed mojih najljubših barv, ampak se ga dobila zastonj kot darilo ob nakupu in nisem imela možnosti izbire barve.
17 Petal is the most amazingly beautiful colour ever. If I had to buy only one lipgloss until the rest of my life, this would be it. It’s the most beautiful light baby pink, but slightly beigey, it literally looks like Mac’s Hue lipstick in gloss form.
10 Tea Rose looks like a dirty pink with golden shimmer in the tube, but once applied the colour is completely different. It’s a rosey-corally colour, not really one of my favourites. I got this one for free as gift with purchase and I didn’t have the option of choosing the colour myself.
Ti glosi so absolutno moji najljubši. Tekstura je fantastična, so kremni, res pigmentirani in dobro prekrivni. Niso lepljivi in so dobro obstojni.
17 Petal je najbolj čudovita barva ever. Če bi morala kupovati le en glos do konca življenja, bi to bil ta. Je najlepša svetla baby roza barva z malo bež. Dobesedno izgleda kot Macova Hue šminka v obliki glosa.
10 Tea Rose izgleda kot umazana roza z drobnimi zlatimi bleščicami, ampak na ustnicah izgleda popolnoma drugače, kot koralno-roza, skoraj vleče na oranžno. Ni ravno ena izmed mojih najljubših barv, ampak se ga dobila zastonj kot darilo ob nakupu in nisem imela možnosti izbire barve.
- četrtek, september 23, 2010
Thing don't get more over-hyped as Rouge Voluptes. Sure the packaging is beautiful, but it doesn't go much further than that. Though formula is soft and creamy, it's already too creamy and it's slippery, so light shades look weird on the lips. These feel light on the lips and despite the creaminess, you don't get much moisturisation and these emphasise dry patches with time. Pigmentation is great, but the staying power is nothing special. These just in general feel like they could benefit from so more wax in the formula. The one thing love at these is the tropical scent, which I think is mango. These cost over 30 €.
2 Sensual Silk is nude beige, with a slight pinkish tone.
7 Lingerie Pink is a bright, bubble gum pastel pink, similar to Mac’s Viva Gaga, but without such intense purple undertones. I find it unwearable and regret the purchase. I should have bought shade 1 instead.
- četrtek, september 23, 2010
Pink Pout is a matte cool pink with a slight mauve undertone. The texture is great for a matte, as it's really creamy, but the finish is actually matte. Staying power is nice as well, it disappears gradually and leaves a lovely stain behind as it's wearing off. I like the matte packaging and the see-through top. It was 9.45 € in Műller.
I used to have 001 Nude Attitude, which is a apricot nude. It just didn’t look good on my skin tone, it almost looked a bit orange. However I am really, really pale.
Pink Pout je mat roza s hladnim podton, vleče malo na lila bravo. Tekstura je super, kremna, ampak mat brez sijaja. Je skoraj malo negovalna. Obstojnost je super, izgine postopoma in pusti čudovit nežno roza stain. Všeč mi je mat embalaža in prosojni zgornji del. Kupila sem jo v Müllerju za 9,45 €.
Včasih sem imela 001 Nude Attitude, ki je marelične nude barve in je izgledala grozno na moji polti, skoraj malo oranžno, ampak je pa res da sem zeloooo bleda.
Revlon Matte lipsticks:
I'm seriously considering getting the shade Really Red. It's such a pretty red.
Resno razmišljam, da bi kupila odtenek Really Red, ki je čudovita rdeča barva.
- četrtek, september 23, 2010
This is how my hands usually look when I come out from Müller or DM:
I love YSL Rouge Volupte # 1, I already have number 2 and 7, one day I'll get number 1 too.
That L'oreal swatch is Colour Riche Shine Gelee. Revlon swatches are of the matte line.
My recent haul:
Artdeco eyeshadow # 22
Catrice 200 From Dusk to Dawn
Essence duo eyeshadow Denim Wanted # 02 My Boyfriend Jeans
Revlon matte lipstick # 002 Pink Pout
I love YSL Rouge Volupte # 1, I already have number 2 and 7, one day I'll get number 1 too.
That L'oreal swatch is Colour Riche Shine Gelee. Revlon swatches are of the matte line.
Essence and Artdeco eyeshadow swatches |
Artdeco eyeshadow # 22
Catrice 200 From Dusk to Dawn
Essence duo eyeshadow Denim Wanted # 02 My Boyfriend Jeans
Revlon matte lipstick # 002 Pink Pout
- sreda, september 22, 2010
Is a neutral pink with micro gold shimmer. It's very creamy and moisturizing, it almost looks like a gloss when applied on the lips.
Je nevtralne roza barve z mikro zlatimi bleščicami, zelo kremna in vlažilna. Na ustnicah izgleda skoraj kot glos.
Je nevtralne roza barve z mikro zlatimi bleščicami, zelo kremna in vlažilna. Na ustnicah izgleda skoraj kot glos.
A couple of years ago I had Artdeco Glossy Lip Care in number 30, which looks very similar to Benefit's one. I do in fact prefer the Artdeco one, since it's more moisturizing.
Pred nekaj leti sem imela Artdeco Glossy Lip Care številko odtenka 30, ki izgleda zelo podobna Benefitovi šminki. Artdecova mi je bolj všeč, saj je veliko bolj vlažilna.
Pred nekaj leti sem imela Artdeco Glossy Lip Care številko odtenka 30, ki izgleda zelo podobna Benefitovi šminki. Artdecova mi je bolj všeč, saj je veliko bolj vlažilna.
- sreda, september 22, 2010
Manhattan has a new limited edition called Wet Shot. It introduces 5 new shades of Wet Flash lipglosses and 3 shades of nail polishes (nail polishes are LE, glosses aren't).
Manhattan ima novo omejeno kolekcijo imenovalno Wet Shot v kateri je 5 novih lipglosov, ki bodo del standardnega sortimenta, imenovanih Wet Flash in 3 odtenke lakov omejene izdaje.
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Swatches of Wet Flash lipglosses (the middle and the right one on the upper picture) 2 glosa iz Wet Flash kolekcije (na zgornji sliki srednji in skrajno desni) |
I have the one named 52A, which is a light nude without shimmer, the lightest in the collection. However it's really poorly pigmented, it barely shows up and it's really difficult to build it up. They feel very watery and slippery. The scent of the gloss reminds me of a children's medicine syrup called Ospen. Staying power is poor and the packaging leeks.
Imam odtenek imenovan 52A, ki je svetle, kožne barve brez bleščic, je nasvetlejši v zbirki. Je zelo slabo pigmentiran, težko ga je nanesti toliko da se pozna kaj barve. Po konsistenci je zelo voden, vonj me spominja na otroški sirup Ospen. Obstojnost je slaba. Meni embalaža pušča.
Long Lasting Gloss Glide 52K is much more pigmented than Water Flash 52A, however I'm
not really fond of the colour. It's a bit strange because it contains a lot of silver shimmer, which in my opinion looks a bit unflattering.
Long Lasting Gloss Glide 52K je bolj pigmentiran kot Water Flash 52A, vseeno pa mi ni kaj pretirano všeč. Moti me ogromna količina srebrnih bleščic, ki pa ne izgledajo najlepše v kombinaciji s to barvo.
- sreda, september 22, 2010