New In July - Mateja's Beauty Blog

New In July

sobota, julij 13, 2013

Balance Me Cleanse and Smooth face balm
I don't have a habit of buying expensive cleansers and I paid 22€ for it, so that's the first. It's a cleansing balm in a tube which means it's fluid compared to other balms which mostly come in a pot. I've been using it for a week now and I quite like it. I will do a full review in the future. More about it and ingredients list here.

Diorskin Nude BB Creme in 001
I was given a generous sample of this in June and after trying it for a few days, I took the plunge and bought it when I had a discount code on Feel Unique. I love light foundations/BBs with a skin-like finish and this is exactly that. I got the lightest shade which is a great match for me (it's pink toned and lighter than Bourjois HM Serum). I wrote about my first impressions here, but I will do a proper review.

Balea Shaving gel
 I've been buying these since forever, because they are such good quality and cheap. The Isana ones (Müller's brand) are so bad compared to these. Balea's are proper gel ones that transform into a really thick foam and they have some good conditioning agents in it, because it leaves the skin so soft with a similar effect that silicones in a hair conditioner have in a sense that it gives a false effect of hydrated and silky skin. I usually buy the LE ones, I wanted the Caribbean Dream LE that smells like coconut, but they'd run out. This one smells floral-powdery.

Alverde Coconut oil 
A repurchase. It's an essential item in my bathroom and I use for so many things - body, hair, as a makeup remover and mostly for shaving, because it leaves the skin crazy smooth and moisturised. I did a review here.

 Balea Cocos & Nectarine deodorant
Everything with peach or nectarine gets me excited, especially when the packaging is so pretty. I expected it to be something like the Traum Geschöpft LE, the peachy goodness it was, however, though it has that similar nectarine note in it, it's a lot fainter and creamier due to the coconut. There is also a shower gel with this scent, but I couldn't find it in my local DM.
Maybelline Eye makeup remover special waterproof
Another repurchase. I don't even know how many bottle of this I've used up (or Bioderma. Both are my essentials). It's inexpensive and an effective makeup remover that I use it everyday to remove waterproof mascara and it does it's job.

Balea eye makeup removing pads waterproof
These are so oily! Honestly, I never had pads or wipes that would be so soaked. They feel very greasy and it is like putting vegetable oil on my face plus they smell like it too. They do remove waterproof mascara completely, however, I need a separate remover to get rid of mess the oil leaves. I'll use them up, but the Maybelline remover is miles better.

L'Occitane Repairing Shampoo for Dry & Damaged Hair
 I had a sample of this a while back. The conditioner and the mask didn't impress me so I didn't even plan to use it, but when I did, I remember feeling such a noticeable difference that I was genuinely impressed by it. I remember drying my hair and thinking holly smokes what did I use because my hair felt so nice, so it was on my wishlist ever since. It's meant for dry hair and it has 5 essential oils in it (angelica, lavender, geranium, patchouli, ylang-ylang). Ingredients here

A sample of Angelica Hydration Cream
This is soo lovely! The perfect moisturiser for Summer. I have combination skin and this feels amazing. It's light, yet super moisturising and sinks into the skin in a minute leaving the skin fresh, moisturised with a radiant semi-matte finish. I find it a perfect base for makeup up. The scent is flowery fresh. I would purchase it, but I'm a bit bothered about the price and that's in a pot.

A sample of Immortelle Precious Serum
 It is marketed as anti-ageing product and it is a super, super light serum that sinks into the skin in seconds. The scent is a bit wild-flowery annoying and strong, but I can get past it. I would have to use it longer to really talk about results, but it does leave the skin hydrated. Ingredients here.

A sample of Vanille & Narcisse Eau de Toilette from the La Collection de Grasse
It's a lot more flowery than I expected it to be. From the beginning I smell mostly a strong flower note, daffodil in this case, mixed with vanilla. In a few hours only the sugary, warm vanilla remains. It is quite strong and lasts a long time. I'm not a fan of it, I much preferred their old Vanilla, but my mom loves it. 

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  1. Joj, tele Balea krpice so meni tako razdražile oči, da me je še vedno groza ko jih vidim. Drugače pa se strinjam s tvojo mami, tudi meni tale L'occitane parfum zelo diši :)

    1. A res? Meni ne, ampak jaz nisem še nikoli imela kakšne reakcije od katerekoli kozmetike. So mi pa zelo mastne, pa moti me to da je dejansko večinoma jedilno olje notri.

  2. Obožujem kokos:)Bom zagotovo na lovu za tem gelom za tuširanje:)

    1. Pri nas ga še nisem videla (v NM), ampak če je deodorant na voljo potem bi moral biti tudi še tuš gel na policah :)

  3. Balein gel za britje je moj must have izdelek. Jaz tudi ponavadi kupujem LE, ampak zadnjič niso imeli in sem vzela 2 navadni (taki kot ti), ker zdaj poleti jih res hitro porabim. Še nikoli nisem preizkusila Baleinega deodoranta, nisem ziher, kako bi mi pasal, ampak če obstaja še gel s tem vonjem, pa moram po njega. :)

    1. Res so milje boljši od Isane, cena je pa zelo sprejemljiva.
      Jaz večinoma kupujem Baleine deodorante in so čisto mi ok :) Sploh teh spray varijant sem imela že en kup.

  4. Uau, super pridobitve! Rabim en dober odstranjevalec ličil, ker moje vododporne maskare ne spravim dol z ničemer. Pa jelly sem za Dior BB kremo, nedolgo nazaj sem naročila Lioele Water Drop BB kremo in upam da me ne bo razočarala :)
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Ta dva odstranjevalca oba dobro odstranita vodooporno maskaro, samo blazinice so bolj mastne, ampak sem se navadila. Lioele še nisem sprobala, razen njihovo sončno kremo, ki je bila kar super, sta mi pa od korejskih Missha in Skin79 res všeč :)
