New In #4 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

New In #4

ponedeljek, junij 03, 2013

I decided to do something that might not be the best idea and almost completely revamped my skin care routine. Well, it was more like added steps and kept my favourites. I kept Nuxe Huile Prodigeuse obviously, because it's the only thing I can rely on, and Bioderma stayed as did Maybelline waterproof remover. I'm really bad when it comes to skin care because I want it cheap and simple, but it's time for a change - I only have one skin. I read so many reviews/skin care routine posts that my head was spinning and narrowed down to all these products (I still have a few back-ups on my wishlist). I didn't focus too much on ingredients, I decided to stop doing that because I find it oversimplifying, especially when it comes to mineral oil and alcohol. I chose to just go with the positive reviews and recommendations. 

An oldie, but a goodie. I don't recall ever being without a tube of this since I first bought it when I was 17. It's a simple clay mask, smells nice, is gentle and the tube is huge for 6€. It draws out impurities and leaves my skin looking clearer. The only thing is that I forget to use it often enough.

L'Oreal Skin Perfection 15 Second Miracle Oil
It's not sold in my country yet, so I ordered it from HqHair. I needed a new cleanser as my old one wasn't working for me because as soon as I washed my face, it got really tight with dry patches everywhere. This one is quite nice, it's basically a light oil that emulsifies when I add a bit of water and rub my hands together. I massage it into the face and then remove it either with a wet flannel or just rinse it off with water. I must add that it doesn't irritate my eyes at all. It smells nice, a bit fruity and slightly like a beach (for some weird reason it reminds me of it, even though it's not a typical beach scent). It removes makeup decently, but not waterproof mascara. My skin feels fine when I use it, it doesn't dry it out one bit, moreover I think it's a bit moisturising. It wasn't my first choice, but it was the cheapest and it turned out just fine.

I haven't used a proper toner since they dramatically changed the ingredients of Garnier Fresh toner (which felt like nothing anyway, so I stopped using toners all together with the exception of homemade aspirin one). Now, I'm using two toners - an exfoliating one and a hydrating one:
L'Oreal Age Perfect toner with Vitamin C 
A simple toner for dry skin with vitamin C (ascorbyl glucoside). The packaging is stupidly impractical and the product gets everywhere, so I moved most into a spray bottle and I use it after cleansing or whenever I need some refreshment. It's ok, definitely more moisturising than the old Garnier Fresh toner, but sometimes the skin around the eyes burns slightly when I use it (It's really not a big deal though). I got it in Müller for about 5€.

I decided to take on my problem with dry patches head on with AHAs. Honestly, since I stopped using Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair my skin hasn't been acting ok. Though it looks fine, because of the Nuxe oil which really helps with radiance and softness, the stupid dry patches are still my nemesis. They appear especially around the eyes and on the forehead. The latter used to be completely smooth when I was using EL ANR, but has since become uneven and bumpy. Also, I have a problematic spot on my chin under my lips that I've had since my teens, where the pores are constantly congested and most impurities appear. I want it to finally fade, hence the purchase of AHA products. 

Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner 
A toner with glycolic, tartaric and salicylic acid that provides gentle exfoliation. Despite the alcohol it's not drying, in fact I find it quite moisturising. The scent is very gentle and clean. So far I've only used it twice, therefore I can't say much about the result yet. I plan to use it a few days a week. I couldn't find it cheaper online, so I got it in Műller for 33.95€, but I had a discount, otherwise I wouldn't splurge so easily. I'm hoping it will help me get rid of the dry patches and make my skin more even.

That little pot is a sample of Dior Nude BB cream in 001. It's the lightest shade which is pink toned, but suits me very well. The finish is semi-matte and it holds oiliness at bay, however, it has some radiance to it. Actually, it looks like healthy skin and is not perceivable on the skin at all. It blends in so easily, just melts into the skin and doesn't leave it tacky at all. The coverage is light and it evens out the skin really nicely. It reminds me a lot of Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, but is less radiant. If you find HMS too radiant and you want something more matte, you should check it out. I would buy full size if it weren't so darn expensive.

REN Resurfacing AHA Concentrate 
Another AHA product, but more potent than the Clarins toner. I was choosing between this and the infamous mask. I decided to get the serum, because I am really lazy when it comes to masks. It's a very light serum that has glycolic, tartaric acid and hyluronic acid. I find that it doesn't tingle, but my skin isn't sensitive at all and it smells nice, like orange vodka. I've been using it the last couple of days and my skin is definitely improving in a sense that it's clearer and more even. As with the Clarins toner, I plan to use it a few times a week. I got it from HqHair for 30€ because I actually had a handsome discount code (It costs 56€ in Müller!)

La Roche Posay Nutritic Intense
I'm not sure about this one. I ran out of Ombia Hyaluron Gel which was a really lame product (sorry to anyone who likes it), so I needed something new. Originally, I wanted the Eucerin Aquaporin light again, because I really liked it, but I asked my mom to go to the pharmacy for me and the pharmacist recommended this one instead. It's definitely nice, light yet very moisturising, a great base for makeup and smells lovely, however, I think it might be clogging my pores (I've had it the longest out of all the new products). Though, I don't recall any product ever clogging my pores and it could be a result of something else. I'll keep using it and report later.

Sun Dance Mattierendes Sonnenfluid SPF 30 (Mattifying fluid) 
I like it. I'm not sure about the filters, but it's light and doesn't leave my skin too tacky (I try to use a much as possible, but not the recommended 1 teaspoon. Have you any idea how much product that is!). It's not a matte finish, it still has a bit of a shine, but nothing like regular sunscreens. The bottle is nice, sleek and easy to carry in your pocket if you want to. 50ml costs only 2.95€

Balea Fiji Passionfruit (0.85€)

I finally found the third shower gel from this year's LE. I was most excited about this one from the start because I love passion fruit. It is a fresh version of a passion fruit scent  opposed to Fructis Fruity Passion shampoo which is sweeter. I reviewed the other two here.

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor
Not the latest news from our neighbouring country, but Croatian DM's started selling Aussie (as did German DM's). My cousin was kind enough to get it for me. Before Slovene girls get excited, according to DM Slovenia facebook page, there are no plans to sell Ausie here. I was surprised to learn it costs 9€ (70kn), which is really expensive for drugstore. It smells like Hubba-Bubba fruit fantasy bubble gum tape. It's a nice conditioner, but I find the Dove 1 Minute Oil care better and cheaper (for really dry hair, of course). 

Washcloths or flannels
I had a few already, but now I saw they have mint ones. I adore mint green can you tell? I wet the flannel with hot water and use it to take off the cleanser. This provides gentle exfoliation. I used to use just regular towels, but this is easier. Btw, we don't use fabric softener when we wash towels in our house and I like my towels rough (and it's a free exfoliator).

So yeah, a lot of new products in my skin care routine. It might backfire or it might turn out great. I'd like to hear your recommendations for products that work well on dehydrated combination/dry skin, especially some nice toners and moisturisers. Have a great day!

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  1. Uuu Ren izdelek :) Ojoj tega se pa res ne splača kupovati v Mullerju! x

    1. Cene v Müllerju so obupne! Ne vem kako so prišli do njih.

  2. Tale Ren so mi že parkrat ponujali v Mullerju in se sliši super...ampak 60€ je pa res malo too much. Še dobro da si ga kupila online. Me zanima če deluje za hiperpigmentacijo...
    Poglej na sestavine sončne kreme če ima filtre v nano delcih - boš takoj vedla če je za kej :)

    1. V našem Müllerju sem mogla prav iskat ta REN, je čisto skrit praktično. Cene na netu so pa veliko, veliko nižje tudi brez popustov. Za hiperpigmentacijo ne vem če ima kakšnen učinek, sama je nimam tako da ne morem poročat. Poglej kakšne ocene od drugih, jih je kar nekaj :)

  3. Joj, same zanimive stvari. Sumim, da si se ti nekje dokopala do mojega seznama želja, ker imaš vsakič ful izdelkov iz tega seznama :D.

    Definitivno komi čakam oceno REN aha seruma, pa hvala za informacijo o Loreal vit. C toniku- moram jit preverit!

    Jaz sem si pa zadnjič v DMu kupila microfiber krpice v DMu, zaenkrat so super, je moj dragi zadnjič pohvalil, da imam zelo mehko kožo :D.

    Pa vse pohvale, za vlaganje v kožo, se mi zdi, da se ljudje pri nas sploh ne zavedajo, da je to pomembno.

    1. No, saj veš kako pravijo: great minds think alike :D Sem pa prebrala en kup ocen in imam še stvari na wishlisti.
      Bom poročala po daljši uporabi kako se vse obnese. Za L'Orealov tonik sem se pa zanašala tudi na tvojo objavo o vitaminu C.
      Sem se mogla malo zbudit in bolj poskrbet za kožo. Itak se trapasta, brez problema kupim en drag balzam, za kreme mi je pa takoj preveč.

  4. ojla..! naj ti prvo povem, da maš super recenzije in jih z zadovoljstvom berem..! sploh izdelke za nego las.. tko da mam (obviously) vprašanje/statement tudi glede aussie-ja. naturally sm ratala mal obsedena s 3 minute miracle-om, sm pa prebirala na hrvaški šminkerici ob postu, ko je k njim prišel aussie asortiman, da punce niso ravno najbolj zadovoljne, ker se jim ne zdi opevani 3 minute nič posebnega. mene pa bega druga stvar - jaz sem prvega dobila aprila za r.d. in je bil v vijolični tubi, vonj sploh ne bi komentirala, ker sem totalno hooked on it, samo (!) it really works for me. mislim, ni se mi skladal dejstvo, kako je zame dober, s tem, kakšne so bile recenzije teh deklet. in potem so razvile debato, da se domnevno za trge vzhodno-evropskih držav (vsaj za dm-e) proizvaja drufgorazredna kozmetika/preparativa, kar naj bi potrdila tudi ena izmed prijateljic neke komentatorke, ki dela v avstrijskem dm-u (god, excuse me for so much blabber).. skratka - a se vam zdi to verjetno ali ne..? jaz sem se potem na podlagi tega odločila, da si na ebayu privoščim zalogo "ta vijolčnih" 3 minute miracle reconstructerjev, ker nisem hotela tvegat "falsiejev" iz hrvaške.
    na sploh - kakšna je razlika med belo in vijolično tubo, je komu kaj jasno..?
    še enkrat - oprosti za ogromen komentar, sam to je res izdelek, ki mi je top in tudi rada slišim, če kdo kaj več ve o tem. :D
    lep dan

    1. Hvala za pohvale :). Glede Aussieja pa je možno, da se za ameriški trg dela malo drugačne. Ta, ki sem ga kupila na Hrvaškem piše, da je narejen v Veliki Britaniji. Lahko, da so sestavine drugačne, ker ima EU svoje zakone glede sestavin, naprimer pri nas se ne sme prodajati izdelke z benzyol peroxide, ki je sestavina ki funkcionira proti aknam, zato so razlike med ameriško verzijo La Roche Posayevega Effaclair Duo in našo evropsko. Čisto možno je, da delajo drugačno mešanico sestavin za različne trge, samo v same razlike se pa nisem poglabljala. Glede barv tub se mi pa zdi, da so začeli prenavljat embalaže pa očitno še ni povsod na voljo, ker stare tube so bile vse bele.

      Meni je balzam všeč, samo po mojih izkušnjah obstajajo bolj hranilni in cenejši izdelki v naših drogerijah. Diši pa seveda mega :)

  5. wau, ful dobre NP, vse je čist zakon :D

  6. Hi, do you wear contact lenses? :)

  7. Are they coloured? Because your eyes have beautiful colour, so it would be perfect if I can actually buy it for me haha :D

    1. No, it's my natural eye colour :) And thank you :)

  8. Kakšno srečno naključje. Sem ravno v fazi brskanja za novo mat kremo za sončenje in sem si že mislila kupit eno od Bioderme pa bom raje tole iz DM.

    1. Sicer ni pretirano mat (še iščem tako ki je), ampak je čisto spodobna ta tako ceno :)

    2. Sem bila danes v Dm-u pa je bil tale fluid čisto izropan, ni zame nič ostalo :(

      Sem si potem nabavila od Lavazona isto fluid s faktorjem 30 pa da vidimo

    3. V NM ga še imajo, vsaj nazadnje ko sem bila je bil. Drugače se mi pa zdi od Lavazona čisto podoben, vsaj kolikor sem gledala sestavine, razlika je bolj v ceni :)

  9. Odgovori
    1. hvala! : )
      še OT - tudi jaz sem totalno nezadovoljna z novo L'orealovo embalažo. Kupila sem odstranjevalec MU in se zliva vse povsod mimo vatke. Res ne vem, kaj so razmišljali....
