Sundance Getöntes Sonnenfluid SPF 30 (Tinted Sunscreen)

nedelja, maj 25, 2014

I love this! Who would have thought that I'll find a sunscreen that I actually love wearing and it's reasonably priced.

It has a liquid, light lotion-type texture that is very easy to apply and it's even lighter than their mattifying version. You can apply a lot and it doesn't feel suffocating at all, moreover, you can't even feel that you're wearing it. The colour is about NC/W20 with a neutral undertone, but very sheer and it gives only a hint colour. Due to the tint, there is no white cast and it has almost none of the sunscreen shine. The finish it leaves is actually very normal, light moisturiser-like, so no excessive shine and no stickiness or any of that sunscreen faff. You don't even have to use powder if your skin isn't the oily type, but I do powder my shiny T-zone because I do that anyway. I love wearing it as a no-make up look with a bit of concealer, but it works well as a base with all foundations I own.

It smells lovely as well, not at all like chemical sunscreen as the mattifying version, but fruity-floral. It protects the skin very well as tested working in the field in high sun for hours and it didn't sweat off proved by a tan-tinted cotton pad at the end of the day. However, I should tell you that I can stand in the sun without protection for hours and my skin does change colour neither to tan or red (how weird is that? I've been slightly red a handful of times in my life and you know how pale I am).

The packaging is a small, squeeze tube made from hard plastic that is great for carrying in a pocket or a bag for reapplication.

Ingredients for those who are interested (I stopped worrying a long time ago):

It's sold in DMs and it costs 3.69 €.

I love pretty much every thing about it: how light it feels, the scent, the neutral-and-not-at-all-orange tint (though if it were more pigmented, it'd be too dark for me at the moment) and the non-shiny finish. I still use the mattifying version on my décolletage especially when I wear light clothes. It says on the box it's LE, but I truly hope they make it permanent.
By the way, I love it more that the Garnier's Miracle Cream, which also has a tint and SPF, but that's a review for another day.

Have a great day!

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  1. Awesome that it's tinted! I hate having to skip foundation when I'm on summer holiday, but this could be the perfect solution.

    1. I agree and the shade isn't weird orange as most tinted sunscreens :)

  2. tole grem pa v petek iskat :D Bom obe sprobala na roki pa se odločila katera bo boljša zame :D

    1. Samo testerjev nimajo, kar je res trapasto glede na to, da je obarvana sončna krema :/

  3. uuu tole pa mora iti pogledat. superca. :) xoxo

  4. This sounds like a great summer product! I'm bummed we don't have DM here because it sounds perfect.

    1. Oh, that's a shame. Then maybe give Garnier's Miracle Cream a go, since it has SPF 20 and it's tinted as well. It's not as light, but still feels nice on the skin. The tint is more orange and more pigmented, so it needs more careful blending, but it still nice enough :)

  5. Zanimivo, sploh nisem vedela, da obstajajo obarvane sončne kreme. Mogoče veš, zakaj so obarvane in kaj naj bi bila njihova prednost pred običajnimi kremami?

    1. Ponavadi so obarvane zato da ne pustijo belih sledi za sabo in pa da malo izenačijo ten/dajo malo barve. So pa večinoma za obraz :)

    2. Hvala za odgovor. Sedaj vem, nekaj več in me že mika, da bi jo nabavila :)

  6. si ga bom prov kupila, ga rabim že za nasledni vikend :D

  7. Wow, zelo lep review! Če ne bi imela Biodermine BB kreme z enako visokim SPFjem, bi jo gotovo nabavila. Ko jo porabim, zveni kar sanjsko. Priznam, da teh cenejših SPF krem več ne gledam, ker nikdar nisem bila zadovoljna z njimi, kar posegam po lekarniških, ampak tale me je pa kar premamila, sploh ker je obarvana.

    1. Jaz pa pravzaprav zase nisem nikoli kupila lekarniško sončno kremo, pa nimam posebnega razloga zakaj. Sta mi pa te dve od Sundance res všeč in zdaj načrtujem kupit še eno za telo v spreju, ki diši po tropskem sadju :).

  8. Ooo ful dobra objava, sem kar vesela...sem gledala v petek pa nisem vedla a bi vzela...jutri skočim po njo ker grem v torek na morje :D

    1. O, super :) Upam, da boš imela lepo vreme :D Uživaj :)

  9. Odličen opis:) Zelo mi je všeč to, da praviš, da ni nekega shine-a in lepljivosti. Pa tudi zanimivo, da je obarvana - sploh super za na bazen ali morje:)

    1. Res se ne čuti čisto nič lepljivosti in sijaja tudi ni kaj dosti, pa mene te stvari res motijo. Skratka meni je super :)

  10. Ful dobro, hvala za info! Sedaj je moja stalnica sončna krema in če zaradi tega ne bom rabila več nositi pudra čez bom tudi ful ful vesela! Grem v nabavoooo...
