Essence Merry Berry TE - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Essence Merry Berry TE

sreda, november 04, 2015

After Kiko released the stunning Romantic Rebel collection, Essence pulled all the stops as well and released probably the most impressive collection so far, but definitely at least this year. It's not just the packaging that caught my (and probably other people's) eye, but the colour selection is actually so much prettier in person than it was on the press release. For one lipsticks completely passed me by when I saw them online, but they turned out to be just my colours. I got five bits from this collection, two nail polishes with the matching lipsticks and the hair mist. There are several other products available, the most visually interesting one is the scented gold dust powder, also the highlighter looked pretty and the gold topper, which is the product Essence releases traditionally every year. 

 02 pink & perfect and 03 red rocks
2.49 €
It's kind of a norm that Essence releases much better lipsticks in their limited editions than they are in their regular lines and these are no exceptions. In fact, I'd go as far as calling these pretty good and you know how unimpressed I am about Essence's lipsticks. The feeling of the formula is the same as at at their regular Longlasting lipsticks, so a light, creamy formula that is almost full-coverage (needs about two layers), but the staying power is much, much better, especially at the 02 pink & perfect shade, which actually leaves a stain. The latter also survives lunch and only a portion of the colour rubs off, but it still looks even. I am genuinely impressed, at least as far as my experience with this brand goes. Now why can't Essence have such lipsticks in their standard line? Red Rocks is a bit less impressive in terms of staying power, but it's still much better that Longlasting ones. There is another shade in this collection called 01 let’s the berry-tales begin and it's the darkest in the bunch, but I found it too purple. Ana got almost the entire collection and you can check it out here.

02 pink & perfect 
It's a fuchsia shade, that has that tinge of purple, but it doesn't match the tube (nor the nails polish of course). It's somewhere between cool and a warm toned, it actually depends on your undertone how it will end up looking, but on me it's already more on the cool side. As I said in my description of the formula above, this shade stains. I pair it with Longlasting pencil 03 Yummy Berry, which is a bit different, but for fixing up the edges it works just fine. The corresponding nail polish is much darker and more purple, but these still look good together. 

03 Red Rocks

This one looks miles away from what they described it in the press release, therefore the name is highly confusing. It's not red at all, in fact it's a beautiful magenta. It reminds me a bit of Mac's All Fired up and I adore such shades. I think they should include this in their standard line. The official description also says it's a matte and that's also a lie. All the lipsticks have the same creamy formula. 

 Nail Polish

03 pink & perfect and 04 red rocks
Müller, € 1.49
Starting out with the obvious, the packaging is of course absolutely divine. It's not the first time Cosnova made such bottles, also Revlon's Parfumerie are very similar, and I just love this oriental ball cap design. The cap actually isn't hard to hold at all, which is something I was a bit concerned about. The brushes are a bit wider than usual and cut very straight, the latter is a bit annoying to me, but not too much. I have to say these are hard to apply without making a mess, it's the slightly wider brush in combination with the thicker formula that is causing me problems on my narrow nails. Otherwise they both look excellent on the nails. 

03 pink & perfect
I looove this colour. It's so me. I speak often how much I love warm purple shades and this one is perfect. It's similar to Bahama Mama by Essie, but a shade or two lighter and not as vampy. The formula is thick as I said before and very pigmented, so one coat gets you perfect full coverage and it evens itself out. However, it's more prudent to not use thick coats like me, but do two thin coats, to avoid a mess.  

 04 red rocks

This one is already a bit closer to red than the lipstick, but I'm again on the fence of actually calling it red. There is a lot of pink in it, so it ends up looking almost summery. I think Essence had at least one similar shade BBC Pink Heat from the Bondi Beach Collection TE (2011) and the formulas are very alike as well. It's again a very pigmented formula, but thinner than pink & perfect. One coat does leave you with almost full coverage and an even finish, but the ends still peak though a bit. 

Hair fragrance
01 I Love my Golden Pumps

I never owned such a product before, so I just got it out of curiosity. It's meant also as a  sort of a leave-in conditioner plus a hair frangrance, but judging from the ingredients, not much effort was put into realizing the hair care idea. Ok, so they stuck in some glycerine, but why is alcohol in the second place? Anyway, there is also some shimmer inside, which is actually very easy to miss do to small quantity. The scent might remind old Essence fans of the Vampire Love fragrance (you remember that Twillight collection from 2011?) and it's a fruity-gourmand scent, with an emphasis mostly on juicy fruit (I think it's kiwi) and some warm sugary base. It's very teenagey, but cute. In regards to being similar to Fantasy - I compared the two side by side and yes, it has that vibe, but it's fruitier and it has almost none of that vanilla/cupcake note in it. Due to the fact it's meant also as a hair care product, it's not as light as an actual fragrance, but it's also nowhere near to an intensive care. Ingredients here.
Müller, 3.79€

Did you get anything from this collection or do you plan to? 

Have a great day!

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  1. Vijolična šminka in lakec <3

    Joj, kje jaz falim tole kolekcijo... Nikjer je še nisem zasledila.

    1. Bo zihr v DM-ih, Leclercu, Tuš Drogerijah, Beauty Word drogerijah in na Click2Chic. Zihr boš nekje našla :)

  2. Več kot krasna objava, Mateja ! Jaz sem si privoscila vse razen lakov in najtemnejse sminke. Drugace pa prečudovite slike delas !

    1. Hvala <3 Meni so pa ravno laki najlepši :D Sploh pink& perfect mi je perfekten :)

  3. love some berry shades on you - you look gorgeous!

  4. Odgovori
    1. Do you plan on getting anything? You get the current TE's in Poland, right?

  5. Uau, res hudi izdelki :) Zarad tele LE kolekcije mi je res žal zarad mojega no-makeup challenga, ampak upam da preživim :) Kakšen lakec pa definitivno pade pod roke, ker so res luštni. Mi že dolgo ni bila tako všeč kakšna LE, kot mi je tale ;)

    1. Zdaj bom sneaky rekla, da si bi na tvojem mestu privoščila eno mini stvar, ker tale kolekcije verjetno še dolgo ne bo :D Ampak ti se kar drži spending bana :)

  6. You have a beautiful post, dear! :)
    Thank you, keep in touch with you! I love reading your blog! )))

  7. Prekrasni odtenki. In vsi ti lepo pašejo. Sem jo danes občudovala v Mullerju, kupila pa nič, imam strikten no buy :)

  8. Sicer sem na no-buy, ampak Pink & perfect šminka me bo pa mogoče celo prepričala <3

    1. A ste vse na no-buy, ko pride najlepša možna kolekcija ven :D Dobre ste :)

  9. Joj, jaz sem si kar pol kolekcije privoščila. S strinjam s tabo, Essence res daje bolj kvalitetne šminke v LE. Sicer sem Petri rekla, naj mi Red Rocks ne vzame, ker sem mislila, da bo rdeča, ampak ful lepo izgleda na tebi. Čeprav po drugi strani je to tak odtenek, da že ziher mam kaj podobnega. Za hair fragnance se pa strinjam, negovalen ni, čeprav meni prekrasno diši. :)

    P.S. Ravno danes sem v Müllerju kupila tale šeleshamer z zvezdicami. Saj se mi je zdelo, da mi je od nekje moral ostati v spominu, ampak do te objave nisem povezala, da sem ga že pri tebi videla. :)

    1. Zihr imaš :) Npr. tisto iz Catrice Lumination kolekcije. Mene so samo ti dve šminki pritegnili, ampak šele ko sem jih videla v živo, za lake sem pa vnaprej načrtovala, da jih bom vzela. Dišava za lase mi je bila tudi zanimiva že prej, ampak zdaj pa ne vem če sem to res pametno naredila in jo vzela. Nočem, da mi nekje konča pozabljena, čeprav lepo diši.

      Ja, ti šeleshamerji so čisto novi. Res mi je všeč, sem ga isto sekundo zarinila v košaro ko sem ga videla :D

  10. Super slike in res lepi swatchi <3
    Pa hvala za omembo <3

    1. Hvala <3 Ni zakaj :D. Mislim, da si celo edina, ki imaš v angleščini opisano celo kolekcijo :)

  11. These look amazing! I think now I'm totally right when I say that Essence has totally stepped up its game lately. Amazing! Not sure about the hair fragrance, though :D but great post :) xx


    1. They are gradually improving, but I still feel they are a very hit-or-miss brand. But with this collection it's obvious they really worked on the formulas :)

      I'm not too sure about the hair fragrance either. Maybe if it didn't have so much alcohol, but then the scent would evaporate so effectively.

      Thank you :)

  12. Tokrat je Essence res naredil čudovito LE. Pa še pri dizjanu so se potrudili kot vedno. Perfektna božična darila, čeprav se mi zdi, da so malo prehitro v trgovinah :). Obe šminki ti odlično pašeta. Res tvoji odtenki :) <3
    Od lakov imam samo pink and perfect in ko sem ga preizkusila sem takoj pomislila na Bahama Mama, čeprav ga nimam :). Formula je odlična, ne bi nikoli rekla, da gre za Essence. Nadlak se ful vesela da sem dobila. Zdaj sem si zaželela še ta hair fragrance, ampak ne vem kaj bi alkohol zdaj naredil za moje suhe lase :/. Mika me samo zaradi vonja.
    Ful lepe fotke kot vedno ;)

    1. Točno to mene moti, da je v začetku novembra mišljena kot božična kolekcija. Jaz jo kar ne štejem kot božično.
      Hvala <3
      Sem imela Bahama Mama gor preden sem prvič dala gor pink & perfect in sta res podobna odtenka, ampak ta je svetlejši. Pa Bahama Mama je kind-of a jelly finiš, ta je pa kremni. Nadlak imam pa še tistega iz Metal kolekcije pa ga nikoli ne nosim. Moram ga od nekje skopat ven :D

      Prav hecen je tale spray. Po eni strani se čuti ta alkohol kako ti že skoraj izsuši, ampak je hkrati kot nekakšno čudno olje, ampak ne tiste fine vrste kot Orofluido Sahara, pač je čuden. Nekako samo sedi na laseh, ampak po parih urah pa ni sledu za njim na mojih laseh. Glede na to koliko alkohola ima, je že kot parfum in je verjetno isto, kot če bi se s pravim špricala, ampak je potem veliko lažji občutek na laseh.

      Pa hvala :)

  13. The packaging looks miles better than what they have been coming up with plus I really liked both the lipsticks. I will try some and yes the nail polish does look similar to Revlon Perfumery ones, similar but cute!

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I wish they did something special to the lipstick's packaging too :)

  14. Jaz sem pa kupila samo highlighter in Purple with purpose lak, zdaj morem samo najdit še Pink & Perfect lak...Ostalo me nekako ni pritegnilo, čeprav na tebi pa vse krasno izgleda, sploh šminki :)

    1. Mene senčila niso pritegnila, highlighter se pa gledala, samo nočem imet enega iz LE. Če bom že kupila enega, bom takega, ki je res dober :)
      Pa hvala :)

  15. Hi! I found your blog when I was googling some Essie nail polish shades and started to read your other posts, too. I live in Austria (but I am a Finn) so the fact I get all the products you are writing about from here too is great! I also love the fact that you are writing in English so the readers outside of Slovenia understand your blog, too. Definitely start to follow! :)

    1. Hi, Aino! I'm so glad you like my blog :D Yeah, I write mostly about the products that are sold in DM, Műller and those that are just available around here :)
      If you're looking for more bloggers similar to me, may suggest checking under my Blogs I Heart page, you'll find some excellent bloggers who are also from around here and they write in English ;)

  16. Dear Mateja, I found your blog recently and I absolutely love it! You have really nice photos and you tell every little detail that I'm interested in. Also, great quality swatches. Keep up the good work! Best regards from Croatia :) :*

    1. Thank you so much <3 It's so good to hear that my work is appreciated :)

  17. These kind of colors always look so stunning on you!

    1. Thank you :) I particularly love Red rocks shade :)

  18. S to kolekcijo pa so res zadeli :D Jaz sem tudi pograbila šminke in lake za nohte, temu se ni dalo upret :P Očitno so imeli pri Cosnovi dober mesec, trenutna LE od Catrice Alluring Reds je tudi dobra...mat šminke so odličnee :D

    1. Se strinjam :) Odlične stvari imajo zadnje čase :)

  19. wide range of lipstick.
    more attractive colors wondeful.

  20. Jaz sem kupila oba laka. Ok, sicer so res lepe flaške ampak bolje če nebi kupila, ker že imam oba odtenka.
    Essie watermelon in Deborah shine tech 28 (chanel april dupe) - to je mega hitro primerjano, ker se mi je mudilo v službo (+ vreme) ampak se mi zdijo praktično identični.
    Upam, da bo vsaj katera od 'no buy' punc vesela informacije :)

    1. Sem preverila še sama, ker imam Watermelon in sta podobna, ampak je od Essence malo bolj rdeč :) Od Deborah pa nimam :) Hvala za informacijo, bo marsikateri prav prišla :)
