L'Oreal Super Liner So Couture

petek, februar 13, 2015

If you've seen one of my New in posts, where this liner first appeared on my blog, you might have been clued in that this won't a terribly positive review. This is without a doubt the worst liner I've ever tried and it makes me madder than it should, mostly because I paid 10 € for a liner with which I could never do anything more than a grey, smudged out line. Such felt tip liners, though they aren't rare in our drugstores, the ones we have here mostly have very oddly shaped nibs that don't look precise enough, so I quickly dismiss them, however, this one seemed very promising. I have a couple of my favourite felt tip liners, Kardashian Beauty's Deeply Felt and L'Oreal's Super Liner Perfect Slim, which I can only get online as for some reason L'Oreal only sells the So Couture version in our drugstores. 

The very first use should have been a clue already, but I just assumed that some ill-mannered person had placed a used liner at the back of the line and forgot to close it well. I always take the product that is either at the back or somewhere in the middle, since some people have a hard time grasping what testers are for, though I do understand them in a way, as testers can be quite disgusting sometimes, but in this case there was no tester to begin with. When I came home to use it, it was completely dry. I tried shaking it and stored it downwards for a couple of hours, but it didn't help much. There was steam coming from my ears, I was that mad. I went back to replace it and they replaced it with no problems, but placed the one I returned back on the stand (*awkward cricket sound*). This one seemed to work on the back of my hand, though admittedly the formula wasn't nearly as black or pigmented as Super Slim's. But when I went to do my liner, it ran dry before I even had a chance to finish it. I tried shaking it and it helped at bit, but it was soon dry again. I must shake it constantly to get the nib saturated with product and sometimes it's so dry I can't do anything. It's just a nightmare to work with. Seriously, all my old liners are blacker and more fluid that this as you'll see in the picture. I got Kardashian's liner last year in September, L'Oreal's in August, Manhattan's in July and only Essence's is new. There is no picture of L'Oreal's on the eyes as I couldn't even do a decent line.

The nib is the smallest out of the liners I've tried, which I expected to really like, but it's not as easy to draw an even line as with for example Perfect Slim. But it is handy if you want to create very small, intricate designs, at least it would be if it were pigmented enough. I still like Kardashian's Beauty's nib best.

Is it possible I had bad luck twice with this liner and got both that were already almost dry? Perhaps. But I'm not willing to give it any other chance. Based on my experience with the Perfect Slim, I expected the same pigmented, excellent formula, but what I got was a whole lot of bother. At 9.99 € per liner, even if I did buy it with a discount, this was a major disappointment. If only I knew I would be wasting 10 € on something so useless, I would just taken a much cheaper Essence liner or order online instead. I recently bought one from Essence and it performs a million times better for one third of the price. But I'll be sticking to Perfect Slim or Deeply Felt in the future.

Have a great day!

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  1. That grey line is extremely disappointing =/

  2. Res zanimivo, da se ta dva od L'oreala takoo razlikujeta med sabo. Je pa res grozno, da plačaš 10€ za komaj viden izdelek...

    1. Ne vem sploh v čem je fora dveh različnih formul. Saj sta že aplikatorja dosti drugačna, da bi ju lahko imeli za različna izdelka. Itak pa ne vem če kje prodajajo oba naenkrat v isti državi? Še zdaj sem jezna zaradi teh 10 €.

  3. Omg, the hand swatch of this liner looks terrible... My Rimmel Scandaleyes doesn't look that bad after a year of using (not everyday, of course). Too bad you got so much disappointed :( I'm not a fan of felt tip liners, I just need a flexible brush to be able to make an even line.

    1. The first ever liner that I bought a year ago doesn't look as bad as this. It's just a complete disappointment :(

  4. Jaz sem pa za tega mislila, da je tisti, ki ga hvališ in sem ga kupila. Zdaj vidim, da ni :D 100% si dobila neko čudno verzijo, moj je res lepo črn, niti približno tak kot ta tvoj :/Si mela res smolo. Tudi z aplikacijo ni problemov, edino meni je bolj všeč malo debelejša črta, tako, da naslednjič spet kupim Blackbuster, ki je debelejši.

    1. Perfect Slim sploh ni pri nas, razen na Salmi :)
      Saj glede na to kakšno srečo imam v lajfu, se ne bi ravno čudila, da sem dobila dva zanič/posušena linerja. Ampak ga vseeno ne bom več kupila. Če bi imeli selotejp gor ali kaj podobnega, potem pa že. Blackbuster se pa meni zdi prevelik za moje oči, but I could be wrong :)

  5. Ah naše drogerije. Škoda zapravljanja besed. In da dajo uporabljen izdelek kar nazaj na polico?! Meni se zdi,da našim prodajalcem ne bi škodilo kakšno predavanje o higieni in bakterijah. Zato pa ni lepšega kot naročati preko spleta. Nihče ti ne ponuja nekaj kar te ne zanima,nihče ti ne gleda pod prste in vsi izdelki so garantirano novi in zapakirani:)

    1. Amen, sister... Meni je skoraj čeljust po tleh padla, ko sem videla, da je dala eyeliner kar nazaj na polico, pa sem se raje zadržala, ker sem bila že preveč jezna. Kinda lost faith in humanity :/. Se popolnoma strinjam glede naročanja z internetnih trgovin - veliko bolj udobno in zanesljivo :). Samo kar moraš paket čakat, pa še kaj se zgubi in ti požre živce.

  6. Priporočam da preizkusiš od Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner, ko bo na FeelUnique spet kakšna akcija (ali pa če ga najdeš kje drugje). Imam ga že pribl. pol leta in se že ni posušil, nanaša se zelo enostavno in enakomerno in je resnično črne barve.

    1. Ga imam že od prej na wishlisti in sem ga hotela kupit, ko so imeli za novo leto popuste na Feel Unique, pa ga ni bilo na zalogi :) Me zelo mika :)

  7. L'oreal's liner swatch is absolutely horrendous and I can see what you mean by it not being black enough. Sorry that this product was a downer. Anyways I love your blog Mateja. This is the first time I'm commenting but I've been reading your blog since 2013. Keep up the good work:)


    1. Hi, nice to hear from you for the first time :) I'm glad you're enjoying my blog :)

      I wouldn't be so angry if it took, lets say, about a month for the liner to be so dry. But right out of the shop?! Twice. Unbelievable.

  8. Vidim, da si bila pridna, cel teden bom brala poste, da pridem na tekoče. :D Tako da če boš dobivala komentarje na zelo stare prispevke, ne biti presenečena, nisem stalker, samo osvežujem svoje bloganje. ;) Tale L'oreal je res katastorfa in tudi sama bi bila prepričana, da sem kupila uporabljen svinčnik, ki je bil slabo zaprt. :/ Sploh zdaj, ko sem za praktično isto ceno odkrila Marie Christine eyelinerje, ki so tako obstojni, da so v bistvu že preveč obstojni. Priporočam preizkušnjo, ko boš naslednjič v Avstriji. :)

    1. Redkokdaj sem doživela tako razočaranje nad izdelkom. Tole je bil celo prvi, ki sem ga sploh šla zamenjat :/ Za Marie Christine pa še nisem slišala, si bom nekam zapisala :) Tako bi šla rada v Avstrijo ali pa vsaj v Zagreb, pa v Kiko prvič pogledat :/

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  10. Wow the swatch of the L'Oreal liner.. it almost doesn't show up! How disappointing :/ x

  11. Omg, I was also so disappointed with Loreal liner for that price, I thought they sold me a used one :/

