Kiko Nail Lacquer 345 Jade Green

četrtek, april 02, 2015

Of course I couldn't go though checkout when doing my Kiko order without a mint green nail polish in the basket and I've chosen, what I believe is, their lightest version of the shade. Jade Green is a similar colour to the much more famous Mint Candy Apple, but it is a bit greener and less bright, so it's almost something like a "dirty" mint green. Obviously I love it to death (my mint green obsession is well known and substantiated by my pinterest board. And my clothes. And bedroom. I digress...).

The formula is much better than Candy Apple's. It's still a pastel formula, but one that is opaque in two coats and it kind of evens itself out after a few seconds, so the finish isn't as streaky as at MCA and you don't have to pile on coats to achieve a smooth finish. The brush is a good one and applies the product well. 

 Though I get asked about it a lot, I don't like to discuss staying power because pretty much everything lasts ages on my nails (I planted a field of potato with this nail polish and the nail polish didn't chip one bit. My nails are just really healthy and strong). I usually change the colour after a week when my nails grow too much. This is no exception, but I did notice that it lasts longer that Mint Candy Apple, though bear in mind my Essie is ancient in nail polish years (nearing its fifth year I believe). By the way, the pictures of the nail polish on the nails were taken on the third day because I forgot before.

Nail polish costs 3.90 € in Kiko shops and on their international website. I would definitely like to try more of their nail polishes as they have an amazing shade range and I really like the formula.

Have a great day!

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  1. Prekrasen je. <3 Jaz imam preveč mint lakov. Sem se sedaj odločila, da vsaj 3 porabim do konca to leto. :D

    1. Sploh ne vem, če sem že porabila kakšen lak do konca z izjemo prozornih :D Ti zavidam tvojo mint zbirko :)

  2. Krasen odtenek, ga imam tudi sama. Itak pa Kiko laki nasploh <3

    1. Ti imaš še to srečo, da lahko vse barve v živo vidiš :)

  3. So jealous of your strong nails!! Can you maybe do a nailrountine or something? Or is it just genetic? Lucky you then!! I love Kiko polishes, they don't have any downside to me!

    1. I literally don't do anything for my nails apart from trim them :) There really is no special care, not even a hand cream :)
      If all nail polishes from Kiko are like this one, then they must be great :)

  4. Not my shade, but I like it! I own two Kiko nail polishes and they're pretty nice :)

    1. I'm a complete sucker for mint green shades :) I've checked their other colours online and loved a lot of them :)

  5. Hello, I have a question totally not related to this article. After your post on Catrice Illuminating Blushes, I bought Coral Me Maybe. Last week I wanted to buy another, but I've found out that there is a "new version". And, in my opinion, the new shades are different than the old ones. Anyone else noticed this? So, I was wondering if you are willing to write a comparison article on this.

    1. I've seen the new design, but I never swatched them as I just assumed they are the same. Too bad if they really changed them :( Since I don't have the new version, I can't write a comparison and I don't intend to buy the new one as I buy things for myself and not for my blog :)

  6. Uh, mint laki <3 Zdaj je pomlad, bo spet samo mint na mojih nohtih ;) - kot vsako leto =P Pa vsako leto si vsaj enega novega kupim, ki je za po stopinje odtenka drugačen(beri, samo jaz vidim, da ni isti kot tisti od lani =P). Ma, ne morem se jim upret. In tale tvoje je res čudovit ;)
    xoxo, Nyx

    1. Potem si deliva navdušenje nad mint laki :) Jaz kupujem nove tudi zaradi tega, da najdem najboljšo formulo in mislim, da je tale še najboljša :)

  7. What an interesting shade. I quite like it.

  8. Meni so njihovi laki super, sem se pa zdaj čisto zagledala v tale odtenek. Si ga morem zapisat :)

    1. Sem videla, da je že pristal na tvoji wishlisti :) Prekrasen je :)

  9. Čudovit odtenek! It screams you!:))

  10. It's such a great color, and looks much better on your nails :)
