Phillip Kingsley Elasticizer

nedelja, april 05, 2015

When it comes to high-end hair care, Elasticizer is one of the most recommended and praised products in the business. The sheer amount of positive feedback pretty much everywhere combined with the high price of the product set my bar of expectations very high and yet I was let down.

Elasticizer is a pre-wash treatment meaning it's meant to be used on damp hair before shampooing. The instructions on the tube recommend leaving it on for 10-20 minutes, but on their website they also recommend leaving it overnight if your hair is very damaged. 

It feels like a standard creamy conditioner and it's easy to spread on damp hair. I detect no scent, which to me is a bit disappointing, but I know a lot of people hate scented products. I used this in both recommended ways, one was for 20 minutes before washing and it didn't wow me as it should for such an expensive product. The second time I left it on overnight and the results failed to impress me as well. The hair felt silky when I was rinsing it off, but that was no different to if I just used a regular conditioner before shampooing. And that was the entire extend of the effects. I haven't noticed any excellent hydration or nourishment that would differ from using just my regular (drugstore) conditioners. Claims include improved manageability of the hair and shine, but my hair didn't benefit much from either. There is a possibility that this is the type of product that needs time and proves beneficial after an extended regular use, however, to be completely honest, I expected a lot more from such an expensive product in terms of immediate effects. Considering the price, this should be better than Kérastase Masquitense Épais - Thick and yet the latter knocks this out of competition completely. By the way, Elasticizer has no silicones and the main ingredient is castor oil. 

I had the 75 ml tube, while bigger sizes come in a pot (150 ml) and a bottle with a pump (500 ml and 1000 ml). It lasted me three uses on my lower back length of hair. I bought it on Look Fantastic where regular price of this size is 22 €, but I waited for a discount.

I'm happy I only got the small size to try because if I bought the full size pot for 40 €, I'd be very disappointed. I expect a lot more from such an expensive hair product, especially since a lot of reviewers on Makeup Alley appear to have a very similar hair texture to mine, but unfortunately this didn't deliver on my hair. I'll be sticking to my beloved Kérastase Masquitense Épais - Thick for fantastic results and Redken's Anti Snap for strengthening the hair.

Anyone loves this product? Have a great day!

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  1. Glede na to koliko izrednih pohval sem že prebrala o temle, bi res moral biti miracle worker. Res škoda, da te ni navdušil, ampak še dobro, da nisi kupila ta velikega. Jaz ga bom sedaj definitivno odstranila iz WL....

    1. V primerjavi s Kérastase je tole kot en povprečen drugstore izdelek. Res ne razumem hypa. Mogoče sem jaz kaj narobe delala, ampak sem sledila navodilom.

  2. Tudi mene je pustil precej razočarano. Na FeelUnique so imeli decembra pakiranje mini Elasticizerja in Damage Control spreja po ugodni ceni in sem se zaradi dobrih ocen odločila za nakup. Po dveh mesecih uporabe 1x na teden nisem opazila nobene razlike :/

    1. Potem praviš, da tudi dolgoročno ne deluje :/ Meni je bilo tole tako povprečno in efekt definitivno ni upravičil tako visoke cene.

  3. Too bad it doesn't live up to the expectations for you :-(

  4. Wouu, škoda. Sploh glede na ceno, bi jaz tudi pričakovala kakšen čudež. Drugače sem pa jst bla zlo zadovoljna z Alfaparf reconstructor šamponom, ko sem še imela suhe in malo poškodovane lase :) Pa z masko. Mi je bla full všeč :) Mogoče imaš naslednjič idejo, kaj probat :)

    1. Res škoda, ja. Še posebej zato, ker je bila že tale tuba precej draga in to kljub popustu.
      Sem raziskovala Alfaparf za službo in mi je bila kar zanimiva znamka, ampak ni bilo skoraj nikjer kakšnih ocen na blogih. Hvala za priporočilo, sem bom zdaj znala malo bolj orientirat :)

  5. No ta izdelek sem pa tudi jaz že stokrat opazila in brala same pohvale o njem, ampak se mi je ideja zdela čudna. Nisem bila prepričana, da je res vreden denarja in dobro da si zdaj potrdila da ni:) Je pa dobro, da so imeli majnšo verzijo, da res nisi zapravila denarja za full size.

    1. Mene res ni navdušil, ampak toliko ljudi ga hvali, da mora bit nekaj na njem. Na mojih laseh ima olje pred pranjem veliko boljši učinek :)
