Kiko Smart Lip Pencil 709 Magenta

torek, april 14, 2015

Holy mother of lip pencils, I adore this lip colour! When I was ordering from Kiko's website, I didn't quite know what to expect, but this colour is so spot on "me". I feel these types of shades are just my colour. Though it's a lip pencil, the formula is comfortable enough to be worn on it's own instead of a lipstick and the fact that it costs only 2.50 € is a huge plus.

Colour: Magenta is as the name suggests a magenta, but a warm interpretation of the shade. In other words is a warm hot pink, the type of colour I really love because it's fun and easier to wear for everyday than a classic red. Catrice's Ultimate Colour Lipstick in MATTraction is similar, but more red, while MAC's Relentlessly Red is lighter and more coral. If you ever searched for a lip liner that would work with MATTraction or just want a similar and even more affordable alternative, this is it.

Texture: It's a soft pencil, though not as buttery as Essence's, which for me is a good thing. It reminds me of Bourjois pencils, but it's not as waxy. It transfers easily on the lips, with no dragging and it's not so soft that you wouldn't be able to do a precise application. The finish it leaves is matte and I don't find it drying, but if your lips are dry, you should take it into consideration that it's not as creamy as Essence's pencils and that it will emphasize dry patches.

Staying power: The pencil transfers well due to creaminess, which also means that the staying power isn't its strong point, but it manages to survive well enough and it's comparable to a creamy lipstick. It does smudge, so don't run too confidently around with it.

This is a gorgeous lip colour for such an affordable price. If you happen to find yourself in Kiko's shops, give this a swatch. The staying power isn't amazing, but since I know most of you love Essence pencils, this won't be an issue for you and you'll probably like the creamy texture of it. I really recommend picking this up if you like such lip colours.

Have a great day!

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  1. Tole je pa bilo zdaj usklajeno z časom in Kiko temo. Čeprav sem jaz izbrala bolj dolgočasne produkte, tale odtenek je on fire :D

    1. Res sva bili usklajeni :D Pri meni je bila šminka Cocoa v ožjem izboru za naročilo, pa sem potem izbrala tisto Velvet Mat :)

  2. Ta barva je res lepa, me je že takrat navdušila, ko si mi pokazala swatch preko maila. :)
    Takšne barve tebi res odlično pristajajo in jih tudi sama zelo obožujem.
    Joj, res mi je žal, da takrat pri naročanju nisem vzela še kakšnega svinčnika, čeprav sem nameravala, ampak nekak nisem upala, ker nisem vedela kaj sploh pričakovati.
    Ta odtenek gre definitivno na mojo WL.

    P.S.: Pa zadnja slikca je taaak huda, prav badass. :D Ful fajn, da vključiš tudi kakšno manj resno sliko. :))

    1. Že tako je bilo težko izbrat tiste šminke, ki sva jih naročile, tako da čisto razumem, da si pustila svinčnike na miru :) Tale odtenek je prelep, res nisem pričakovala da bo tak :)

      Hvala <3 Imam v eni miljon let stari objavi za Rimmelov Stellar podobno :D

  3. Tole je pa res čisto tvoj odtenek. :)

  4. That color looks so good on you, girl! Too bad it doesn't have very good staying power.

    1. Thank you :) For 2.50 € I don't really mind that it doesn't last all day, but still the staying power is decent enough :)

  5. Oh my this shade is beautiful and you are right in saying that such colors are made for you. It suits you so well:) Great post!

  6. Wau :) TOP barva, resno! Super pomladna izgleda, pa res te poživi :)

  7. These kind of colours really do suit you! And yet another thing to add to the list of lip products I want to get because of you...haha

  8. Kot sem napisala na Instagramu, res čisto pravi odtenek zate! Prav poživi te:) Zdaj mi je škoda, da si še jaz nisem kakšnega naročila, za to ceno:D.

    1. Hvala :) Res se dobro počutim s takimi barvami :)

  9. Kok lep, škoda da nisem videla te objave preden sem šopingirala v Kiku! :D

    1. Škoda, da je nisem prej objavila :) Ampak sem imela šele danes čas zadnje swatche naredit :)

  10. To je res čisto tvoja barva, in spodnja fotka je zakon ;D

  11. Čudovita barva! Sama bi imela kar tako barvo las :P
    Spodnja slika je pa super, noro dobro izgledaš. :)

  12. The color really pops off the screen, it looks amazing on you! As does the finish. Flawless.

  13. Meni so tile lip linerji super! Trenutno imam tri, ampak bom verjetno pridno dopolnjevala kolekcijo. :D

    1. Od tvojih mi je tisti temno rdeči ostal v spominu :) Res huda barva :)

  14. I love this color!!! It looks good on you ;) Just a little info, Kiko 709 and Catrice 360 are dupes for Mac All fired up ;) not Relentlesly red :))

    1. Thank you :D
      I know they're not a dupe for Relentlessly Red :) I'm very strict when it comes to dubbing something a dupe, for me 709 and 360 aren't dupes either, merely similar shades. I just included the swatch if anyone is interested in the difference as I don't have All Fired Up yet to compare :)
