marec 2011 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

IsaDora Fanciful (Spring 2011) - Lipsticks and Blush Swatches

  This collection has been out for quite a while. I must have passed the display a dozen times and never really looked at it. Well the visual alone repelled me. But recently Dazzledust25 did a rave video about the Glow stick blush and Pink parfait lipstick, so I finally checked this collection out. Jelly Kiss gel lipstick are completely new. There are...

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Essence Stay With Me Lip Glosses

I already swatched and reviewed the shade 01 Me & My Ice Cream (click for review)). As I wrote in the previous post Stay with me is a new line of lip glosses by Essence. I am liking these more and more. I got another shade called 02 My favourite milkshake which on me looks way prettier than 01, just because it's more peachy. I...

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Haul - New Lip Products From Essence

First of is the new shade of lipstick called 53 All About Cupcake, which is a pink slightly peachy shade, a beautiful neutral, everyday colour. Local Műller didn't have Coralize Me yet which is one of the new shades and interested me most. Swatches of shades 44 and 45 can be found here. Prvi na vrsti je nov odtenek šminke 53 All About...

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Haul - New Products From Essence, Miss Sporty & Other

Essence recently released a lot of new stuff and bought a few. This haul will be featured in a two-part post. Essence ima kar nekaj novih stvari, swatche bom objavila v 2 postih. Essence released new liquid liners called Glam liner, it's available in 5 colours, I bought the colour called 05 Royal spendour which is a gold with shimmer (honestly my swatch doesn't, give...

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Make Up Factory True Lip Colour Lipsticks

Finally! A nice range of shades for a change. I like at least a half of the shades, all from 12 - 47 (without 28) are very nice and wearable colours. Make Up Factory is a high end brand available only in Müller. These lipsticks cost 14,50 €. I bought the shade 47, which is very similar to Mac's Hue (my all-time favourite)....

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Haul + E.l.f. Lipstick Classy

I bought a couple of nail polishes this week. Both are from Essence, one is called Just Shout!, which is a orange-coral shade, the other is Choose Me!, which is a teal with shimmer. Swatches of Make Up Factory's lipstick will be posted shorty, but here are swatches of E.l.f.'s lipstick in the shade Classy, which my cousin gave to me (she dislikes...

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Max Factor Color Collection Lipsticks

  The range of colours may be large, but none of the shades appeal to me. I actually bought one years ago, but I sold it within a week. It was the shade 640 called Soft Suede and it looked so much pinker and lighter under the deceiving shop's lights.These are very pigmented, in fact they stained my hand. Seriously not even with...

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Latest Haul - Escada, L'Oreal and Bourjois

  I love the sweet, fruity, summery LE fragrances from Escada (last years's Marine Groove is my favourite fragrance ever!). The most recent is called Taj Sunset and it smells like mangos, I adore it. Note include ''Alphonso mango, nectarine and blood orange as top notes, the heart features aquatic flowers with raspberry and pomarosa or Malay apple. The base consists of coconut,...

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