Chanel Rouge Coco Shine - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine

četrtek, maj 05, 2011

I already said in my April favorites post that I've fallen in love with Chanel Rouge Coco Shine lipstick in Chance. I haven't bought it yet because first I want to use up some of my lipsticks/lip balms (I already used up 3 and I'm halfway through L'Oreal's lippie, yay!). I read some reviews about this shade and one blogger said that Aventure is similar just more warm. Well on my skin tone they aren't really that much alike, Chance is much lighter. So I'm staying with my choice. First pic is taken in cloudy weather, second in the sun. I tried a sample in the shop (sanitized it first of course) and omg the formula is amazing. I can't even describe it, it's just fabulous. The only thing that concerns me is that the pigmentation is a bit poor, but the shine is amazing. So I patiently wait for the day when I finish my lippies and get this one. Prices here in Slovenia range from 27-28€ (ouch it's expensive! But hopefully worth it)

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  1. au, iako prelepi stvarno su preskupi, kod nas su cini mi se oko 35e - too much! lepo izgleda, mada su misljenja podeljena oko odnosa kvalitet/cena.

    Imas award kod mene na blogu :)

  2. I love chance :)


  3. O hermetic puno ti hvala za award!

    35€!? Niso normalni!
