Bourjois Flower Perfection Foundation - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Bourjois Flower Perfection Foundation

sobota, marec 02, 2013

Back in February when I was tan, I tested Flower Perfection foundation by Bourjois. I bought it for my mother who is darker than me, hence the shade 53 (normally I'm 51). In my opinion Bourjois has some of the best foundations in drugstore. Their Healthy Mix serum is my all-time favourite foundation (light coverage), and I also like the original Healthy Mix (medium coverage). Flower Perfection caters to those who wish full coverage.

I can say it has medium to full coverage. It's not quite full, since as you can see on the picture, my freckles are still visible. It covers redness very well, the same goes for under eyes circles, however, you still need a concealer for spots. I had an annoying big, red blemish on my forehead at the time and I find that trying to layer the foundation to cover it doesn't really work. The finish is matte, but I can't say how well it contains oiliness since my skin is dry. I suggest the use of highlighter and bronzer because it makes your skin look quite flat due to full coverage and matte finish. It's very runny and easy to apply, however, you need a lot to get a full coverage. It reminds me a lot of Revlon Colorstay for oily/combination skin. Because my skin is dry, it emphasised my pores and didn't sit that nice on my skin. It works far better on my cousin's skin, which is more normal/oily combination and it melts well into her skin, also she loves it because it covers her natural redness in her cheeks very nicely. On the other hand, my mother claims that after a month of use, it dried out her skin up to a point when it was really uncomfortable. I'd recommend it to people with oily and problematic skin, if your skin is dry, it's best you avoid it.

It lasts very well on the skin, which is a surprise for a Bourjois foundation (as good as they are, they lack in lasting power). Unlike the Healthy Mix range which has a fruity scent, this one has a floral scent. If you ever had Healthy Mix, you are familiar with how strong the fragrance is, more sensitive people might find it too strong.
Packaging is a bit odd. My main complaint is the huge top with the sponge. In my experience this foundation doesn't work well with sponges, but more with fingers and denser brushes (like Real Techniques Expert Face brush). The lid makes the whole bottle look quite bulky. The pump is nice and it dispenses a good amount of product.
It costs about the same as all Bourjois foundations, a bottle will set you back 14€. It is available in the same colour range as the rest of Bourjois foundations, so 51 to 56. 

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  1. Meni je tale puder veliko slabši od Revlonovega Colorstay, predvsem bolj maskast. Na tebi, na slikah, zelo lepo izgleda ;)

    1. Na meni se ni zdel maskast, mi pa efekt Colorstaya za mešano in mastno kožo zdi zelo podoben na moji koži, mi pa oba nista pretirano všeč.

  2. Jaz razmišljam, da bi naslednjič vzela njihov 123 Perfect Foundation, baje naj bi bil boljši za suho in normalno kožo kot tale. A si ga že slučajno probala?

    1. Sem imela tester in se mi je zdel precej suh ampak lažji kot Flower Perfection, čeprav efekt je bil pa kar lep in če se prav spomnim je bil finiš mat. Tak je bil bolj za normalno/mešano kožo, kot suho, za suho mi je bolj všeč Healthy Mix.

  3. meni je koza kombinirana,mjesana do suha na kraju čeljusti što znaći da bi mi je dodatno isusšilo korištenjem

    1. Verjetno ja. Lahko pa na suhih delih uporabiš bolj mastno kremo za podlago.

  4. Ga imam doma že nekaj časa in mi sploh ne ustreza. Tudi na meni je na koži deloval maskasto, hkrati pa mi jo je na določenih mestih izsušil, na drugih pa zamašil pore. Če primerjam 123 Perfect foundation, tegale in pa Healthy mix, se definitivno odločim za zadnjega. Ta je res top in še nisem slišala za kakšno res slabo oceno, ne glede na tip kože.

    1. Se strinjam, oba Healthy Mix sta veliko boljša.
