Batiste Dry Shampoo Tropical - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Batiste Dry Shampoo Tropical

nedelja, april 21, 2013

Batiste are probably the most popular dry shampoos. I was highly recommended to try it by my readers in the comments of several posts. They are not sold in our country, but several brands launched their versions that are sold here in the recent years. I tried two so far, Syoss Volume Lift which is my favourite and Balea trocken shampoo, which is rubbish. As much as I love Syoss dry shampoo, I got tired of the scent and I wanted something sweeter, less fabric softener like. Aerosols can't be shipped via air mail, however, I learned Asos does ship Batiste dry shampoos to some countries. I ordered the 400 ml can of the tropical version. 

My hair almost never gets greasy, so I don't use dry shampoo for that purpose, however, I still use it every other day to freshen up my hair and to give it volume. I like Batiste shampoo as much as the Syoss one. It sort of revives the hair, freshens it up and gives volume. I love how it makes my hair feel more light and airy. I like the scent of Batiste more than the Syoss' one. It's a basic coconut scent and I love coconut scents, however, I find it too faint and I really wish it was stronger (I prefer stronger scents in general). I'm a dark brunette and it doesn't leave my hair white/gray like the Balea one does (I spray it as the instructions say, about 30 cm from the hair).

The can I got is huge, but not too big to use. It's slightly bigger than Tigi's Masterpiece hair spray and Spoil me. Mine is a 400 ml version, but there are two smaller sizes - the 200 ml can and a 50 ml travel size. The nozzle works great, so far it hasn't clogged and sprays an even amount.
There is a big selection of scents and even colours of Batiste dry shampoos, so I will probably try some other versions. I paid 6.55€ for a 400 ml can on Asos.

I think it is a brilliant dry shampoo and compared to the Syoss one, they are neck to neck in terms of effectiveness, but I prefer the scent of Batiste one. Highly recommended.

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  1. Sploh še nisem poskusila dry šampona, moram sprobat. Bom začela kar s Syossom, hvala za informacije :)!


  2. mogla bi ga i ja probat kad ga već svi hvale
