July Favourites 2013

ponedeljek, julij 29, 2013

I just did a review for it, so I won't go into much detail, but it is a lovely, light coverage BB with a skin-like finish. I wore it on most days this month. 

My first cleansing balm and I have to admit, I really like it. It removes all but mascara and leaves my skin feeling clean yet moisturised. I'll do a review soon.

A lovely, exfoliating, hydrating toner that really made a difference in how my skin looks. My skin is brighter, clearer, smoother and those few red marks I have, have significantly faded. I really enjoy using it.

L'Occitane Angelica Hydrating Cream
I only have a generous sample, but I've been using it for two weeks now and I must say, this is flipping gorgeous. Truly an amazing moisturiser. It's so light, yet really hydrating and it leaves my skin so supple and nice with a semi-matte finish. I think it's the best moisturiser I've ever used, better than Eucerin Aquaporin light, which I just repurchased and also works based on aquaporins (sort of a plumbing system for cells). It works so well as a base for make up because it sinks into to the skin instantly and leaves a very smooth, almost velvety finish. I am bothered by the extortionate price though. At 37€ for a pot, it is not the most affordable product, while Eucerin's is 15€, plus it comes in a tube.

These lip creams are so good! The formula is my favourite out of all the lip creams I own, because it's so pigmented, applies like a dream, doesn't dry out my lips and smells so nice. Amazing quality for the price. I have three so far and I wore Berry Smoothie this month most as I was inspired by a picture on Pinterest.

This shade is stunningly beautiful. It's such a bright, fun colour, sort of a mix between coral and pink. The quality of these lacquers is great, because they are so pigmented and wear off to a nice stain, but the scent is horrible.

I wore this shade the most this month. Revlon had one of the best, if not the best, matte lipstick formulas I've ever tried. Obviously, they had to discontinue this line and make a bunch of glossy-lip balm-lipstick thingies instead *sighs*. Pink About It is one of the prettiest medium pink-corals and a great everyday shade. 

Not my usual choice of colour since it is orange, but the formula is so nice and the scent is divine. Plus I love the grumpy bunny packaging,  which is just so adorable. I use it as a chapstick, even though it is quite pigmented. 

I called this in my review: the ultimate lazy girl's moisturiser. It's so easy to use - just spray it on, there really is not much need for rubbing it in and you're done. It gives that nice sheen to the skin, which looks great in the Summer.

Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave in Conditioner
The heat is drying out my hair, so I keep them in shape with this leave in spray conditioner. I just quickly spray a bit in my hair every day and it keeps the dryness at bay. I'll do a proper review soon.

I just adore this fragrance, with each day I like it more. It's the most amazing honeyed apricot with smokiness of the incense. Truly a wonderful mix of notes. It is quite heavy scent for the heat we're having a the moment (it peaked at 37.9°C/100.2°F where I live), but I wore it constantly in the middle of the month.

 Essence Season of Extremes nail polish Did Someone Say Nude?
This is my absolute favourite product this month. I rediscovered it in my collection and I've had it for quite a while, but rarely used it. It was part of a LE years ago and I also love another shade from that LE, a bright neon coral, called Bright Alert! It is the most gorgeous mint shade ever. And yes, it is prettier than Essie Mint Candy Apple which is less green. I'm not aware of any dupes, but if anyone knows about one, please let me know.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ravno zadnjič sem urejala fotke mint lakov, ker pripravljam primerjavo na blogu, in dejansko noben od ostalih ni bil podoben temu (pa jih imam okrog 17, which is a lot). Če pa seveda želiš dodatno stekleničko tega laka, mi pošlji mejl, ti ga podarim. :)

    1. Se mi je kar zdelo, da ni kakšnih dupov za ta odtenek. Oh, well... Glede na to, da še nikoli v življenju nisem porabila laka do konca, jo ne rabim, ampak res hvala za ponudbo :). Bolj me zanimajo podobni odtenki, ki bi imeli mogoče kakšno boljšo formulo :)

  2. Signing what you said about Rimmel Apocalips,horrible scent, I have the shade Aurora, the trick is not to put too much product on the lips as it smudge.

    1. Yes, the scent is awful. And I agree, you have to apply a very small amount, otherwise it is quickly too much :).

  3. Joj meni pa Angelica od Loccitana tako smrdi, da je groza. Me pa zelo, zelo mika tale Rimmel Apocalipse gloss. Si tole Eucerin kremo kupila pri nas?

    1. Meni tudi vonj ni neka svetla točka, ampak sem se ga navadila in ga lahko prezrem. Eucerinova krema je kupljena pri nas v lokalni lekarni in je že druga tuba, ki jo imam :).

  4. Lady Gaga parfum morem sprobat, vedno grem mimo njega, mi še flaška deluje čisto zimska :)

    1. Fame je med bolj močnimi vonji in je bolj zimski ali jesenski, ampak jaz ga vseeno nosim :)

  5. Super post:) Komaj čakam na Balance me review :) x

    1. Hvala :) Je med prvimi na seznamu za objavit :)

  6. js sm tut zadnjič že vidla tale Lady Gaga parfumček pa šla mimo njega, pa nisi edina ki ga hvali =) Pa ful fajn so mi te objavce :) i like

    1. Preizkusi ga naslednjič, mogoče bo tudi tebi všeč :) Me veseli,da so ti všeč :)

  7. Res rabim preizkusiti kak 'sexy hair' izdelek, pa tisto Garnierjevo olje. Ravno danes sem dobila Rimmel Apocalips #BigBang, je pa Stellar še na moji WL.
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Sem zadnjič videla v DM-u, da je od Garnierja olje redna cena 3€ cenejša kot ko sem ga jaz kupovala. Se počutim malo oropano. Big Bang je bil tudi na moji wishlisti, pa ga niso imeli takrat ko sem naročala :)

  8. Sexy hair leave in conditioner izgleda zanimivo, komaj čakam review :) Dober izbor izdelkoc za ustnice, same lepe barve <3 Tale Essence mint lakec je eden izmed mojih najljubših, čeprav mi ni čisto jasno kdo ga je pomimenoval 'nude' :D
    Also, taggala sem te v The Beauty Blogger Tag postu, če te zanima :)

    1. Se bom spravila spisat :) Imam vse slike gor že skoraj en mesec.
      A ne, da je ime prav čudno. Točno na to sem pomislila, ko sem prvič prebrala ime :)
      I'll check it out :)

  9. Super post! :) Tale Gaga parfum me ze nekaj časa mika, ampak sem ga zadnjič v DM-u na hitro povohala in me ni preveč navdušil. Mogoče bi morala počakat, da bi se razvil na koži.

    p.s. - hvala za nasvet, sem povečala velikost slik na blogu :)

    1. Vonji so itak tako subjektivni. Meni je Fame všeč od začetka do konca :)
      Fino :), osebno so mi blogi z večjimi slikami (in celotno širino) boljši, ker ima že večina velike ekrane :)
