Rimmel Velvet Matte 014 Sumptuous Red - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Rimmel Velvet Matte 014 Sumptuous Red

sobota, december 20, 2014

This is one of those nails polishes that I expected to wow me based on other people's swatches (*insert a Google search*), but I was very underwhelmed. I expected a perfect mix of purple and pink, so a warm Tyrian purple colour and it does look like that on the swatch wheel, but unfortunately, just as at First Class Up-Grape, due to (I'm strongly suspecting) my undertone, this looks just boring cool-toned purple on me. It's not a bad colour at all, but less unique and darker than I expected. The finish is a velvet matte, which honestly looks less spectacular than on my pictures in person, especially with prolonged wear as the oils from the environment make it just a bit greasy looking (check the final picture that was taken after four days). But you can easy just put a top coat on it and have a regular creamy finish look nail polish. 

The formula is an odd ball. It's very difficult to get this even looking as during application it's pretty much impossible to get the coat even, instead it's a very patchy looking affair. I needed three and on some nails even four coats to create an even fully opaque looking base. The problem is that it dries very fast to a matte finish, so unlike most nail polishes it just sticks to the patch where you applied it meaning it doesn't level out by itself like a lot nail polishes do. Due to that the final effect doesn't look as smooth and piling on additional coats only makes it worse. 

The brush is one of those wide ones and I do like it, the fault for the uneven application lies mainly in the formula and not the brush. Staying power is not as good as at regular nail polishes, but on my nails it still lasts well, but it did peel off the nail wheel, just to warn you.

Yup that's the same nail polish. Lucky me...

It only occurred to me to take another picture of the nails polish with a shiny top coat after four days of wearing it already, but it still looks decent, right? I applied Seche Vite on top, only the ring finger is top coat free (see how non matte it is compared to the first pictures?).

This didn't meet my expectations at all. For one the colour is completely different on me than in the bottle or on the nail wheel and the formula is difficult to work with, but I forgive that since it's a matte nail polish.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ne maram matt lakov, ampak tale izgleda čudovit! :)

  2. Obožujem mat finiš in še vedno iščem kakšen mat nadlak. Meni pa je zelo všeč ta odtenek, samo škoda, da ne ostane mat. :)

    1. Včasih sem imela nadlak od Essence in mi je bil všeč. Sem ga pa imela tudi kot za podlak, ker se je posušil v sekundi :)

  3. Meni mat finiš ni všeč, mi je pa odtenek krasen :)

    1. Jaz sem pa prav hotela, da je tak na meni kot na nail wheelu, pa očitno nimam te sreče. Mi je pa mat finiš kul, samo če bi ostal tako lep kot je takoj po nanosu :)

  4. Great mat colour.I have bought L'Oreal Color Riche L'Ombre Pure in 106 Breaking Nude -by your recommendation , but I am not satisfed with this. How do you use it, please exlain :))) ? ( I have got urban naked basic, and the naked 2 colur is more useable. Also I have nyx taupe- and i use it a lot. Its all mat colour). We use a lot of similar things :)

    1. Oh, I'm sad to hear it. I use it in the crease with a small round brush for definition or all-over the lid. It works so well for me and I adore it, maybe the undertone is just too grey for you? Perhaps you should mix it with a warmer brown shade, so you don't end up never using it :)

  5. Škoda da ni boljši, ker na slikah izgleda res krasen, obožujem matte finish na nohtih :)

  6. Gorgeous! I like the color a lot when it's matte!

  7. Love the matte effect!


  8. Ahaa, končno našla prispevek, me je kar zafirbcalo, kako na tebi zgleda. :) Meni je drgač čisto všeč, je pa verjetno zaradi tvoje polti na tebi rahlo temnejši? Ne vem. Je pa lep, meni je zelo lep odtenek. :)

    1. Nimam pojma zakaj je na meni tako hladno vijoličen *confused*. Saj mi je še kar všeč, ampak jaz sem ga kupila zato ker sem pričakovala enak odtenek kot v steklenički, bi ga imela potem raje :) Na tebi je toliko lepši :)
