Models Own Gel Eyeliner - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Models Own Gel Eyeliner

sobota, april 18, 2015

Before I received this in the mail, it's been a while since I've used a gel eyeliner. Since I found felt tip eyeliners, all others seem too fussy to use. My particular pet peeve is cleaning the brush after each use if I want a nice result. I used to own Essence's and Mac's gel eyeliner, and when I first tried this Models Own one, the dry texture of it surprised me and not in a good way.

I don't quite understand why they decided to make the formula so dry. It's very strange actually how when you swipe some product from the pot and it reveals the moist layer below and by the next day that part is dry again. I'm not terribly fond of that as I have a feeling it will dry out really fast. The thick formula and consequential lack of fluidity means that's it's more difficult to do a sharp line. It's not impossible as you'll see from the pictures, but you end up with a much thicker line because you have to fix it a lot. I'm especially having problems with creating a sharp flick. Because it's so dry, a lot of the pigmentation is lost. I need to go over the line a few times to get a proper opaque line, which means sharp edges are challenging to do. Thin lines end up looking softer because of the diffused edges, so it's a similar effect to using an eyeshadow. 

The one thing that did impress me was the staying power as it lasts very well on the lids. Sometimes flicks stay all day, sometimes they don't, but the main line survives the day well on my normal lids.

 Thin line attempt.

A crisper, but thick line.

I'm not a fan of the added brush. I dislike the shape of it and it very difficult to do a flick with it. It would need to be at least cut at an angle. For the two looks above I used Alverde's and Essence's gel eyeliner brushes.

I just think this is too dry. It's not useless, but very difficult to work with and I don't have the patience for it. It should be a lot more fluid to be able to create more precise lines, but at least the staying power is nice. I much prefer using felt tip liners because I can create thin lines and they are so much easier to use. 

Models Own is sold on their website and Asos. Gel eyeliner costs £4.99.

Gel eyeliner so mi poslali iz Click2Chic. Izdelke Models Own lahko najdete tukaj, moj najljubši eyeliner pa je tukaj

Have a great day!

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  1. Vau, po swatchu se res vidi, kako je formula suha v primerjavi z ostalimi. Jaz pa sem na zacetku imela ful probleme z Alverdevim, in sicer mi je bil pretekoc. Sem ga ze mislila dati med izdelke, ki so me razocarali, ampak pozneje sem se navadila nanj, se naucila z njim narediti ok crto (se dobro, da imam raje debelejso), tako da mi je sedaj odlicen. Sem pa drugace sama najbolj navajena na tekoce.

    1. Ja, na swatchu se res vidi glavni problem formule. Od Alverde sem ga imela tudi jaz, ampak modrega in z tisto formulo nisem mogla naredit nič. Čisto premehek in tekoč, barva ni nikakor ostala na mestu. Sem ga kar stran vrgla, tudi zato ker je zelo smrdel po alkoholu. Ampak kakor vem so bili ti barvni veliko slabše kvalitete kot črn.

  2. You're right, it looks too dry for a gel liner... I actually prefer gel liners to any other types and they were never so dry. I guess my favourite is the Maybelline's one :)

    1. Liner needs to the fluid for nice lines and this one feels like it's already really old.
      I've never tried the Maybelline one in a pot, but I have that Benefit They're Real dupe they made (Lasting Drama Black Shock) and I love the formula of it :)

  3. Hmmm, good to know I can skip this one. If you have troule making a thin line, maybe it will work somewhat as a smudged eyeliner?

    1. Well the first attempt is sort of a smudged liner, so yes, that's one of the uses for it :)

  4. Eyeliner needs to apply itself for me. If it's too dry or tugs at my eyelids is a no no.

    1. I agree :) I usually do liner in a hurry and I can't be bothered with fussy liners.
