Brand Focus: My Top TheBalm Products - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Brand Focus: My Top TheBalm Products

ponedeljek, julij 11, 2016

TheBalm has some of the best eyeshadows I ever found. There are so pigmented, soft and they blend beautifully, and I also find that they wear the nicest as well as last longest on my normal lids. Once I tried their eyeshadows, I saw the big gap between the quality of high-end vs. budget, though not all eyeshadows in the palettes are equality good (in this one Silly is pretty bad and Snobby isn't that good either). Nude'dude is the first of the two neutral palettes by theBalm and it has a very simple and classic selection of colours, which gives you a nice variety when it comes to neutral looks, though I miss a medium toned lid shade or two and a basic, skin tone shade for blending. 

The second instalment of the neutral palettes by theBalm, but this one is already less of a conventional neutral palette. It's for those who find most neutral palettes too boring as it has some nice coppery shades, pinks and violets, but also some standard brown neutrals. I don't necessarily think it's the most versatile palette as far as combinations go and Nude'Tude is better in that respect, but it's basically it's an expansion of the Nude'Tude with all the shades you might have missed in that one. My favourites in the palette are still Flirty and Feisty - two, I'd never expect to love.

Chances are that if you heard about one TheBalm product, it's probably this one. This is one of the most popular highlighters in the beauty community and rightly so. If you want some proper glow, look no further than this. It's a gold toned highlighter with an intense shine that is almost at the point of being too golden for me, but it's still fine, however, if you have a prominent cool skin tone, it probably won't work for you. It gives a lovely glow that is super glamorous, but I actually use it every day.

I rarely talk about this, but it really impressed me. It doesn't necessarily intensify the eyeshadow that much, but it definitely helps them last a lot longer. It's slightly yellow tinted, but it doesn't leave any colour on the lids and it goes on very smooth, however, not completely in a"dry siliconey" way like similar such primers. It dries relatively quickly on the lids, but you can feel that you added a layer on which the products will stick better. With this primer my eyeshadows look perfect at the end of the day and I love that is comes in a squeeze tube because it's the best packaging for making sure you get to use all of the product.

TheBalm excels at powder products and that includes their blushes. Frat Boy has been around for a long time and its rating on forums (like Makeup Alley) is impressive - rightly so. The texture of it is unreal, it's the smoothest blush I've tried in my life, it's super pigmented and lasts pretty much all day on the cheeks. The colour is a classic matte peachy pink, even though it looks more muted in the pan, but it's peachier than for example Nars' Deep Throat and Orgasm, but less coral than Coralista, so a nice in between shade that has quite a brightening, cute effect.

If you want something more coral than Frat Boy and with a proper highlight glow, Hot Mama is a good choice. On the cheeks it's a golden coral with a lovely glow, in fact it looks like you've mixed in a coral shade with MaryLou highlighter. Though it's perhaps less popular than Frat Boy, I actually like it more because it reminds me of my favourite Benefit Coralista.

I adore matte liquid lipsticks and if this shade is any indication, these are best ones I've tried. The formula is creamy, super pigmented, applies evenly with no sheer patches, it smells like After Eight and dries to a velvet matte finish after about 10 minutes. It lasts so well on the lips and wears off nicely too. I have Adoring, a deep burgundy shade and it's the best such shade I ever found in a liquid lipstick formula, but I really want to expand my collection, especially with more nude shades like Charming, Sincere and Committed, plus I like the look of Dedicated as well.

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Have a great day!

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  1. The Balm je res čudovit! :) Sama imam dve paleti, 4 senčila in puder oz. BB kremico :D Moram povedati,da sem zelo zadovoljna :) Na moji wl pa je definitivno Mary Lou in eno izmed rdečil :D

    1. Odlična znamka, odlične kvalitete :) Nimajo kar tako visoke ocene na vseh forumih :) BB kremo pa še nisem imela možnosti preizkusit, itak kar predvidevam, da je najsvetlejši odtenek pretemen zame.

    2. Ja to pa res :D Vas pa moram pohvaliti,ste res ena izmed mojih najljubših blogerk,odlične objave,vedno komaj čakam na novo :) Ja na žalost sem tudi jaz precej svetla in mi je pretemna,zato si jo moram mešati z drugo barvo. Je pa zelo odlična formula :)

  2. Great stuff! I really need to try some of theBalms products!

    Nicole | In The Life of NM // Enter My Giveaway!

  3. The Balm isn't my brand. I already own two products: a shady lady palette an the cindy lou manizer and I really don't like both. The highlighter is to bold for me and the eyeshadows are not my kind of stuff.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that :/ I tried Cindy in the shop and it did not appeal to me because it's too dark, but I haven't tried Shady Lady palette yet. So far the only product that I truly disliked from TheBalm is their mascara.

  4. I've only tried their primer so far but the matte eyeshadow palette is still on my wish list.

    1. Mine too, but currently I'm eyeing Bon Jovi's palette as well :)

  5. Mary je zame absolutni zmagovalec TheBalma :D. Imam kar veliko osvetljevalcev, ampak ko hočem nekaj zanesljivega, vedno izberem Mary. Hot Mama je prav tako zanimiva, ampak jaz bi od njih želela še kaj bolj peachy ali celo oranžno za moj osebni okus. Nude'tude je res dobre kvalitete, čeprav odtenki niso čisto moja izbira. Seductive je moj zmagovalec :). Moram reči da odkar imam dve Zoeva paleti sem z njima bolj zadovoljna. Mogoče zaradi odtenkov, ampak pigmentiranost je zame enaka, so pa Zoevine še bolj kremaste in manj suhe kot TheBalm.

    1. Oh ja, Mary je odličen osvetljevalec <3 Hot Mama na meni izgleda že dovolj peachy, bi pa kar malo raje, da bi izgledal bolj roza ko na tebi :) Zoevina senčila mi zvenijo kot od Too Faced, ker praviš, da so bolj kremna. Me itak že od vedno mikajo :)

  6. Mary je moja mala obsesija, sploh me ne mika, da si dajem karkoli drugega gor:)Za njihovo paletko pa se kar ne znam odločit, bi ali ne bi. Bahama mama se šele sedaj, nekako obnese na meni, sem mislila kako lep bo za definicijo pa mi je bil čisto pretopel, kot bronzer je pa krasen. Sem pa pred kratkim se ustavila pri Misslyn stojalu in zagledam take lepe kopije itak sem mogla kupit rožnatordečilo, da sem najprej mislila da stojim že pred The Balm stojalom:):).Mi je pa drgače celoten tvoj izbor všeč. :)

    1. Imam bronzer od Misslyn iz te nove kolekcije, Hawaii version in je zelo pigmentiran in topel, za Bahama Mama sem slišala pa mnogo pohval, ampak se bojim da bo tudi meni pretopel :)
      O, potem si kupila enak blush kot ga imam jaz :) Prekrasna kolekcija. Pa hvala, da si mi povedala, da je že na stojalih, da vem kdaj lahko objavim swatche :)
