Too Faced Love Flush Blush and Melted Lipstick - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Too Faced Love Flush Blush and Melted Lipstick

petek, maj 05, 2017

Those who are regular readers on my blog might find it odd I've picked such colours for myself, since I never wear them, but Too Faced Melted Kisses & Sweet Cheeks Gift Set was the only set available in Sephora (sometime around Christmas) and I was just so curious how these two products perform that I settled on Barbie pink. Besides I don't have any such shades in my collection anyway, so why not expand it with something different.

Love Flush Blush 
Justify my Love

These blushes have long been on my wishlist, particularly the shade Baby Love which I think is most my colour though I've never seen it in person. Justify my Love is probably one of the last shades I'd pick up for myself, but as I said I just wanted to see what all the hype is about.

Texture: This blush swatches a bit chalky before you proceed to blend it, so I'd expect a drier, more complicated formula to apply, but it applies completely normally and it's very pigmented. It's very possible the shade itself makes it appear chalky at first because all strong bright pinks I've tried so far had a very similar texture, but once you blend it in, it's got a nice kind of silky look. With a dense blush brush, it applies nicely and doesn't appear patchy.

Colour: Justify my love is a unique blush in my collection. It's a bright cool toned fuchsia, so one of those shades that gives you baby doll cheeks, but on pale skin tones like mine, I need to be very sparing with it. I called it in my New in a "Mary Antoinette shade" because that's what you get - a very obvious pink flush. It should work on medium and dark skin tones. The finish is satin with a nice silky glow, but it also has some larger gold shimmer particles.

Staying power: High-end blushes rarely disappoint and this one again last really well on the cheeks. On me most blushes just disappear after a couple of hours, but this is comparable to theBalm blushes, so it lasts all day. It could just be the intensity of the shade that makes it last longer.

Packaging: The size of the mini is like an eyeshadow, but the full size is shaped as a heart, making it one of the cutest packaging. And have you seen the highlighters they brought out recently? They're just stunning.

Price and availability: Full size costs $26 on their official website and 31 € in European Sephoras. It's very steep, but I wouldn't mind having shade Baby Love because I know I'd use it a lot.

Melted Lipstick 

I feel the hype of these has significantly subsided by now, but despite the fact that is not a matt liquid lipstick, I was interested in it. For the longest time I wanted a shade called Melted Berry, but I've since changed my mind because I found my perfect berry in Colourpop More Better. This lipstick just didn't manage to impress me as much as I hoped.  

Texture: It's a very pigmented liquid lipstick, closest formulas are matte liquid lipstick, but this isn't matte, instead it stays creamy. It's very comfortable to wear, in fact I didn't even feel it as it wore off, so if you tend to have dry lips, you'll like these.

Colour: Peony is a Barbie pink with a white base that is very opaque and has excellent pigmentation. It's similar to Jordana's Pink Passion, but this is brighter, less natural looking on the lips. The finish is creamy with some shine. Honestly, it's a shade that kind of scares me now, but it's the type of colour I used to wear often, or maybe more coral versions at least. 

Scent: It's got light sweet cosmetic scent.

Staying power: This is where it failed me. It didn't really last that impressively on the lips, a few hours at most. I expected more, especially since Revlon's Ultra HD Matte Lipcolour lasts so well and has a similar type of creamy formula.

Packaging: The packaging is similar to Catrice Beautifying Lip Smoother or Clarins Natural Lip Perfector. It's got a fluffy applicator, so it's super comfy to apply.

Price and availability: These are 21.5 € in French Sephora and 21$ on their official site.

The set cost 12 € in Sephora Italy, but I don't think they have it any more and I think there are other sets available now.

Have a great day!

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  1. Barva šminke je tolk lepa <3. Paše ti. Jaz sem imela MR dupe tele zadeve in mi je bila perfect barva. Mogoče se pa kdaj odločim za original, škoda samo da je obstojnost slaba.
    Too Faced ima tolk lepe embalaže <3

    1. Meni je že malo preveč Barbie :) Hvala <3 Me je kar razočaralo da je bolj malo držala, čeprav take šminke ponavadi itak ne zdržijo ekstra dolgo, ampak to je vseeno high-end izdelek. A MR dupe je tudi slabše obstal?

      Res imajo krasne :). Daleč so prišli v zadnjih 10 letih odkar poznam to znamko.

  2. Nisem velik fan Barbie pink odtenkov, ampak na tebi izgledajo zelo luštno in rahlo mladostno :)
    Šminka mi nikakor nebi pasala, ampak če ima izdelek v imenu Peony, ga avtomatsko hočem :P

    Nikoli me niso te šminke prepričale dovolj da bi kakšno kupila in glede na to kaj si tu napisala, je tudi ne bom :)

    Blush pakiranje je pa beyond, da sploh nebi o novih highlighterjih <3 <3 <3

    1. Hvala :) Nekako sem roza odtenke prerasla že dolgo nazaj, potem jih pa kar ne nosim. Formula teh melted lipstick mi ni nič kaj posebnega kolikor je bil hype okrog njih. Itak vem, da je bilo večinoma zaradi aplikatorja :)

      Peony pa itak, direkt zate :)

  3. Se spomnim, ko so bili blushi zelo popularni. Se mi zdi, da je hype nad Too Faced poniknil. Čeprav novi osvetljevalci so pa res krasni. Takoj bi enega imela :).

    Meni je odtenek blusha absolutno too pink, šminka tudi. Mi pa šminka na tebi izgleda prav fajn. Skupaj z blushem res deluješ mladostno :).

    1. Misliš? Meni se zdi vsakič ogromen hype ko imajo nekaj novega. So v bistvu kot Benefit z enako močnim PR strojem. Highlighterji so mi čudoviti, ampak vseeno se mi ne zdi noben odtenek čisto pravi. Najsvetlejši mi je še najbolj zanimiv.

      Škoda mi je, da so imeli samo to kombinacijo odtenkov, ampak vsaj imam nekaj drugačnega. Pa hvala <3

  4. That's a lovely pink that looks totally beautiful on you.
