Catrice Instant Glam Eyeshadow Palette - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Catrice Instant Glam Eyeshadow Palette

sobota, februar 17, 2018

Catrice took a more innovative approach when creating their latest eyeshadow palette. Do you know those tattoo eyeshadows for one use? This uses a somewhat similar idea, except it's with only two colours. It doesn't work well of course, who would want two straight streaks of colour on the eyes anyway, but the eyeshadows itself are really nice, especially for drugstore.

The concept: You get a large sponge applicator with this and the idea is that you pick up both of the shades at once and then apply them on the eyes with the dark shade close to the lashes. There are several problems doing it that way, the most obvious that it just looks strange and unblended. It also doesn't take into account the shape of eyes and that it's really difficult to do neatly.

Texture: eyeshadows are soft and pigmented, so overall nice quality especially the shimmers/satin ones. The purple one is matte and has a harder texture than the others, but it's nonetheless pigmented and works well. All blend nicely and last surprisingly well on the lids without creasing (but my lids aren't oily.) 

Top left combination. On the first picture is just one swipe with sponge and it only had enough colour for half of the lid. The second picture is me trying to make it work, but it's do difficult to make it neat in the inner corners.

Shades: combination on the top left is a mix of a medium warm brown with gold reflects and a vanilla shimmery shades. Top right is grey combination, but on the lids it's a lot more taupe. The bottom left is a taupe-purple combination and the top shade is somewhat in the same colour family as Mac's Satin Taupe. The top shade is lighter than it appears in the pan, so the difference between the two shades isn't big. The bottom right combination is a purple-pink one with the top purple shade being matte. While the last purple combination works nice and it also long-lasting on the eyes, I don't think a lot of people would like to wear an eyeshadow that's so pink on the eyes and I think it'd be better with a more blue-ish/true purple.

Packaging is a standard Catrice palette which stays closed well. The pans are thin so it works with the applicator, but for regular brushes they are too thin. It's a shame they didn't make a regular palette with these shades.

Using the top right grey combination in a more traditional way applied with brushes. As I said above the colour in the pan is deceiving as this looks a lot more taupe on the eyes.

Price and availability: It's costs 7.29 € in drugstores.

While the concept fails, the quality of the eyeshadows is lovely. Shade combinations could be a bit better, but they are nicely wearable.

Have a great day!

*PR product.

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  1. Mene ne prepriča. Sploh da bi potem morala še pazit na to da ne greš čez rob ko hočeš specifično barvo...
    Simpatično odtenki, mogoče luštna paleta za nekoga ki začenja z makeupom, da lažje kombinira barve :)

    1. Je kar težko zajet samo eno barvo, moraš imet ozek čopič, ampak se da :). Bi si pa vseeno želela, da bi bila v klasični obliki z ločenimi barvami, ker tale ideja ne deluje najbolje.

  2. Pri meni še tale čaka na preizkušnjo. Barve mi zgledajo lepe, ampak vprašanje, kako se bo obneslo. Ideja ni slaba, izvedba pa pomoje še rabi nekaj poskusov ;)

    1. Jaz jo uporabljam kar z navadnimi čopiči. Z Macovim 239 se da zajet barve, čeprav je tudi ta že malo velik. Njihov predlagan način z gobico pa žal ni najboljša ideja.

  3. To se mi zdi kot da je narejeno za azijske oči. Samo tam se mi zdi smiselno nanest tako tanek sloj. Ker tebi prekrije samo mobilno veko. Jaz pač vedno nanašam senčila višje, ker imam tudi rahlo hooded oči, da se sploh kaj vidi :). Koncept mi ni všeč, odtenki so pa zanimivi, če iščeš nekaj nosljivega.

    1. Razumem kaj so hoteli s tem naredit, ker tudi sama pogosto tako nanašam senčila, da je temna barva ob trepalnicah, sploh ker imam hooded eyes, ampak s to gobico se ne da lepo naredit, definitivno pa ne še lepo zblendat. Odtenki so lepi in kvalitetni, je pa sama oblika paletke zoprna.

  4. These look a lot like the ones that benefit released last year. They're a little weird to use because you end up with two stripes but I think the colors are very pretty and wearable with a brush <3 <3

    | www.noirettediary.com |

    1. You're right! I forgot about those benefit ones, but they are very similar. They tried to make things easier for those who can't do makeup well, but I still think using a brush with these is much better :)
