Slovenian Beauty Blogs/ Slovenski lepotni in kozmetični blogi:
In English or both English and Slovene / V angleščini ali dvojezični
In English or both English and Slovene / V angleščini ali dvojezični
Baroque Fool / Beauty Chat / Beauty of a Lemon (EN &SI)/ Beautysaur
Bonita Lavi / Beauty by Aiden
Chérie (EN &SI) / Cherry Colors / Chunky Cheeks / Colorful Bottle
Confessions of a Makeup Shopaholic
D, E
Dora Ward / Dainté / Did Someone Say Nail Polish? / Evil Radiator's Blog

Failed Beautification / Fruits and Snow
G, H, I
Generous Illusion / Hysteria of Decay / Gone2RehabBRB
Ivana Thinks Pink
Mancinas Beauty Spot (EN &SI) / Mateji Ustvarjata (EN &SI)
Memento Mori / My last dinner cost me my lover / Makeupologie by Tajka Selan
Nihrida / Nika's Beauty Land / Nina in the Spring
Nina Novak / Naturally Marcela! (ENG/SLO) / Nyx's Beauty Blog
P, R
Parokeets / Passing Fancy
Pimp Me Up / Pastel Pink / Red4 Mancy (SLO & EN)
Slovenian Bloggers (EN &SI)
The Puzzle of Sandra’s Life / The Beauty of Nail Polish
U,V,W, Z
UniqaPoly / Vesna En Violet / What Sasha Wears / Zalabell
Bonita Lavi / Beauty by Aiden
Chérie (EN &SI) / Cherry Colors / Chunky Cheeks / Colorful Bottle
Confessions of a Makeup Shopaholic
D, E
Dora Ward / Dainté / Did Someone Say Nail Polish? / Evil Radiator's Blog

Failed Beautification / Fruits and Snow
G, H, I
Generous Illusion / Hysteria of Decay / Gone2RehabBRB
Ivana Thinks Pink
Memento Mori / My last dinner cost me my lover / Makeupologie by Tajka Selan
Nihrida / Nika's Beauty Land / Nina in the Spring
Nina Novak / Naturally Marcela! (ENG/SLO) / Nyx's Beauty Blog
P, R
Parokeets / Passing Fancy
Pimp Me Up / Pastel Pink / Red4 Mancy (SLO & EN)
Slovenian Bloggers (EN &SI)
The Puzzle of Sandra’s Life / The Beauty of Nail Polish
UniqaPoly / Vesna En Violet / What Sasha Wears / Zalabell
V slovenščini/In Slovene:

Alejina D. / Beautifull blog
Maja/ Kingdom of Eve / Not so Skinny Jeans / Get Them Curious
Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick / La Dolce Vita / Mad About Red / Nails 2 Express
Jessie Fairytale (EN &SI) / Pretty Purple / Sugarlove Blog / Tanya's Secret World
Aleksandra Rose / Tanita Weith / The Beauty Law Blog / Tina's Blog
Viva La Vida / Small Bits of Loveliness / Madmoiselle Eva
A New Lease of Life / All about nails / Always polished nails / Colorful Harmony
Mostly Nail Polish
Rainbows and Blues (EN &SI) / Tassa's Blog / rosamond.autumn / A Beautiful Mess / Addicted to Nail Polish

Among Beauty Drawers / Balloon's Life / DejaZu / Makeup my Day!

Masha's Beauty Blog

Sarah Polisholic (EN &SI) / Silver and Rosy / Tamara's Beauty Talk

Tea Bratina Makeup / With Love Ana / Katja Spanka

Alejina D. / Beautifull blog
Maja/ Kingdom of Eve / Not so Skinny Jeans / Get Them Curious
Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick / La Dolce Vita / Mad About Red / Nails 2 Express
Jessie Fairytale (EN &SI) / Pretty Purple / Sugarlove Blog / Tanya's Secret World
Aleksandra Rose / Tanita Weith / The Beauty Law Blog / Tina's Blog
Viva La Vida / Small Bits of Loveliness / Madmoiselle Eva
My Little Wonderland / Sara's Beautybook / 21st Century Girl / Passion Victim

Filtrmag Beauty / Selly / Alixandra /
Rose Touch / my secret world/ Fashblog
Many Loves by Sabrina / French Vanilla / Kič Kafič / Blog by La Beauté
Beauty by Helena Romih / Meet Mija / Our Way Everyday / The Beauty of a Butterfly
Medeni Poljubčki
Slovene beauty blogs that haven't been updated in a while...

Filtrmag Beauty / Selly / Alixandra /
Rose Touch / my secret world/ Fashblog
Many Loves by Sabrina / French Vanilla / Kič Kafič / Blog by La Beauté
Beauty by Helena Romih / Meet Mija / Our Way Everyday / The Beauty of a Butterfly
Medeni Poljubčki
A New Lease of Life / All about nails / Always polished nails / Colorful Harmony
Mostly Nail Polish
Rainbows and Blues (EN &SI) / Tassa's Blog

Among Beauty Drawers / Balloon's Life / DejaZu / Makeup my Day!

Masha's Beauty Blog

Sarah Polisholic (EN &SI) / Silver and Rosy / Tamara's Beauty Talk

Tea Bratina Makeup / With Love Ana / Katja Spanka