May Favourites - Mateja's Beauty Blog

May Favourites

sreda, maj 29, 2013

I like wearing this body spray on warmer days, because even though it's sweet and fruity, there is some freshness to the scent. It's smells like a sweet, but refreshing frizzy soda. It doesn't last long, however, I don't mind reapplying it (besides, the bottle is huge). It does last longer if I layer it over the Love Spell body butter.

I love this colour. It's a great shade for Spring/Summer. Actually, I've worn it for two weeks straight. It's a green with some blue mixed in.

My favourite highlighter that I wear everyday (on days when I'n not experimenting with make up). It's one of those products that I know will look great no matter in what condition my skin is. It's a more subtle highlighter and therefore very appropriate for everyday makeup (when I was wearing Jemma Kidd Iced Gold on a very sunny day, someone commented why am I wearing glitter on my cheeks, it's better suited for gloomier days or night time). Lumi looks more like natural radiance and is perfect in combination with Healthy Mix Serum. 

I only did a first impression review on this foundation, which is odd because I freaking love it and it's my favourite foundation ever. I've been wearing it constantly since I first bought it, but I needed to use up the original Healthy Mix, so I haven't worn it for I while. When I put it on the first time in months, I was gobsmacked when I saw how absolutely perfect it looks. Yup, I love it. Looks so natural like I have nothing on and the finish is moderately glowy. It also doesn't leave my skin tacky, a feeling I genuinely dislike.

Absolutely stunning falsies that don't look over the top, but still give your eyes a bit of drama. These are so comfortable to wear, you can't even feel them on your eyes. And you can re-use them so many times.

I've really enjoyed wearing it this month and I wore it on most days. It's a lovely honey-floral fragrance with a strong fruity note in the beginning and a hint of smokiness from the incense. Plus the bottle is stunning.

However, my absolute favourite thing this month has been the Kerastase Nutritive products. These are the first products I ever tried that left my hair amazingly soft and that feeling lasted for days. I've used my regular conditioners since and I must admit it can't even remotely compare. When I used Kerastase my hair looked great for days (3-4), while with regular conditioners and other products my hair looks good for a day at most, then it's blah again. I own Bain Oléo-Relax Smoothing Shampoo, Masquitense Épais - Thick and Nectar Thermique.

I've been using it on most days to reduce frizz and give some additional shine to my hair. It's very light and great for when you want to add some extra oomph to your hair, plus it smells amazing. I carry the travel size in my bag at all times, not just because it's lighter than most silicone oils, but also because it has a pump.

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  1. A je torej Bourjois HM serum boljši kot foundation? Ker veliko slišim, da imajo punce raje serum.

    1. Meni osebno je. Foundation ima sicer boljšo prekrivnot, ampak je bilo precej odvisno kako izgleda od tega v kakšnem stanju je bila moja koža. Če je bila dehidrirana z luskicami jih je samo še poudaril, če pa je bila normalna je izgledal pa fantastično. Serum pa vedno izgleda super in tudi bolj naravno. Ampak jaz imam na splošno veliko raje pudre z majhno prekrivnostjo.

    2. Meni je serum tudi boljši, za dneve, ko ne rabim velik prekrinosti, drugače pa obvezen še korektor :) Pa na koži mi ne dela zmešnjave, tako kot original :)

    3. Moja koža je normalna (včasih malo dehidrirana), tako da tudi ne iščem neke velike prekrivnosti pri pudru. Bom zagotovo kupila še serum, da ga probam. :)

    4. Tako je, za večje nepravilnosti in za pod oči je potreben korektor :) Sicer, pa tudi foundation nima tako dobre prekrivnosti, da za posamezne nepravilnosti ne bi bil potreben. Seveda je čisto odvisno od stanja kože.

  2. Kok si želim poskusit tale Love Spell - že tolk blogerk sem ga slišala hvalit :). Pa Bourjois serum je naslednji na mojem must-have spisku :).
    Super post!


    1. Love Spell je super za bolj vroče dni, spominja me na Escade (tudi po obstojnosti), s tem da dobiš veliko več za nižjo ceno :) HM Serum je res moja stalnica je od vsega začetka, kjub temu da poskušam druge ga do zdaj ni še noben prekašal.
      Hvala :)

  3. I've always passed up the L'Oreal Magic Lumi Base at the drugstore because I thought it sounded too glowy! I can't wait to give it a try after hearing your good words :)

    1. It's definitely less glowy/ shimmery than most highlighters :) It's meant to be used as a base/primer and it works well like that, but I mostly use it to highlight the cheekbones, down the nose and the cupid's bow. I've actually heard it's similar to Becca's Shimmering skin perfector.

  4. Mi morda zaupaš kako si prišla do Love Spell? Ebay ali po kakšni drugi poti? Sama ga namreč poskušam pridobiti in mi ne uspeva :)

    1. Preko enega Britanskega prodajalca na ebayu (ni več registriran uporabnik, žal). Meni pokaže en kup prodajalcev, ki pošiljajo v Slovenijo: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Bath-Body-/11838/i.html?_sop=15&_from=R40&_nkw=victoria%27s+secret+love+spell
      Upam, da ti pomaga :)

  5. Nice favorites. I like the Lady Gaga perfume too.

  6. Love Spell res noro dobro diši, lakec pa Healthy Mix serum sta pa že na mojem šoping sezamu! :D
