Maybelline Color Tattoo Permanent Taupe

nedelja, maj 05, 2013

I never really planned to get any of these Color Tattoos, mainly because I have too many eyeshadows and I rarely wear any apart from Nyx's black as a liner and a matte skin colour as an all-over wash. However, as soon as I swatched this colour, I was taken aback by it's beauty. I have a thing for taupe eyeshadows, because I find they work great with my eye and skin colour. It's a grey-brown shade, actually an equal mix of the two and such shades bring out the blue in my eyes. It's a matte shade, which makes me love it even more and I've been wearing it a lot since I got it.

I was very impressed by the staying power. When I swatched them in the shop, they didn't budge after they dried and I couldn't wipe them off, I had to use water and soap. My lids are dry-ish and this lasts very well on me. I didn't actually ever pay attention to how many hours it lasts, but it survives at least 8 hours. Towards the end of the day, it fades a lot, but there is still some colour left close to my lash line where I apply most of the colour. 
I don't need to use a lot and it is quite pigmented, but I have to layer it to get the desired intensity. It blends nicely, I like to apply it with fingers, it's quick, easy and gets the job done. These are great for a quick eye makeup when you're in a hurry.
Compared to Essence Stay All Day and Catrice Made to Stay, I find the texture similar to Catrice's, but the Maybelline's one feel like they have more (or better) silicones in it. I would like to commend Maybelline for creating a matte shade, I hope Catrice and Essence will follow in their footsteps. 
I read somewhere that it is a good contouring colour, but I find it way too grey and cool, it will make you look like a corpse rather than a babe with awesome cheekbones. 

This shade makes a great base for eyeshadows and I like using it with Catrice Starlight Expresso (a gray-taupe shade). It is one of my favourite shades and I use it to do makeup very similar to this one - click, just adjusted to my eye shape. It's my version of a simple daytime smokey eye. It works well as a base with other darker colours, such as Smog from the Naked palette.
I paid 4.95€ for it, which is a reasonable price for such a good eyeshadow. I believe there are 8 shades available here, most are shimmery and I'm not really drawn to the colours. I like On and on Bronze, but I find Copy Right by Essence too similar to have two. Two Slovene bloggers swatched other shades available in Slovenia: Passing Fancy and The Puzzle of Sandra's Life.

Have a great day!

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  1. Uh prelepa boja! One tako dobro stoje i ulepsavaju lice <3

  2. ooo hvala da si me omenila :)
    Tudi meni je tale Tattoo najljubši!
    In vsekakor bom preizkusila še ta način make-upa :D

    1. Ni za kaj :) Res je krasen, prav obožujem take barve :)

  3. Joj, krasni so! Jaz jih imam kar pet, samo permanent taupe, turkizno in tisto rozkasto nisem kupila. S tem da sta permanent taupe in turkizna na 'maybe' seznamu. :) Zaenkrat sem preizkusila belo, vijolično in bakreno in so res zakon. Tako da upam, da dobimo še več odtenkov. :)

    1. U, maš kar zbirko :) Kakšen odtenek več bi še lahko imeli, samo je vprašanje če bomo, pomoje so omejeni z velikostjo polic :)

  4. tudi jaz sem se navdušila nad njimi :P nevem zakaj imam v glavi, da sem dala 8€ zanje...hmmm :)

    1. Jaz sem bila prepričana da bojo tam nekje okrog 8€, so me kar pozitivno presenetili s tako ceno :) Sem pa moje kupila v DM-u.

  5. Jaz jih imam nekj tudi na WL, po moje bom kakega vzela čez čas, ker so mi taka senčila zadnje čase najbolj všeč za "hiter makeup", kot mu pravim jaz, ko se mi ne da na veliko ubadati z očesnim makeupom.

    Mene je cena tudi presenetila, po pravici povedano. V Avstriji stanejo 8 €, pri nas pa samo 5 € (ampak to je dobra stvar:D). Mogoče se zato Pink Diamond spomni, da je dala toliko zanje. :)

    1. Ja tale kremna senčila so res dobra za hiter makeup. Jaz sem že prej uporabljala senčila od Essence za take primere :)
      Sploh nisem vedela, da so dražja v Avstriji! Sem jih sicer tam prvič videla v živo in si nisem nobenega privoščila, ampak nisem niti gledala cene. To je pa tudi manjši čudež, da je pri nas nekaj ceneje, ponavadi so cene kar podobne :)

  6. this looks amazing! i've had another colour from the same line, on and on bronze but i found it was too shimmery for my liking - this looks perfect!

  7. i just bought this one as well, what a coincidence! love this shade too!

  8. looks like Nutella ^^

    You might like the colors that I have. Check it out here:
