Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque

ponedeljek, marec 18, 2013

I'm a hair junkie, you probably gathered as much if you read my posts regularly. Deep Repair Masque is really hyped up by beauty bloggers and naturally, I had to try it. I really like their Healing Oil Treatment (review) and I wanted to try more things from their brand, so this was first on the list. My hair type is described under About page, but just to recap: very dry, coarse, frizzy, curly and thick. It's never soft no matter what I use. I can get it softer with hot oil treatment and heat styling, but it doesn't last long. I've had this mask for a month now and I've used it a lot, combining it with different products to see how it performs. I have to say, I'm not particularly impressed

This is a very thick product, about as thick as S-Factor's Serious Conditioner, imagine it as a medium thickness body butter. I favour thicker conditioners, because for some reason I believe they just work better. Due to it's consistency, it does take a bit of effort to apply it evenly. I'm never frugal when it comes to hair treatments, so I apply it generously on the 2/3 of my hair length, leaving out the top of my hair. I always leave treatments for at least 20 minutes, but usually longer. It washes off ok and doesn't leave any residue behind, but immediately when I was washing it off, I could feel it's just was not enough for my hair. It made my hair feel and look like I just used a better drugstore treatment. Dove Oil Care works the same on my hair for a fraction of the price.

I used it in a conjunction with their Healing Oil Treatment and I was very disappointed to see that it left my hair crazy frizzy. It's so odd, because their oil on its own works wonderfully as a defrizzer. Every time I used it, I had the same result. The only time I finally got a sleek result was when I used a hot oil treatment before and then a lot of Healing oil with Tigi Spoil Me before blow drying  The same as with drugstore treatments, my hair didn't stay hydrated for long, I had to resort to my Alverde Argan Mandel oil to keep the dryness and frizz at bay. 

I've had such an odd experience with this product. I'm not saying it's bad, because it's not. I just think it's not enough for my hair. I believe all the rave reviews are truly genuine, it's just that most reviewers have  moderately dry hair or ends and an oily scalp, so it probably works wonders for them. However, Dove Oil Care treatment from drugstore for 4€ works just about the same and this mask is really expensive. I love S-Factor Serious Conditioner, Joico K-Pack Hydrator and Moisture Recovery Treatment balm for my hair, but I'm still looking for that magic product that would finally make my hair super soft. It's just that I've been told by someone that my hair feels prickly and it didn't exactly inspire much confidence. If you have any recommendations for a heavy duty treatment leave a comment, but please no advertising, because I'll simply erase it.

Deep Repair Masque comes in different sizes. You can get a sample 30 ml size for about 3.5€ and the 250 ml, which I have, was 21.75€ on eBay.

You have the rest of my hair reviews under label hair, or go to All-Time Favourites page for favourites (also if you click the picture Hair Care it will take you to hair label). Thanks for reading.

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  1. Jaz ti žal ne morem pomagati, ker so moji lasje čisto drugačni kot tvoji, seveda pa kljub temu upoštevam tvoje nasvete v postih o laseh in moram priznati, da so moji lasje mnogo lepši, odkar uporabljam nekatere izdelke, ki si jih priporočila na blogu. Sploh Dove conditioner je postal moj holy grail izdelek za lase, odkar ga uporabljam, odličen je za moje lase. :)

    1. Super :) Me veseli, da ti je všeč in da ti moji nasveti pomagajo.

  2. Jaz se še vedno nisem odločila za nakup te maske, se mi zdi, da čudežev itak ne more naredit, dobim pa dosti podobnih izdelkov za dosti nižjo ceno. :)

    1. Se strinjam, da je res draga, ker naprimer za približno tako ceno dobiš 750ml Tigijevega serious conditionerja :)

  3. This has nothing to do with the post, but i just wanted to say hi! :) I've been reading your blog for AGES and i just love it so so much. <3 I appreciate the effort you put into it and i'm able to tell now, because i started my own and i can see how much work it takes and how much devotion one must have. Love from Greece honey! xxx -Cornelia

    1. Hi! Thank you so much, you're very kind :) Best of luck in the future with your blog. I'll be sure to check it out :)
