New Essence Products for Autumn and my Wishlist

sobota, avgust 17, 2013

Essence will launch a ton of new products in September as usual every Autumn. I hear they should be reaching our drugstores in about two weeks. If you read any of the German blogs this news isn't really that new and also Nuša a.k.a. Moonchild has already diligently put all the information about the products on her blog here and here, while the  going away products are here
I have a shorter wishlist than when the Spring's new products were launched. I'm very excited about the Long Lasting Lipsticks, since the one I have from the Home Sweet Home TE has one of my absolute favourite formulas and I have a lot of lipsticks, so that tells a lot. I was really hoping they would make a whole range of lipsticks because I missed out on the other shade in that collection, which I really regret. Paddy already swatched all of them here and so far I want three shades. All you need is Red looks like a nice orange based red, basically the type of shade I really enjoy wearing, so I'm looking forward to getting this shade the most. They will cost 2.49€ here (and 2.29€ in Germany).
The second thing I'm interested in are the Blush Sticks. I hope these won't be a miss, because I don't like their soufflé touch blushes nor do I care much for their powder ones, but I usually like their creme blushes from trend editions.
The last thing is the Glow in the Night Top Coat. I hope this one works, because I bought their Glowing in the Dark Topper, which I have no use for since it only glows under UV light.

And here are all of the new products. Honestly, I was hoping for some new shades of their fantastic Stay Matt lip creams. At least they could add Floral Glam in the permanent range.

Is anything on your wishlist? Have a great day!

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  1. I can't wait to get my hands on a couple of the new lipsticks! I have both from the Home Sweet Home collection and love them. I also wanna try the jumbo eyeshadow pencils.
    I hope they come out with new shades of the Stay Matt lip creams sometime because I love those too. I was also hoping for a more exciting colors for the Stay With Me glosses, maybe an orange or a shimmery nude.

    1. I want to see reviews for the jumbo pencils first as I don't have the best experience with any of their eye pencils.
      They should have added shades of matt creams, the current range is so limited. I love the formula, but they need to add some new nice colours :)

  2. Vau, toliko novih vabljivih izdelkov:) dobra izbira;)

  3. Is that glitter nail polish, omg, I'll get that, lol. Some brownish nail polishes look really nice to me! But I'll not get any of the caviar ones, not my thing. The stickers look cute. I'm not interested in the other stuff, though.

    1. You mean the special effect topper with 3D glitter? They are adding this shade to the previous 5. I admit I'm not the one for all these special effects nail stuff, so I'll give it a miss as well :)

  4. Priznam, jaz sem tudi pričakovala, da bodo dodali več Stay Matt lip cream odtenkov. No, na srečo so dodali bolj pigmentirane šminke, na moji WL jih je tudi kar nekaj. Pol stvari, ki bodo na novo to jesen, sploh za nail art, pa se mi zdijo brezveze.

    1. Manjkajo vsaj še 4 odtenki. Kakšnen koralen, svetlejši roza, vampy rdeča in Floral Glam najmanj :) So pa kar lepi odtenki šmink, samo upam, da je formula dobra. Jaz sem itak premalo talentirana za nail art in ponavadi niti ne gledam tistega dela stojala :)

  5. Uuuu, kar precej všečnih stvari vidim!

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  6. Bok,evo baš sam naletila na tvoj blog i jako mi se sviđa :) Nemam niti jedan catrice ruž,ali ova 3 su mi predivna-baš ću ih pogledati kad i do nas u Hrvatskoj stignu :)

    1. Hvala:) Pri nas bodo nove stvari čez 2 tedna, verjetno bodo tudi pri vas enkrat takrat :)

  7. Imam kar nekaj stvari na WL, samo bomo videli kako mi bodo všeč ko jih dejansko vidim :) Nail effects izgledajo zanimivi, nove šminke tudi, pa kakšna od kremnih senčk :) Jaz sem tudi upala, da bodo dodali kakšno barvo k Stay matt lip creams :(

  8. Na WL imam šminke, ostalo me niti ne zanima. Senčila so mi lepa, ampak sem ročno potegnila pri njih, ker sem si naredila čisto preveč razkošno zalogo in res ne potrebujem več stvari. Mi je pa žal, da ni še več mat krem za ustnice, s tem so res v črno zadel, ampak bom očitno ostala pri eni barvi. Sem si pa danes kupila On the Catwalk šminko in je fantastična. Tudi črna embalaža mi je veliko bolj všeč.

    1. A so že nove stvari pri nas? Moram it pogledat :D

  9. Awwww!! The products are just amazing!! Sooo luscious lipglosses and blush!!!
