New In #6

torek, avgust 20, 2013

Xen-Tan Dark Lotion and Tanning Mitt
A repurchase. This one and St. Tropez are my favourites, so I just went for the one that was cheaper. I did a comparison review here. Xen-Tan's mitt, on the other hand, is better than St.Tropez's.

L'Oreal Ever Rich Shampoo and Hair Mask
I heard quite a lot of praise about L'Oreal Ever Rich line recently and I can't resist a hair product with a good feedback. I had the shampoo from the Ever Pure line (for coloured hair) and I really liked it. Ever Rich line is targeted for dry hair, but the shampoo it's very, very similar to the Ever Pure one. It's really creamy, foams nicely, is sulphate-free and doesn't leave my hair dry. The only thing that is different from the Ever Pure one, is a better scent. It is kind of a sweet caramel one (It reminds me a lot of a old DM's Reell'e products for brown hair) and it is strong enough to last even on my hair. Some say the scent is too sweet, but I don't think so. All in all, it's a really nice shampoo and one of my favourite drugstore ones.
L'Oreal Ever Riche hair mask is a really good mask for a drugstore range. It's medium consistency and has the same sweet caramel scent as the shampoo. It's definitely one of the better ones from drugstore, but maybe not as good as Dove Oil Repair 1 Minute and I would highly recommend you try it if you have really dry hair. Both the shampoo and the mask aren't cheap for drugstore products, they are about 8€ each, but great drugstore hair products for really dry hair are rare as diamonds. Ingredients for the shampoo here and for the mask here.

Aveo Nail Polish Remover Pads
They smell really nice, kind of lighty fruity and they are a bit oily, therefore moisturising, but the remover is so weak. I need a lot of rubbing to get the nail polish off as it so slowly (or barely) dissolves anything. 

L'Occitane Brightening Cleansing Foam
I really dislike cleansing foams, but this is so highly recommended on Makeup Alley that I decided to try it out anyway. I needed something for the morning that simply washes off, but usually gel and foam cleansers dry out my skin. I got the 50ml version to trial and I'm planning to do a cleanser comparison post, so a proper review will be posted then, when I thoroughly try all of them out.

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser
The lovely Slovenian blogger Maja from Pink Mascara had a giveaway recently and I won. She speaks so highly about it, so I really wanted to try it out and I was chuffed to bits, when I saw that she also included the bag. I know, what about that silly GWP bag? Well, it's mint green, which is my favourite colour, and I just briefly mentioned in one of the comments on her blog that I like Liz Earle's bags, I didn't even know she remembered and she just gave it to me. Thanks again! And go check out her blog. I will do a proper review in that cleansers post.

Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing Gel
Another small size cleanser (50ml) to trial. As the name suggests, it's a gel cleanser, but it first turns to oil on dry skin and then when water is added, it lathers into a foam. Again, review will be posted with other cleansers.

Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask
I only got the 30ml size of eBay, but I have a feeling it will last me quite a while. It's a super moisturising mask for dry/dehydrated skin with a fruity scent (some say peach, but I have a basket of them next to me and such claims only make me wonder if they ever really smelled a peach before). My skin is feeling really comfortable at the moment, so I think I will be able to test it's full potential in winter, but so far I really like it.
 Origins Make a Difference Plus+ Rejuvenating Treatment
I got a sample of this moisturiser which lasted me a few applications. It's a thicker gel consistency and leaves a slight sticky finish making it not the best choice for under makeup. It has quite a strong herbal-ish/citrus scent and is all in all a nice moisturiser, but I probably won't purchase full size.

Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer 20 Meet Me at Coral Island
It's similar to the Bourjois 10 Days #25, but less pink and with a slightly better formula (there is still room for improvement). Comparison swatches will be in another post. I plan to get the Essie Cute as a Button as well, so I might wait with the swatches until then.

Lancôme Hypnôse Custom-Wear Volume waterproof mascara
Oh, I how like this. It is remarkably similar in performance to my HG mascara Helena Rubinstein Lash Queen Feline Black Waterproof , but it's easier to find. I'll do a proper review of course. Currently, all mascaras in Müller are 20% off (until 24.8.2013) and also Feel Unique has a sale. If you need a good volumising mascara that holds curl all day, go grab yourself one.

Bourjois Shine Edition 21 Rouge Making Of
This is sooo lovely. An amazing orange based red that is actually properly pigmented for a shiny lipstick. You can tell you really like a lip colour, when you wear it every day two weeks in a row despite having a massive collection of other shades. Bourjois does not disappoint with their lipstick formulas, their Rouge Edition is my favourite one. Review soon.

 Cosmopolitan Beauty Expert Blend Perfection Sponge
I was never really into these sponges and while I'm certain it won't replace my Real Techniques brushes, I decided to try one out to see what the fuss is about. I didn't go for Essence one, because just about every one complained about them tearing, so I went for a Cosmopolitan version, because I am not paying over 20€ for the original Beauty Blender. I tested it once and it gives a fantastic skin-like finish, but it soaks up too much product, plus the staining will bother me. I doubt I'll ever get over the fact I need to use twice as much product and the finish is hardly any different than with RT brushes. I washed it once and when it was drying, it broke. Just greeeeaat. I was being gentle, I swear. Oh well, it's still useful and you can't see it when it's damp. I'll continue using it and if I happen to love it, it should pop up in some favourites post one day.

Body & Soul Massage& Glätte Styling (Massage and Sleek Styling brush)
I never owned such a brush before, but she used it this and this video, so I decided I should invest in one. It's such an essential, I really don't know why I haven't bought it years ago. I really like it, it makes the hair sleeker and properly detangled. It was about 8€ in Müller and I only latter noticed that a very similar brush is about a € cheaper in DM.
 Sun Dance Getöntes Fluid mit Soforteffekt (Wash Off Instant Tan)
Oh, the disappointment. I'm ghost pale and this did nothing. Not a hint of colour, nada. It's a tinted light cream with a strong chemical smell that applies nicely and evenly. I haven't noticed any staining on the clothes, but I'm still not a fan of it.

Have a great day!

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  1. Tok mi je fajn videt ko katera od punc objavi stvar, ki sem ji jo jaz podarila. :) Upam, da boš zadovoljna z Cleanse&Polish-em.

    Drugače pa tudi mene mikajo Origins izdelki, ampak kaj ko jih je težko dobit oz. so precej dragi. Do zdaj sem probala samo olje in je bilo zelo dobro.

    Te gobice za nanos pudra/korektorja pa tudi mene zelo mikajo, ampak mi je res malo preveč dat 20 € za original Beauty Blender...

    1. Maja, meni je bilo tudi težko dati 20 € za original Beauty Blender, vendar se splača! Je toliko boljši (glede same uporabe in končnega efekta) od ostalih poceni tovrstnih izdelkov, da se res splača dati malo več. Tisti, ki pišejo, da so ostali ravno tako dobri, kot original BB, enostavno nimajo prav. Razlika je očitna.

    2. @Maja: Hvala še enkrat. Kolikor sem ga uporabljala mi je kar všeč :) Origins je neverjetno težko najti razen na eBayu in Amazonu. Cene so pa obupne, zato sem raje vzela 30ml za 11€.

      @Sunshine: 20€ za gobico je res pretirana cena, še posebej ker so mi Real Techniques čopiči tako všeč. Ampak verjamem, da je veliko ljudem tak način nanosa super in se jim absolutno splača plačati več za BB gobico :). Ampak mene zelo moti to koliko pudra gobica vpije in pudri niso ravno zastonj.

    3. Jaz sem slišala, da tudi BB po nekaj mesecih razpade oz. izgleda zelo umazano, tko da se mi zdi, da se čopiči še vseeno bolj izplačajo, še posebej RT :D bi pa tudi jaz kako gobico, Origins masko ali pa nočno kremo in Lorealove maske in balzame iz te Ever Rich linije probala :)

    4. Se kar umaže že po prvi uporabi, pretirano grob pri umivanju pa ne moreš bit, glede na to da se je takoj raztrgala. Lepa ne bo dolgo, ampak važno da deluje :) Se pa strinjam, da se čopiči bolj splačajo, še posebej ker te gobice naj bi precej pogosto menjaval. L'orealove stvari imajo pa samo v Müllerju, če boš iskala :)

  2. Živjo smem vprašati kje si kupila cosmopolitan gobico? :)

    1. Na Feel Unique :)

  3. Kje kupuješ Origins? Jaz sem tudi nabavila Liz Earle cleanser, pa mi ni niti približno tako dober kot Clinique Take The Day Off. Malo sem razočarana glede na tako dobre ocene. Clinique veliko bolj in hitreje očisti MU, sploh pri maskari ni primerjave.

    1. Tale maska je iz eBaya. Samo tam in na Amazonu sem našla, da pošiljajo v Slovenijo. Clinique-ov TTDO je na moji wishlisti in ga še nisem imela šanse sprobat, ampak meni je LE kar všeč :)

    2. Tudi jaz si že nekaj časa želim preizkusiti Clinique Take the day off, ampak me cena precej odbija - mislim, da je Mullerju okoli 30 € ali še nekaj čez. Sicer vem, da se ga ful malo porabi in dolgo traja, ampak vseeno... No, enkrat bo sigurno prišel na vrsto. :)

    3. 32€ je. Samo vsi pravjo, da ga majo za res dolgo :)

    4. Porabi se ga zelo malo, tako da traja res dolgo. LE cleanserja se porabi dosti več, tako da ne bi rekla, da je cena edino merodajna za nakup izdelka. Meni je Clinique res top, daleč najboljši odstranjevalec balm tipa, kar sem jih probala. Plus, da ne vsebuje nobenega top shita, ki bi mašil pore ali iritiral kožo. Antipodes mi je čisto zapacal kožo, ker vsebuje too much eteričnih olj.

  4. Okay so not sure if my computer auto-translated this article, but I hope you can read my comment! I had the same thought process with beauty sponges until I actually found a good dupe (that's way cheaper) Anywho, not sure if they ship to you, but worth looking into. These sponges don't break, don't absorb product, and pretty much rock my face out! LOL (I'm a convert, what can I say :))

    1. Your comment was posted just fine :) These sure look interesting, I'll check them out :)

  5. Super post!:) Mene pa zanima, kje si kupila to L'oreal masko za lase? Jaz sem že izgubila upanje v dobre maske za lase, sploh kar se tiče teh cenejših izdelkov. Glede beauty blendera pa, jaz sem kupila tudi nek ponaredek na ebayu in se mi je super obnesel, iste oblike kot ta od Cosmopolitana in precej bolj trd, da ni vpil celega pudra. Sem pa pred tem kupila Essence in jo dobesedno razmesarila z nohti, ker je bila premehka, pa še preveč je vpijala.

    1. V Müllerju :). Je precej nanovo ta linija. Zraven je še navadni balzam in balzam v spreju.

  6. As for the makeup sponge, I've only tried the UBU (Urban Beauty United) which costs €6 and the Buyincoins one, which was about €2. I like the UBU better because it's quicker to clean, but the BIC ones are rather nice too.
    I've heard the one from Essence is crap too, so don't bother with that one either.

  7. I forgot to mention the UBU one is latex-free, but I don't know if the BIC ones are.

    1. I'm not familiar with these brands, but I'll check them out. Thanks for recommendations :)

  8. Tudi jaz sem končno dobila Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish in Origins Drink Up Intensive! Komaj čakam, da oboje sprobam.

    Cosmopolitan gobico sem pa ravnokar stran vrgla po sedmih mesecih, ker je začela zgledati rahlo nehigienično, haha. Mi je bila pa drugače zelo všeč, veliko bolj od čopičev, ker sem lahko z njo nanesla podlago bolj na tanko in se mi ni toliko nabirala na suhih predelih, kar se mi rado dogaja pri čopičih.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. O, fino. Sva imele potem podobno wishlisto :)
      Meni je pa nanos s čopiči najbolj všeč, ampak jaz imam navado uporabljat zelo malo pudra naenkrat. Sem pa opazila, da so se meni danes po res dolgem času naredile luskice in edina razlika je bila to da sem uporabila gobico. Hmmm...

  9. koliko super novih proizvoda :) Imam i ja ovu Origins masku i to nije vidjelo breskve (ali mi je maska jako dobra) :)

    1. :D A ne. Potem pa bereš reviewe kjer ti trdijo, da boljšega vonja breskve še niso vohale :) Maska je pa dobra.

    2. ma možda one mirišu neke gmo breskve :))

  10. Moja Essence gobica še pa kr vztraja, zgleda da sem imela srečo :D Me pa mika poskusit še od Real tecniques verzijo :) Se pa veselim ocene šminke :)

    1. Res si imela srečo s to gobico :) Sem videla že promo slike RT gobice, samo se mi ni dalo čakat nanjo.
      Ravnokar urejam swatche za Bourjois šminko. Bo kmalu objavljeno :)

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  12. L'Oreal Ever Riche linijo imam na WL odkar jo je essiebutton tolk prevalila. Ampak za drugstore res ni pocen, še šparam :D
    Glede gobice: jaz sem nekje marca naročila eno za $1 iz eBaya pa mi je čist kul, se še ni strgala. Edino ne morem je do konca oprati ker jo je Revlon Colorstay res pobarval :D

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. *essiebutton jo je tolk prehvalila ;)

    2. Jo večina britanskih bloggerk hvali, ampak one so jo itak dobile zastonj. Je pa kr drago za drogerije :)
      Sem razmišljala od teh kitajskih gobicah, ampak sem se kar odločila za Cosmopolitan. Moja je tudi že umazana :)
