The Body Shop Silky Cleansing Oil

sreda, oktober 22, 2014

Praised for it's makeup removing capabilities, Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil certainly intrigued me greatly as a regular wearer of waterproof mascara and I wasn't disappointed. It was on my wishlist since the first press release and a couple of months ago I finally had a chance to snatch one for myself on my trip to Celovec/Klagenfurt. 

Texture: This is a very, very light and liquid oil, it's almost light as water and can quickly run off your hands. It doesn't emulsify much, certainly nothing like Clarins Pure Melt Cleansing Gel or L'Oreal Skin Perfection 15 Second Miracle Oil, instead it stays oily with only the slightest bit of foam forming.

Performance: It removes a large bulk of makeup in one go, even a waterproof mascara, though bits can still linger between the lashes. It does need quite a while and gentle rubbing to get the mascara off, though the rest is much easier. I use a washcloth to remove it as it leaves a filter on the skin if it's just washed off. It does make the vision blurry as most oils I tried, which I admit, I find annoying. I've tried using it as an everyday cleanser, but like at all oil cleansers I've tried, my skin isn't as clear and in good condition as when I use balm or creamy cleansers. I prefer to use this as a makeup remover and then follow up with a creamy cleanser, so the double cleansing method. I liked it when I went on a holiday because I didn't need to take separate makeup removers and cleansers with me, but on long term, it's not the best thing for my skin if I use it on its own as a cleanser.

Scent: It has a very gentle scent that isn't particularly reminiscent of camomile, but it is a nice scent nonetheless.

Packaging: It gets an A+ for packaging from me. The pump is very handy and efficient. The bottle is plastic, so there's no worry it might break and there is no leaking, which is the last thing you want when dealing with an oil.


Price: it costs about 13 € for 200 ml in The Body Shop in Austria.

I love this as a makeup remover because it's fast, efficient and it even manages to take on a challenge of removing my super stubborn Hynôse waterproof mascara. I do find that I need to follow up with another cleanser to keep my skin in check, however, I think that those who don't have problems with oil cleansers with like this on its own.

Have a great day!

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  1. Joj sem ga imela na wish listi, pa ni bilo The Body Shopa v Seiersbergu. Želela sem si to olje ali pa butter verzijo. Mogoče olje ne bi bilo najbolj primerno za mojo kožo. Tale ginger mucek je tvoj? Kako luškan:))

    1. Ah, kakšna škoda :/ Bi mogla sprobat, da bi res vedela, če ti ne paše.
      Aha :D Naši imajo navado ležat točno tam kjer se ne sme :)

  2. Sliši se super, ampak verjetno ne bi bil za mojo mastno kožo + ne uporabljam ravno vodoodpornih ličil. :))
    Kot sem ti že napisala na FB, mi je neizmerno všeč prva slikica, deluje tako spontano. :P Se kar strinjam z Petro, luškan muc. <3

    1. Pravijo, da za mastno kožo je menda bolje. če uporabljaš olja in se potem manj masti. Bi pa morala sprobat :)
      Je kar lušna, a ne :)

  3. Mucek res naredi popolno sliko, ni kaj. :)

  4. Zveni zanimivo... ampak bom najbrž kar ostala pri Liz Earle in Clarins gelu. :D

    Drugače pa kitty... <3

  5. Ta je pa že dolgo na moji WL.
    Kje v Celovcu pa imajo BodyShop? :)

    Muceeeek <3

    1. TBS je v City Arkaden, v prikličju pri tekočih stopnicah :)

  6. Verjetno ga bom kupila, ko mi zmanjka Bioderme, ker me res zanima kako se bo na meni obnesel. Slab že ne mora biti, če ga tako vsi hvalijo. :)

    1. Meni je to kar različna stvar od Bioderme, ampak je pa super za odstranjevanje vodooporne maskare, še posebej če ti je, kot meni, škoda vseh teh vatk stran zmetat. Edino kar me moti je to, da zamegli vid, tako da moram it res pred spanjem odstranjevat mejkap, ker potem praktično ne moreš gledat v monitor normalno.

  7. As soon as I run out of La Roche Posay make-up remover I'm going to give this one a try!

  8. Končno sem se dokopala do njega, zdaj samo čakam, da vse poslikam in ga sprobam :D

    1. No super :) Se spomnim kako si bila razočarana ko ga v Gradcu nisi dobila.
      Only bloggers know :D
