Essence Effect Nail Polishes - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Essence Effect Nail Polishes

sreda, december 10, 2014

Sparkle Sand Top Coat

I admit I'm not a fan of these toppers that give texture to the nails. It's just so odd to me because it feels so bumpy/uneven on the nails, though, this one does look quite pretty in person and my pictures don't do it justice, but hey I'm taking pictures with a smartphone and that's the best my three-year-old Galaxy can do. It looks very similar to the Hypnôse Star mascara packaging, so it's a silver sand effect. I think it looks quite glam, but there are other toppers that are prettier (yes, I'm talking about Icy Fairy). The removal process isn't too laborious if you're using a pot remover, but it's still a lot more difficult than at regular nail polishes. I applied three coats on the ring finger.

Here is another picture of on a nail wheel over Catrice First Glass Grape and it actually looks prettier.

It costs 2.49 € in drugstores, but I'm not sure if these toppers are available only on the large Essence stands or on small ones as well.

I <3 Magic

I <3 Magic is a silver holographic top coat which is quite good in terms of effect. I applied three coats on the ring finger and if I had a silver base under it, it could look like a proper holographic nail polish. It's very difficult to capture the holographic effect, especially with a smartphone, so I'm including a blurry picture which shows better the extend of the holographic effect. The removal process is easy.

21 Icy Fairy

I've talked loads about this topper already, so I'm sure you know the gist - despite the wintery name, it's galaxy effect topper and performs best over black because it has a duo chrome navy-purple base that gives that deep space effect. It's an absolute stunner and has captured my heart, which is quite an achievement, since I'm not a huge fan of toppers, shimmer and the like as I just like my nails in a uniform colour with a creamy finish (I do have a soft spot for stamping and pretty nail art, I just can't do it myself). It's not the easiest nail polish to remove mostly because of the big glitter particles that get stuck on the nails like they were glued on with super glue, but it's all worth it.

And a close-up, but as you can see I took a picture after wearing it for about five day and my nails already grew.

Both of these Effect nail polishes cost 1.49 €.

 Have a great day!

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  1. I like the 21 Icy Fairy. It looks so magical. But I heard, just like you say, that this type of nail polish is hard to remove.

    1. It's beautiful :) The big glitter particles are hard to remove, so I basically scratch them off when all the rest of the nails polish has been removed.

  2. Definitely want to try some of these, especially the galaxy effect topper -- so pretty. I've never tried this line of polishes before but I will definitely be looking for them at stores. x, S


  3. Živjo Mateja! Ne vem, če si videla, sem ti že par dni nazaj pisala na FB.
    Drugače si pa najbolj od vseh želim čisto prvega. Icy Fairy že imam, drugi me pa ne mika:)

    1. Živjo Ana, sem gledala med sporočila in tvojega ni :( Kam si pa pisala?

    2. Na fb. Mogoče poglej pod ostala sporočila, verjetno je romalo tja, ker nisva prijateljice.
      Tale link sem ti poslala, ko sem zagledala, sem se nate spounala: http://www.feelunique.com/p/Lancome-Hypnose-Drama-Mascara-Gift-Set
      Mogoče ti prav pride. Sem pa nek darilni set s to maskaro in črtalom, glossom pa lakom tudi pri nas videla za 33€. Če bi te mogoče zanimalo ;)

    3. A, sem našla :).Si imela prav, je bilo pod druga sporočila, kjer mi pa ne kaže obvestil. Vem za ta set, saj ga imajo ponekod celo leto, ampak nima vodoodporne maskare zraven, jaz pa navadnih ne kupujem :)

  4. Pretty! Lots of results for little money :-)

  5. Hi Mateja! I came here to say sorry because I stole some pictures from your blog, of the amazing MATTraction Lipstick 360 from Catrice. Shame on me :(
    But I fall in love with your blog, you are such a nice girl! I have a blog too but it is in my mother tongue, spanish, it's name is www.belleza entre araucarias.blogspot.com and I invite you yo visit it, if you want :)
    I hope you don't get mad with me for my virtual crimen, sorry again!
    Kisses from Temuco, Chile :)

    1. It's ok, as long as I know about it and you don't remove my watermark :) You haven't committed any crime in my eyes, especially since I saw that someone actually copied my blog completely, so I find your honestly refreshing :D

  6. Prvega in tretjega moraaaam, imeti. :3 božanskaa sta.

  7. Pretty:) Imam oba razen holo effect, ki pa prav tako ni slab:)

    1. Tale holo res ni slab, še posebej za topper. Ampak je treba pa več plasti nanest :)
