Best Beauty Tools - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Best Beauty Tools

petek, marec 20, 2015

These were the discovery of the year in 2014. I've always wanted sectioning clips, but I could never find more than a pack of 2 for a completely unreasonable price in our drugstores. Then I resorted to eBay and ordered these for a few euros not expecting much, but the quality of these blew me away. They are made from that "NARS" like rubberised, matte plastic and the spring is a really good one meaning it's not too weak, but neither too tight. I use these every time I blow dry or curl the hair to keep them out of the way as well as to  pin the just blow dried strands in a ring shape to let it cool and in that way create a loose wave. 
I bought mine from this seller.

Pot Nail Polish Removers
A trend that Bourjois started years ago with their Magic Nail Polish Remover and that has now spawned many "dupes", both more affordable and more expensive. The level of brilliance when it comes to these removers still astonishes me and I can barely imagine myself still using the old school remover and cotton pads to remove the nail polish from my fingernails. All you have to do is pop the finger in the pot, swish it around for a while against the foam soaked in remover and it's done. It shaved so much time of removing nail polish, which before was one of my most hated beauty chores. This is truly an amazing beauty invention and I hear some even make their own versions from common household objects. 

The days of putting just cleaned damp brushes on the edge of the table or on the radiator are long for me ever since I got this brush drying station. It's such a clever little thing and it does its job so well. All you have to do is put the damp brushes upside down in silicone grippers and wait for it do dry. It prevents the water collecting inside the ferule and dissolving the adhesive, therefore prolonging the life of brushes. This one is also collapsible, so it's easy to store in the drawer when you're not using it. 
Mine is from Glossy.si, but international readers can get it on the official Benjabelle site. There are also many versions of such racks sold on eBay.

 REMINGTON Ci6325 Pro Soft Curl Curler
The unsung hero of mine. In the four years of blogging I mentioned this curler only once and I yet I use it so much. Every time you see me with curly hair in my swatches pictures, this is the curler I used. I've had a few in my time and this is by far the best one for my type of hair. It's a 2.5 cm (1 inch) barrel curler with an adjustable temperature option, but it's still very basic and most importantly very affordable. I bought it in Interspar a long time ago for about 30 € (but I think I even used a nice discount at the time - the good thing about Interspar, am I right?). On my thick, long hair I find that the 200°C setting works best and if I use a lower temperature, the curls don't last nearly as long. I usually just simply curl the hair starting at the middle of my length and curl it away from the face, but leave the ends out and hold it for usually less than 10 seconds. I do that in sections and clip the hair that's already been curled in a loose bun, so it cools and keeps shape better. Once all the hair is curled and cool, I run through the curls with fingers and Orofluido, then finish with some hair spray and a texturiser. This way my curls last three or even more days, but they get quite loose by day three giving me that slightly wavy, but almost glam look. I just can't imagine my life without this curler.  

EBELINE Ionic Negative Round Ceramic Brush
60 mm
If you have unruly, frizzy hair like me and you're not using a round brush together with a hair dryer, you're seriously missing out. I find that a good blow-out makes my hair feel less coarse, makes it more manageable and less dry-feeling to the touch. See that orange strip on this brush? Well, by changing into yellow that little genius thing alerts you that the temperatures are so high they are damaging for your hair . Though I use a hair dryer once a week, I never use it at the highest heat setting and this brush also alerts me if I'm concentrating on one strand too long and causing unnecessary damage. I like the design of this brush a lot as it never got tangled in my hair and it manages to make my hair look sleeker. Quite a nifty thing. 
Ebeline is a brand sold in DMs and this brush cost around 10 €. I've seen a similar design from Műller's Body & Soul brushes. 

Tangle Teezer and its many dupes
While my hair isn't that tangly despite the length and thickness (it's all the conditioners/leave-ins I'm using, I guess), these type of brushes are so much better than any of those old school brushes I used to have. I particularly like the ones with some sort of a handle, especially if you have "baby hands" like me because the original Tangle Teezer is quite big to hold (but not the travel size). They glide through the hair so much easier and it takes a lot less time to comb the hair which if you have such long hair as me is a giant plus. Also there is almost none of pulling and tugging, so it reduces damage when combing. 
I saw my Ulala! brush sold for as little as 4 € in E.Leclerc, but such brushes are sold everywhere now. 

BRAUN Silk Epil Xelle Epilator
Another unsung hero of mine and one that has been my trusted companion for about 7 or 8 years. I paid a lot at the time (around 100 €) and it still works perfectly after all this time. TMI moment, I have very dark, strong hair and very pale skin, so you do the math, but I can tell you it's just one of those things that causes me great distress. Shaving lasts about a day or less for me, even so it never does the job completely as the dark dots are still clearly visible against my milky skin, so plucking is the most long lasting and better performing option. I'm not going to say that it doesn't hurt. This one has a massaging rollers attachment, which is supposed to help with the pain, but it's rather gimmicky to be honest, however, the "smartlight" is just brilliant (seriously, get one with the light). I have a high threshold for pain and even I feel a bit of discomfort, but mostly because my hair is so strong (it's a slight burning sensation if you're interested). I gave it to my cousin to try once and she can't even look at it since then that's how painful it was for her. But it's the best way of dealing with the problem for me and it gives me about a week of carefreeness and even in the later days the hair is more sparse. It takes about three weeks for all the hair to grow back, which is not bad, but as I said it's completely smooth for a lot less time because hair grows at different rates. Its main issue is the ingrown hair, but that's a story for another day. 
This version is discontinued, but Braun has many new versions of Silk Epil epilators. I think it's worth investing more into these as mine lasted amazingly long.

RIFFI Body Brush
Jana from Small Bits of Loveliness hooked me up on the whole body brushing business. As I've said before I have a problem with ingrown hair, so I had hopped regular brushing will help alleviate the problem. It turned out to be such a fun and pleasant beauty treatment at the end of the day. The bristles are so soft that the brushing is really pleasant. Apart from exfoliation, there are several other advantages to using a body brush, but you should investigate that yourself if you're interested.
My brush is from Müller for 5.5 €, but these type of brushes are sold in most drugstores.

What are your essential beauty tools? Have a great day! 

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  1. Tale Ebelinova okrogla krtača se sliši prav zanimiva, bo treba kaj v DM :) Jaz sem šele pred kratkim odkrila čudež krtačenja z okroglo krtačo ob feniranju in lasje dejansko zgledajo kot iz salona + še po ravnalcu las mi ni treba skoraj nikoli več posegat ^.^
    Ta Braun epilator ti po toliko letih še vedno dela na baterijo al ga moraš met priključenega v elektriko? Sama se za svojega bojim da bo baterija crknila, ta priključek za kabel pa tako slabo drži da ga potem niti ne bi mogla več uporabljat, ker bi stalno ven padal :D
    + Odgovor na tvoje vprašanje na koncu: jaz brez pincete ne morem živet :P

    1. Yup, sploh ni treba nič ravnat lase, če posušiš s okroglo krtačo :)

      Za priključit na elektriko je, ampak ima zelo dolg kabel tako da ni nobenih problemov :)

      Jaz še iščem res dobro pinceto, zato nism vključila tukaj nobene. Tweezerman je tako ostra, da dostikrat kar prereže dlako namesto izpuli.

  2. I love the Bourjois Nail Polish remover!
    Great post! :)

    Nikoleta, xoxo.


    1. I love it a lot more than that Ebeline one because it lasts a lot longer :). But it's so expensive :/

  3. Imam še od srednje šole enak Braunov epilator, ampak se mi zadnje leto pregreva, tako da sem pričela z iskanjem nečesa novega. Že nekaj mesecev uporabljam Sugar StripEase, ki je v primerjavi z epilatorjem skoraj neboleča metoda odstranjevanja, se pa precej hitro porabi tisto posodico.
    Iščem pa tudi nov kodralnik, tako da bom preverila če še imajo tega v Big Bangu :)

    1. Meni te sladkorne paste niso niti malo všeč :( Sploh se ne znajdem z njimi. Preveč lepljive so, pa še nič mi niso odstranile. Res so me razočarale :/
      Mislim, da tega kodralnika še nisem videla v Big Bangu, vem pa da ga še imajo v Intersparu. Pa v kakšnem Müllerju se tudi splača pogledat :)

  4. I want that body brush and tangle teaser so bad. Have you tried the body shop body brush, the one with the long handle?


    1. I haven't tried TBS's brush :) This Riffi one is my first and I choose it because it's quite small, so it fits into my hand :)

  5. Zanimivo, imam vse kar si omenila v objavi, samo v kakšni drugi znamki:). Edino tega drevesa za čopiče nimam. Epilator ne uporabljam, sem ga pa enkrat dobila v neki nagradni igri. Popolnoma razumem tvojo sestrično, jaz sem ga probala enkrat in nikoli več! :) Imam tudi srečo, ker imam ekstremno tanke in svetle dlake, tako da tole "orodje" kar preskočim. Sem si pa pred kratkim kupila čisto enak kodralnik kot ti in mi je veliko bolj všeč, kot prejšnji. Prejšnjo sem imela curling wand in sicer je šla od enega inča do manjšega obsega. Super objava;)

    1. Ja, za epilator moraš imet kar visok prag bolečine:) Sem tudi jaz že imela tak stožičast kodralnik (Remingtonov Pearl) in mi ni bil niti malo všeč. Kodri so bili čudni, pa še lasje so se mi zatikali med tisti kovinski in plastični del. Tale je milje boljši :) Hvala :)

  6. Mislim, da bom imela dans nočne more zaradi epilatorja. Jaz sem ga tudi samo enkrat sprobala in sem se dejansko začela jokat od bolečine. Je pa res, da je moj prag bolečine v minusu :D Si me pa spomnila, da morem začet uporabljat to krtačo za suho krtačenje, vedno pozabim nanjo :D

    1. Vidiš meni pa epilator nikoli ni bil nič posebnega kar se tiče bolečine :) Seveda je odvisno od predela kjer ga uporabljaš, ampak meni je samo malo neprijeten občutek, sploh na nogah. There are so many worse things.
      Jaz imam krtačo kar zraven postelje, da ne pozabim :D

  7. I want to try to make my own nailpolishcleanerjar, but in the past that has failed miserably :( I will look into those brush tree drying things! Those look awesome. The Epilator sounds promising too but with my blonde hair and a boyfriend that couldn't care less I can't get myself to buying it... Love the article though! Very helpful!

    1. I hadn't even attempted making my own pot nail polish remover. It looks easy enough, but I'm sure I'd screw it up somehow :D
      If you have blond hair, you don't even need an epilator. Just stick to razors :)
      Thank you :)

  8. Tangle Teezer is my hit! But these pot nail polish removers aren't for me, I just don't like them :(

    1. Yes, these type of brushes are wonderful :)

      Really? I find them so quick and easy, someone should give an award to the inventor of these :D

  9. Takele špangice bi tudi js rabila za ravnanje in sušenje :D Pa jih pri nas v večjih pakiranjih nism še zasledila.
    Te krtače za lase so super jaz imam eno iz Tuš drogerije ne vem točnega imena, ampak mi res lepo razvozla moje smotane lase :D
    Epilator...včasih je bil zame največja nočna mora. Sem prešvicala ob njem pomojem v prvo tok kot ob nobenem športu :P Pol sm pa enkrat mami dala nalogo, da naj ona mi gre čez noge pa da naj ne neha, tut če se derem zraven :D Od takrat naprej se pa lepo vsedem na tla v kopalnico, radio prižgem al pa youtube, čokolado si vzamem v kopalnico pa se preživi :P
    Mam pa kar visok prag bolečine, sam tole je blo na začetku hudo :D

    1. Nikjer pri nas če nisem videla paketa takih špangic, tudi v Iliriji jih nisem našla, pa oni imajo kar veliko zbirko frizerskih stvari :/
      Meni ni epilator nikoli bila neka huda bolečina, niti približno ne za jokat, ni pa ravno prijetno kot rožice nabirat :D

  10. A tangle teezer brush with a handle seems very practical. I just have the original one. And yeah, I'm a big fan of pot nail polish removers too.

    1. It's strange that the Tangle Teezer company never made a version with a handle. Luckily other brands thought of doing that instead :)

  11. Benjabelle, TT in krtača za suho ščetkanje so tudi moji zvesti spremljevalci<3 Super objava in hvala za omembo<3 xx

  12. Epilator- najprej sm mela enega pa sem rekla, ah ne ta ni ok....boli, potem sem ugotovila, da tudi drugi boli in vsi bolijo....to res ni zame.
    Imam pa isti kodralnik in mi je res super.
    Pa idejo si mi dala da grem po to krtačo za telo :D

    1. Moraš bit kar navajen bolečine za epilator :) Drugače pa ja, te razni masažni valjčki nimajo kakšnega effekta.
      Krtača je pa super :)

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    1. Thank you :) Thanks for the offer, I'll think about it ;)

  14. Exclusive post.. thanks for sharing with us .

  15. Ja sam mislila da to je tvoja prirodna kosa :) mislim nisam znala da koristiš curler

    1. Kosa mi je kovrčava, ali frizzy i zbog toga koristim curler :)
