Bourjois Radiance Reveal Concealer

nedelja, marec 13, 2016

I've already gushed about this concealer in my New in (also quickly in February favourites) and I have to say again that I'm seriously impressed by it. I saw it the minute it was released on Boots International. It wasn't even advertised, merely quietly added to the range, but I was so tempted to just throw in the basket despite not knowing what the shades look like - note to Bourjois, send these to good bloggers before the launch so they can properly swatch them, or swatch them yourself, I don't care, just that they exist somewhere. I've heard nothing but rave reviews about this concealer and you're about to hear some more from me. I initially dismissed it due to an unfortunate shade selection, as the lightest shade is a bit orange and dark looking for my Snow White complexion, but I caved under peer pressure and just got it. Besides, Bourjois has yet to disappoint me with their bases in terms of quality (shade ranges are of course a whole different thing). I've had this concealer for quite a while now and I've been basically using it daily since I got it, not just as a concealer, but also as an improvised foundation. I think this is the best concealer we can buy in Slovenia by a mile.

Texture: It's quite a light consistency, most similar to Maybelline's Fit Me, which is much more liquid than for example Collection's, Revlon's and Nars' concealers. Due to such texture it looks so natural on the skin, it just sort of melts in similarly like their Healthy Mix Serum and CC Cream. I'm of course a massive fan of such effect, hence why I've been enjoying wearing it so much. I've started using it all over the face as an improvised foundation, simply because it's so easy to apply in a hurry and it works perfectly. This concealer looks better than any foundation I currently own or at least it's very similar to Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, which is my all-time favourite.

Coverage and finish: It covers about medium with one coat. I do two on more problematic areas and it covers it well enough for me. Not like Collections', but decently. People say it brightens up their under eye area, but I don't notice that mainly because the shade is dark for my skin. It does make it look healthy though. I like any concealer that looks like healthy skin, so this one gets two thumbs up from me. It can slip into lines, so I would set it with a powder. I'm not sure what finish it leaves because my skin is currently at a stage when everything looks satin-matte on it, as it's drier than usual.

Staying power: I notice nothing special when it comes to staying power. The thing is that it looks like skin and it fades so nicely, it's hard to tell when it's actually gone. Of course it doesn't last like Collection's or Nars' Radiant Creamy concealer, but it lasts well enough in my books. I can't tell you in hours because I have better things to do in life than constantly checking in the mirror, but it should survive a regular work day on normal skin.

Colour: Shade 01 Ivory does look a bit too peachy/orange when I apply it on the skin, but it blends out very well, so I don't really see it being too dark for me. I don't quite know how that works, I'm just happy that it does. I would still feel more secure if the shade was the same as 21 Ivory in CC Eye Cream range. 

Packaging: A small tube with a doe foot applicator. The shape and size is the same as their Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks.

Scent: Concealer has a strong, but really lovely floral scent. 

Price and availability: I got mine in Müller for 8.69 €. It's not cheap, but still acceptable considering that the tube isn't as embarrassingly small as the CC Eye Cream.

I've got to say, I'm pretty impressed. I love how it looks on the skin, the coverage is enough for me on most days and it wears well. To me Maybelline's the Eraser and this one are neck to neck. If you like high coverage, I suspect you won't like it as much, but check other people reviews for more opinions. I'm still disappointed by the shade range, not just for us Snow Whites, but also for darker skin tones. It appears that Bourjois focused only on making a handful of shades in their foundation ranges that mostly cater light-medium skin tones. Notable exception is Healthy Mix (Serum), but that was released five years ago, since then it's been mostly downhill. Well, it's their loss, they are the ones losing a large chunk of the market. I would so love to try the City Radiance foundation, but the shades are just was too dark.

Have a great day!

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  1. Pozdravljena.
    Zelo rada berem tvoje zapise.
    Kaj pa od pudrov - katerega priporočaš za suho kožo?
    Hvala in lp,

    1. Živjo :) Nimam ravno suhe kože, tako da težko rečem kaj se dobro obnese na taki koži. Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum in 123 Perfect BB cream bi se verjetno obnesla, pa Missha Signature BB cream in Rimmel Perfect Match od teh kar sem jih jaz preizkusila :). Mogoče ti tole kaj pomaga:
      Pa tale youtuberka ima suho kožo in dela odlične ocene:

    2. TNX!!! Bom pogledala.

  2. Did you ever tried Ben Nye concealer? I think they have the best concealers out there. :)

    1. I haven't :) It's not a brand that's easy accessible to me and I mostly buy drugstore products. But thanks sharing :)

  3. Mene ga je pa strah kupiti, ker mi je na roki v roku 2min čisto oksidiral :/

    1. Meni isto, sem prav zaradi tega prvič samo odkorakala stran. Ampak na obrazu pa ni tako, vsaj jaz ne vidim neke oranžnosti ko je zblendan. Npr. Revlonov mi je vidno rumen, tale pa čisto spodobno izgleda :)

    2. Če se še lahko jaz malo uštulim - Sanja, jaz imam isto izkušnjo kot Mateja. Na roki oksidira, ampak ko ga naneseš na podočnjake in zblendaš, se res lepo zlije s kožo.

      Mateja, drugače pa se strinjam s tabo, res odličen korektor. Sicer meni zleze v gubice pod očmi po nekaj urah, tudi če ga fiksiram, ampak mu odpustim, ker je vse ostalo odlično. Super ocena. :)

    3. Res je zelo dober korektor, meni najboljši od teh, ki so na voljo pr nas. Meni sicer ne leze tako v gubice, ampak sem slišala tudi od drugih, da je problematičen glede tega :) Hvala :)

  4. Živjo,
    kateri korektorji se ti potem zdijo najboljši oz.najbolj prekrivni od teh, ki se jih dobi v naših drogerijah? Bourjouis 123 Perfect CC Eye Cream vem da si že omenjala :) ali pa mogoče Essence?
    Hvala :)

    1. Bourjois CC Eye Cream ima bolj lahko prekrivnost, ampak izgleda zelo naravno :) Na žalost nimam nobenega korektorja od Essence, ker imajo enostavno pretemne in preoražne odtenke zame, sem pa včasih imela Stay All Day in je prekril nekje srednje. Ni bil odličen, ampak povprečno ok. Od teh, ki jih imam, pa da se dobijo pri nas je Revlonov Colorstay najbolj prekriven. Ampak, slišim ogromno pohval na račun Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer, ki menda odlično prekrije :). Par ocen:

  5. Jaz sem bila nekajkrat na tem, da bi ga kupila, ampak ta vonj ... enostavno ga ne prenesem. Najbrž sem spet ena izmed redkih :P Res škoda, ker se mi po hitrem testu v trgovini in tvojemu opisu zdi, da bi bil pravi zame.

    1. Vonj je res močen in verjetno nisi edina, ki te to moti, ampak meni je zelo všeč :) Imam rada odišavljeno kozmetiko, pač taka sem :D Fit Me od Maybelline bi ti potem bil všeč, če ga še nimaš :)

    2. Jaz imam tudi rada, če je lepo odišavljeno, recimo prejšnji vonji od Healthy Mix so mi bili super. Tole zadnje čase mi je pa čist mimo :D Fit Me pa že imam, ja, je eden mojih najljubših.

  6. Zdravo!
    Mi lahko mogoče pomagaš - kupila sem že podlago City Radiance odtenek 04 beige in mi odgovarja, želim pa si še ta korektor pa nevem kako točno izbrati, a kupim isti odtenek (beige) ali en odtenek svetlejši?

    Najlepša hvala za odgovor :)

    1. Jaz pravim, da je najbolje, če je korektor v enaki barvi kot puder, sploh če ga misliš uporabljat za prekrivati vse. Nekateri zagovarjajo, da naj bo za pod očmi en odtenek svetlejši, da bolj osvetli, ampak končna odločitev je tvoja :).

  7. Ta korektor pa res dobiva dobre ocene od vseh :D. Nekako me še vedno ne pritegne. Najbolj me dejstvo, da gre v gubice. Vsaj za večino. Cena še res ni grozna, ampak tudi ni poceni. Na tebi res izgleda čudovito, kot koža in vseeno ravno dovolj prekrije po obrazu. Za pod očmi bi pa jaz zagotovo kaj bolj prekrivnega. Se mi zdi, da če bi bila to podlaga namesto korektor bi kupila :D.

    1. Si jih zasluži :) Ta je res za ljubitelje zelo naravnega videza, ki jih ne moti če se kaj še vidi čez. Sama dam občasno pikico Collection ali Narsovega korektorja pod očmi, če se mi zdi da še ni dosti prekrito, ampak večinoma mi je čisto ok :)

  8. The coverage looks nice. It has managed to hide most of the redness.

    1. It covers well enough for me :) I'm not a fan of high coverage when you can't even see your natural skin texture anymore, so this is perfect :)

  9. I love this concealer. Its been my go to lately! My only issue with it is it sometimes creases on me. But nothing a setting powder doesn't sort out :) xx

    1. Mine too :) I've heard a lot about it creasing on other people, but on me it's really not that bad :) Powder fixes it anyway :)

  10. Sounds pretty good! I might give it a go :-)

    1. You won't be sorry to check this one out when you need a new concealer :) This has some serious rave reviews :)

  11. This sounds awesome. Actually I was planning to buy Fit Me Concealer just recently because I have to attend a very special event but you've left me perplexed. What would you suggest? Should I go for this one or Fit Me? I have very light under-eye circles but it is nice to look flawless at formal occasions. Do let me know your opinion. Thanks for sharing a fantastic review. :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I prefer this one :) It's just so nice on the skin. Though Fit Me might have a touch more coverage.

  12. This looks so good on you. I'm also a fan of skin like texture and concealers that can be used as foundation, but Bourjois is so hard to get here in my part of Germany that I'll just skip this one and stick to the maybelline instant age rewind :)

    1. Feel Unique and Look Fantastic might have it, but anyway The Eraser is brilliant too :)
