Born Pretty Eyelashes #HS-43 (Pa Dolly Love)

sreda, julij 01, 2015

I've been wearing these in so many recent posts and Instagram images that if you read at least some of them, I'm sure you've already seen me wearing these. My natural lashes aren't exactly short or sparse, but nonetheless, I really wanted to give a pack of Born Pretty lashes a try and I choose these #HS-43 that come in a pack of ten.

I immediately compared them with my old favourite Demi Wispies and noticed that they are at least a third shorter, so I was concerned they might be too short for me, since my natural lashes are quite long. Well, these turned out to be even more dramatic on my eyes than Demi Wispies. They have a similar tapered shape with short lashes in inner corners and then gradually longer ones towards the outer edges, but they are a lot denser lashes than Wispies. On my eyes they are a bit short in the inner corners, but huge and fluttery on the outer corners. The effect is very thick and long lashes that don't exactly scream natural look, but they look so cool with a smoky eye.

These are much harder for me to apply than Demi Wispies, mostly because they are too wide for my eyes. I cut away a few millimetres before applying them, but I still have an issue with these lashes and that is that no matter what I do, I cannot get them to look nice in the inner corners. They are always glued oddly and I think this has to do with the black seam, but I just wear black eyeliner to hide the odd position of the lashes. Glue is not included, so I use my Essence one, which isn't that good, so I need something else. Though these lashes are light, I can feel them in my inner corners. It's not annoying, it just makes you aware that you're wearing them.  I wear them with either no mascara or just a touch of it to tint the lashes because otherwise it just looks way too much on my eyes. Also these are the type of lashes that demand some makeup on the eyes, at the very least a liner to hide the seam, since it's black. I don't have any other makeup on in the first two pictures, so you can see how they look on its own.

As  said before these come in a box with 10 pairs. The lashes aren't glued on, but sort of tied on. They are lashes on a string is what I'm trying to say and the first time I had no idea how to get them out. I ended up cutting them, but almost ruined them in the process. I wish they were stuck on instead like Ardell's.

I'm happy with these considering how many you get for the price. They are huge on my small eyes and it takes more work to blend them in with my lashes, but I love these with a bronze smoky eye because it makes it look so much more glam, so these are definitely for those who want drama. They aren't the easiest to apply, but I'm not that skilled at putting on lashes anyway. I have worn them loads, especially when I take pictures for the blog as my natural lashes seem to just disappear on full face pictures. I would love to try some more of their lashes, they are nice for the price. They are not Ardell's, but they are much more affordable.

These lashes are available on Born Pretty and currently cost $6.39. With a code MKOH10 you can get 10 % discount.

Have a great day!

*The lashes were sent to me.

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  1. Kot da ti res rabiš še umetne trepalnice, ko imaš že naravno tako dolge :D

    1. Vidiš, to je pa moja nečimrnost :D Ampak so mi lepe, sploh na slikah izgleda, kot da dejansko imam trepalnice :)

    2. Sej nič ne rečem, izgledajo skorajda pravljično in ti super pašejo! :D In saj te popolnoma razumem, tud jst si včasih rada pomagam z umetnimi, če ne zaradi drugega, pa da malo spremenim rutino :)

    3. Hvala :D Meni se zdi, da mi umetne trepalnice naredijo dosti večje oči, ker zaradi mojih "hooded" oči, se vse skrije, tudi moje dolge trepalnice.

  2. you look great and you do know how to use the lashes.. I can not wear them at all :(

    1. Thank you :) They are a bit poorly positioned, but I have no such problems with Demi Wispies. The latter are super easy to apply :)

  3. Now THAT are some serious eyelashes :D Bi že orožni list rabila :D Res so krasne, samo jaz sem čisto preveč nerodna pri nanašanju -.-

    1. Yup, they are huge :D Tele so kar težke za nanašat, sploh v notranjih kotičkih mi jih ne uspe lepo nalimat, pa sem poskusila uporabit tudi tisti Catrice nanašalec trepalnic. Demi Wispies so veliko lažje, ampak tudi precej dražje.

  4. Ne no, noro noro noro hude.... res waw <3

    1. Res ti dajo volumen, dolžino in še optično ti povečajo oči. So kul, čeprav je malo več dela z njimi :) Pa boljše lepilo rabim že enkrat.

  5. Čudovito:) Jaz tudi mislim da ti pa res ne rabiš umetnih trepalnic, ampak ti zelo lepo pašejo in skoraj precej naravno izgledajo :). Na meni bi se verjetno takoj videlo, da imam umetne. Sicer pa jih čez dan ravno ne morem nosit zaradi očal, za kakšne posebne priložnosti in makeup looke pa je to odlična cena za toliko parov. Jaz imam ene od njih, so res gosto nore in tako mehke, da me skrbi iz česa so :D Ampak te pridejo samo v enem paru.

    1. Meni se zdijo v živo zelo velike :) Drugače pa imam jaz tudi očala in se mi te trepalnice ne zatikajo, ampak jaz vedno prej zaviham svoje trepalnice, da niso umetne prilimane preveč naravnost.
      Uh, ja tiste tvoje huge se spomnim :D. Hude, prehude trepalnice. Sem gledala potem te paketke od takih kot imaš ti, pa bi si verjetno ene vzela. Me zanima razlika v kvaliteti med temi po deset in tistimi individualnimi :)

  6. They look so beautiful on you!

    Nikoleta, xoxo. /

  7. Oh wow, that is some SICK length right there! To be honest, it's almost a little *too* much for me.

    1. These are definitely not exactly for an everyday natural makeup :D
