Essence Lash Mania False Lash Mascara Waterproof

četrtek, julij 23, 2015

Drugstore waterproof mascaras that are actually waterproof and hold a curl well are hard to find, especially if don't want to spend more than five euros, as almost all mascaras got so expensive in the past years (looking at you L'Oreal and Maybelline). But I found one and I'm really impressed at how well it holds a curl, however, it's just my luck that this is being discontinued as we speak, so you'll have to hurry if you still want it.

The formula is indeed waterproof in the truest sense of the word. It doesn't smudge one bit, instead it only crumbles under a hot shower. I wore this when I went swimming and it survived perfectly. Due to excellent waterproof characteristics, it holds curl very well, so all day. It's the best drugstore mascara I've tried in terms of holding a curl, so I will actually be sad to see this go, but I have hopes that Essence merely replaced the wand and kept the formula for its replacement. Like I<3 Extremes and Lash Princess the formula is nicely black. It is a very difficult mascara to remove and even with oil it takes some time for the formula to break down. 

The brush is plastic with long, but kind of sparse bristles and it's huge. To me it looks a bit rashly designed, I'd even call it clumsy, especially when it comes to lover lashes, but the drier the formula gets, the less of a chance of a mess it is. The brush deposits tons of product with one coat, just like Princess Lash and I <3 Extremes, so I wish the bristles were denser because now there is a danger of spidery and clumpy lashes if you apply it too fast particularly when it's new and the formula is still wet, however, the amount of volume it gives is huge. With my slow method of combing the lashes and rotating the brush, I can get some lovely results, however, I still keep an old mascara wand at hand if I need to comb the lashes for a more defined effect.

This mascara really grew on me in these three weeks since I have it and I noticed how it's getting better as the formula gets drier. I'm very impressed with the formula, especially how waterproof it is, its consequential great lasting power as well as how well it holds a curl. If it weren't discontinued I know I'd be buying this mascara a lot. If you have lashes that refuse to stay curled or just need a mascara you'd be comfortable going to the beach with, give this one a try.

I got mine in Müller for 3.29 €, but it's currently sold for much cheaper (probably 0.99 €) since it's being discontinued. 

Have a great day!

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  1. O super! Za low budget maskaro mora bit potem kar dobra :)

    x, Katja

    1. So se mi Essence maskare precej priljubile v zadnjih letih, ampak za moje trepalnice mi tale najbolj ustreza :) Si pa želim, da bi Essence morda enkrat naredil vodoodporno verzijo Princess Lash maskare.

  2. I've never tried any Essence mascara, even though I generally like the brand ;)

    1. Definitely give at least Princess Lash a try - it gives amazing volume :). But if you need a good waterproof mascara this one is so worth trying.

  3. Joj te tvoje trepalnice <3
    Dejansko si me prepričala v nakup, če jo bom še dobila...vodoodporne maskare so se mi zamerile ker sem imela eno (Maybelline če se ne motim) in je nikakor nisem mogla dol spravit.
    Z oljem praviš da gre težko... hmmm?

    1. Hvala <3

      Včasih sem kupovala vodoodporno Maybellinovo Colossal maskaro in čeprav mi je bila po efektu izjemna, ni bila res dobra vodooporna formula, tako da se mi ni zdela kaj težka za odstranit. Tale je pa res heavy duty. Saj gre dol z oljem, ampak traja malo dlje kot pri drugih maskarah.

  4. If you need a truly waterproof mascara that holds a curl, is a pain in the ass to remove with an oil, and has a fantastically designed rubber bristle wand, I highly recommend Covergirl/Max Factor. I can't stand the Lash Blast line because the wand is ridiculously huge, but any other line with rubber bristles is great!

    1. I've had MF False Lash Effect in waterproof formula on my wishlist for ages, but every time I see that it costs almost 14 € here is just makes me so angry. I don't mind paying more for my favourite ever mascara Lancome Hypnose because I know it's amazing, but when it comes to trying new mascaras, I'm always so reluctant to pay more. Though, I know I'll buy it once because I'm really interested in how well it performs :)

  5. I would like to see a little more separation and a little less clumping.

    1. I agree :) That's why I take an old mascara wand to comb the lashes later. Though it gets better as it dries because when it's new it deposits so much product at once that the wand can't separate them nicely (I took these pictures when the mascara was new).

    2. That's definitely a good solution :-)

  6. Sem jo kupila, potem ko si jo nazadnje priporočila in je tudi meni všeč, sploh za kak poleten hiter makeup. Gre pa meni lepo odstraniti z Ombia dvofaznim odstranjevalcem. :D

    1. Mi je res škoda, da gre iz prodaje :/ Meni je z vsakim dnem bolj všeč, čeprav krtačka je bolj nerodna :) Saj gre dol z oljem o.z dvofaznim odstranjevalcem, ampak gre počasneje kot npr. Hypnose.

  7. Jaz sem jo samo enkrat preizkusila in res odlicno zdrzi. Potem sem jo pa zadnjic videla znizano. Jaz tudi upam da bo v novem asortimanu kaksna vodoodporna verzija. Seveda verjetno izboljsana. Za krtacko pa ne morem komentirat, ker sem jo namazala z tisto za enkratno uporabo :)

    1. Pri nas jih je že zmanjkalo :/ Bo nova vodooporna maskara in sicer I Love Extreme Volume mascara waterproof. Jo bom zagotovo preizkusila :)

  8. I'm curious what they will be replacing it with. I have yet to find a waterproof mascara I love, either drugstore price or expensive, and am intrigued.

    1. The only new waterproof mascara that will be released in August is I Love Extreme Volume mascara waterproof. I have high hopes for it :)

  9. Nore trepalnice :) Pa se priporočam potem za objavo o tej novi vododporni maskari od Essence, če jo boš preizkusila :)
