Pa Dolly Love HS-37 False Eyelashes (Born Pretty)

sobota, avgust 08, 2015

So I've got another pack of eyelashes from Born Pretty for you today. And yes, I know I'm probably the last person who needs false lashes, but it's just a bit of fun. I loved the first ones I showed you, HS-43, despite the issues of them not sticking nicely in the inner corners (an eyeliner hides everything anyway) and I'm even wearing them in my profile picture. Since those are tapered just as Ardell's Demi Wispies, I wanted a different shape for a change and decided on a very classic rounded one. I knew these will be even more dramatic than HS-43, but HS-37 are absolutely huge. I think they may be already too much for me, though with a very dark smoky eye they could work, but I believe that these might be better suited for people with large and deep set eyes. 

HS-37 are long and dense lashes with a rounded shape. Compared to HS-43, these are so much easier to get out of the box because they are on a clear plastic string and can be just pulled out of the box. They are also a lot easier to apply and they fit my eyes well in terms of length, which I appreciate because there is no need for cutting them. Due to the strip being clear, there is no urgent need to hide the seam with an eyeliner if you glue them very close to the lashes, but I still like to wear one (I'm not wearing liner in any of the pictures). I can feel these on the eyes, which is not surprising considering how big the are. 

I included a comparison of HS-37 and HS-43. See how much more drama HS-37 bring to the eyes? click on the picture is you want to see it larger.

Other makeup on the left: L'Oreal Infallible 24h Matte foundation, Maybelliner the Eraser concealer, Essence Big Bright Eyes Pencil Highlight It... Nude, Catrice Lumination TE Powder Blush Flushed-Fiction, Mac Sheen Supreme Full Speed
On the right: Max Factor Creme Puff Blush in Lovely Pink, Revlon Ultra HD lipstick in Rose, Essence Big Bright Eyes Pencil Highlight It... Nude.

I think these lashes scream drama and I would wear them only with an intense smoky eye. These don't like natural lashes in any way, but sometimes you just need a pair that is a bit more fun. I do of course prefer HS-43's.

You can get them on the Born Pretty website where they currently cost 4$ for 10 lashes (there is no glue included). You can use a code MKOH10 for 10% off entire purchase.

Have a great day!

*Lashes were sent to me.

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  1. Uuu lepe :) Zelo lepo ti pašejo. Sploh z bold lips, ne rabiš res nič drugega na očeh :). Jaz sem tudi zdaj dobila ene njihove in sicer so gostejše na koncu ampak tudi s prozornim trakom. Upam, da bodo odlične.

    1. Hvala :) Jih raje nosim z močnejšim mejkapom na očeh, ker drugače se mi zdi zelo očitno, da imam umetne trepalnice, tudi od daleč. Te njihove trepalnice so meni čisto dobre za ceno. Ok, niso ravno Ardell kvaliteta, ampak vseeno solidne :) Se že veselim tvoje ocene :)

  2. joj kakšen hude so:) jst imam ful rada občasno, ko je kj extra special si jih nanesem ampak včasih vmes obupam, ker jih ne naštimam tako kot bi jih mogla:) mogoče bi morala en teden skupaj vadit nanos trepalnic in bi bilo:):) super si s temi trepkami:)*

    1. Velike so ful :D Uh, ja to je treba kar vadit kako jih nanest. Jaz sem se naučila s tem ko sem jih drugim lepila, ampak se še vedno nimam za pretirano spretno. Enkrat sem na Catrice eventu dobila tisto posebno pinceto za nanašanje trepalnic, pa kar pomaga :) Hvala <3

  3. Itak jih sicer ne rabiš, ker imaš že svoje čudovite, ampak tele pa res izgledajo obetavno. So "lahke" in "naravne" :)

    1. Meni se zdi, da na mojih očeh izgledajo ogromne :) So mi HS-43 bolj všeč za mojo obliko oči:)

  4. You are tagged to do the tag you're it blogger interview!

    1. Thank you so much for your tag :) I actually did something very similar a while ago:

  5. Wow, these are LONG! Talk about vavavoom :-)

  6. UUU zelo ti pašejo :)
    Aja pa full lepa zgornja profilna fotka <3

  7. I absolutely love how you do your make up, hope to become a pro like you someday :-)

  8. Prave pahljače! Super izgledajo, še posebej za kakšen glam makeup"! :) xo

    Visit me:

    1. Res so najbolj primerne za kakšen glamurozen makeup, kjer je poudarek na očeh :)
