Manhattan Easy Match Make Up in 30 Soft Porcelain

ponedeljek, december 14, 2015

This was the other foundation I got when I was searching for the lightest foundations in Slovene drugstores (the first was Revlon's Colorstay in Ivory). I never really check Manhattan to be honest, it's kind a boring stand or at least you don't hear much about their stuff on blogs, which is never a good thing, though I think I need to give it more attention in the future. I had no idea they had such a light foundation and I'm delighted that they didn't just decide to sell it only in Germany and Austria, but also in Slovenia. I've noticed recently that some of their products are suspiciously similar to Rimmel ones (not sure if they are owned by the same brand) and I have to say that this foundation reminds me a lot of Match Perfection, so much so that I could just copy that review here and make only minor changes. Are they actually the same thing or not, I don't know, but since we don't have Rimmel here, I'm glad we have a decent alternative, especially because of the shade.  

Texture: It's the same as at Match Perfection, a thin-medium liquid foundation that it's easy to blend in and you have a lot of time to do so. Again the same as at MP, it leaves this tacky finish on the skin that I don't like, but it does settle after a while. It doesn't look the best on my skin. I think it's kind of an ageing foundation because overtime it slips into every pore and line, just like both Rimmel foundations I tried. This sounds bad and yes, I don't really like how this foundation looks on my skin, but I got it for the same reason as Rimmel's ones - for mixing with my darker foundation. Having said that, I hear that people like this foundation, so I think it's more of an issue of my skin that it doesn't look the best on my skin and you should certainly give it a shot if it's on your wishlist. 

Finish: This is the one difference with the Match Perfection (unless my skin changed and became drier, which is possible), but this one has a satin finish, not a dewy one. I'm not sure who this foundation is really suited for. It says it adapts to all skin types and I guess they do have a point here. It's a foundation that is in a way moisturising, but it has this satin finish and doesn't cling to patches, so it could work on both dry and oily skin (with some powder after a while).

Coverage: It's a light coverage foundation, with two layers I might squeeze out a light-medium. It's not the best coverage, redness shines through, it doesn't cover circles or spots, it really mostly just even's out the skin and that's it. Concealer is a necessity with this foundation. I keep my before/after pictures large, so if you want to see the coverage up close then click on the picture as you can't really see it realistically from the small version.

Shade: A very pleasant surprise. Soft Porcelain is a very fair yellow-neutral shade that fits me amazingly well. Revlon's Ivory and Rimmel's 010 Light Porcelain are its pink toned counterparts. If you're a Snow White like me, who wear shades like Nars Siberia, Missha BB #13, Rimmel's Light Porcelain and the likes, go check it out.  

Staying power: like Match Perfection it's not the most long-lasting foundation. At the end of the day, it almost completely gone. I say that often, but I really don't check in the mirror during the day, but I don't think it can manage a full work day.

Scent: It has the same scent as Match Perfection, so a fresh cucumber scent.

Packaging: It's a plastic bottle with an airtight pump. The pump squeezes a lot of product at once, if you press it do the end, but you can control it. 


Price and availability: 9.99 € in DM. It's not the cheapest and I remember Manhattan's prices being lower, but it's still reasonable enough.

This isn't my favourite foundation in terms of how it looks on my skin or its staying power, but the shade is so perfect. I would never regret buying such a foundation, despite its shortcomings because I always finish them up since I use them to mix with darker foundations. If you have great experience with Rimmel foundations, this one might be right up your alley, especially if you find their lightest shade 010 Light Porcelain too pink.

Have a great day!

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  1. It's such a good feeling when you find that PERFECT foundation shade, right?? :-)

  2. Tudi jaz bolj redko pogledam kaj je novega pri Manhattnu, v preteklosti me ni nič preveč navdušilo, ampak tale puder si bom pa pobliže pogledala in mogoče prej stestirala preden investiram

    P.S. Kjut sovica v ozadju, a je H&M-ov balzamček?

    1. Jaz pogledam stojalo, ampak ne nič ne pritegne. Ne maram eksperimentirat s stvarmi o katerih nisem nikoli nič slišala, potem pa nič nikoli ne vzamem. Ja, kar en lonček si sabo vzemi, jaz sem ga tudi, ker brez testiranja jaz ne kupujem več pudrov.

      Yup iz H&M je :D

  3. Sem se veselila te ocene. Odtenek izgleda zelo zanimiv, ker pri nas najti kaj tako svetlega je res nemogoče. Praviš, da se lovi v gubice, kar mi ne všeč. Najhujše zadnje čase je, ko se mi lovi v smejalne gubice okrog ust :/. Cena je še solidna napram drugim "drugstore" :).

    1. Res so me je presenetilo ko sem našla tri svetle odtenke pri nas :). Prisežem da par let nazaj tega ni bilo. Ja, pri meni gre v gubice in pore, tako sa ne izgleda najbolje, če ga pa zmešam z drugim boljšim pudrom je pa kul. Ej, meni se isto zdaj vsak puder lovi v gubice okrog ust :/. Brez se jih pa sploh ne vidi.

  4. The swatches? I'm glad you like it :)

  5. But it looks so good on your face, I mean it looks flawless. The shade range definitely seems good for your skin tone. Sometimes the least famous brands have the best products, for example Gosh cosmetics and Oriflame products.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. If you check the large picture comparison you'll see that my freckles and circles are visible, pores are emphasized as are lines around the mouth, which aren't that noticeable on before. It's not flawless, but in terms of coverage, my skin does look more even :)
      Gosh left Slovenia years ago and Oriflame is playing hard to get with their ordering system, so I haven't tried any of their foundations, even if I'd like to :)

  6. Tudi jaz sem pozitivno presenečena, ker lahko najdeš tak svetel odtenek :) samo jaz imam bolj mešano kožo in ne vem, če bi bil ta zame, mislim da so bolj zame pudri z mat finišem, da se ne začnem svetit - mogoče poznaš kakšnega takega pa da bi bil podoben svetel odtenek kot ta Manhattnov? Morda poznaš Catrice All matt plus shine control 010 Light beige za primerjavo?
    Hvala in lep pozdrav :)

    1. All Matt je temnejši od Manhattanovega, sem ti našla swatche:

      Kaj pa Revlonov Colorstay? Obe verziji za mastno/mešano in normalno/suho imata zelo svetla odtenka Ivory in Buff. Ima verzijo za normalno/suho kožo pa ima tako lep satin-matte finiš in se cel dan nič ne svetim :)
