Best Products in 2015 Part 2

torek, december 29, 2015

Best makeup products in 2015 and best buys under 5 € got their own posts and now for the rest of the stuff I got in this year that impressed me. If you'd like to read last year's such post, you can find it here.

This is one of the best nude nail polishes ever, certainly as far as the formula is concerned. It's such a pretty nude shade with a cool undertone that makes my hands looks so polished. The formula is one of those new "imitating gel manicure" ones, a discovery of the year to me (pastels got like a million times better), which is so smooth and easy to apply, so there are no streaks even though it's an opaque cream finish nude and it also has a great glossy finish. It's no wonder everyone keeps stealing this one from me.

I love my mints that much is true, but this year I wanted to find the perfect light blue nail polish and after some exploring online, I found the one - L'Oreal's Ocean Porcelain. It's so gorgeous, just the right kind of pale blue as it has a white base so it ends up looking almost a bit grey. The formula isn't a typical pastel one because it's much thinner and it needs three coats for full opacity. The bottle only contains 5 ml, so it's not the best value and it's running out fast, but I love the shade so much.

Essies tend to land in these type of posts almost every year and it's not just because of the shades, but also because they have some great formulas (except Mint Candy Apple and Fiji. Those are nightmares coming to life). For years I admired Bahama Mama, it's definitely my type of shade, but I wondered if it will look the same on my nails than on Pinterest images and I only took the plunge after I had a 50 % off coupon. It is perfect, just as I imagined it, that perfect mix of warm purple and deep red and it looks so beautiful on the nails. It's my favourite shade out of all Essies.

ESSIE Nail Polish
Summit of Style
This is a very recent addition of mine, you would have only seen it on my Instagram if you follow me there, but I had to include it because this is what I wanted to find for years. I didn't know this nail polish even existed, but it's a part of luxeffects line (I think it's permanent, though I'm not sure) and I haven't seen it in our drugstores, but it was in a beauty box (My Beauty Box Slovenia) and it was love at first sight. It's a glitter nail polish with bronze small glitter particles and large hexagons. It's more of a top coat with medium dense shimmer, which you can built up. Of course, it is the type of nail polish that is excruciatingly hard to remove, but it's worth it.
How it looks on the nails here.

When it comes to shower gels, I'm a simple girl. The only thing that matters to me is that it smells nice. Yummy shower gels are nothing special when it comes to the formula (like Balea ones), but I adore the scent of this one. It's so refreshing, like a nice glass of tropical fizzy soda. Everyone I asked said it smells like Radenska Ace Tropik (one of those orange multivitamin drinks), so basically it's something like Escada summer edition fragrances.

I tried a few cleansers this year, but this one has the best effect on my skin and so far it's my favourite oil cleanser. It's the only one that didn't cause me problems after a longer use, in fact, it keeps my skin in a very decent condition plus it removes my heavy-duty waterproof mascara aside from all the rest of the makeup. I'm not a fan of how foggy it makes my vision, though that is a given at all oil cleansers and it's very expensive, but it's in my top three cleansers so far. I'll try their Shea Butter one next because it's cheaper that this one and I hope it works the same.

This has been my moisturiser for several months now. It's nothing special, just a basic face cream with a medium thick texture and a lovely Yves-Rocher-like scent, but it agrees with my skin and doesn't cause me any problems. It's a good moisturiser to use under foundation as well.

This leave-in conditioner is quite unique in terms of texture because it actually feels like a hair oil in a cream form and coconut oil is on the second place among the ingredient, which is completely unexpected for a brand like L'Oreal. This fixes my dry ends without the high silicone content (though there are silicones in it) and without making my hair greasy or limp. It can be used on either dry or wet hair, which is just awesome, plus it smells lovely. I wish this was sold here, but so far I can only get this version on Boots, however, they have the version for normal hair already on Salma. The shampoo from this line is also amazing.

This may just be one the best pre-wash treatments for super dry hair I've ever tried. It's a combination of soy oil, argan oil and shea butter oil, so it's super greasy and heavy, which is what makes it brilliant. I use this every time my hair feels really dry and I apply it generously all over. How long I leave it on depends on how much time I have, it can be just 10-15 minutes, but I get best result if I leave it overnight. This completely transforms my hair back into a normal state and it feels so nourished. So far I've only seen it in Leclerc, which is a bummer, but at least it lasts a while.
By the way, coconut oil works just fine before you go on a frantic chase to find this and you don't have a Leclerk around.

To be fair all such hair brushes are just fine, whether you get the original Tangle Teezer or a cheap knock-off for 5 €. They all do the same job, but the reason I like this one is because it's smaller than most. This won't matter to a majority of you, but if you have small hands like me, it's a big plus. The plastic cover is brilliant and it makes it actually travel friendly plus the gold/black design is very expensive looking. I also feel like it's better made than most such brushes I tried, so I know I'll have it forever considering how careful I'm with all my stuff. The prices for this brush really vary, so don't be one of those who buys it for 20 € because you can get it much cheaper.

This is a very, very expensive curling iron, but I'm a big fan of it and use it all the time. The set includes eight barrels, so it's a very versatile hair tool. I used Remington's Pro Soft Curls for years, but now I prefer this one, even though I get same results if I use 2.5 cm barrel. Remington's is great if you're looking for something on a budget, but since I have both, it's the little things that make me use Sapphire. It doesn't have the annoying clamp, it's lighter, it heats up way faster, you can see it heating up, and of course there are eight different barrels to choose from, so it offers a ton of variety, though I tend to mostly use the 2.5 mm one. 

I found this impossibly boring when I first got a sample of it and I chucked it in my purse where I keep emergency samples next to the coins. Then on some random day, which seems ages ago and just reminds me how bloody long this stupid year was, I was sitting in the office getting ready to go grab a bite and me being me, I can't go out without a fragrance "like a total savage", so I dug out my emergency stash and drenched myself with this. I was immediately transported into this fantasy candy land with candy canes, cotton candy and rivers of vanilla essence. This fragrance is seriously so impossibly sweet, but dammit I adore it. I don't know what made this shift, maybe I changed so much, but I got home and ordered this straight away. Unsurprisingly given the notes, it's a proper silage monster and lasts very long on the skin. If you want to smell like a candy store, this is for you.

I used up a considerable chunk on my perfume stash this year. I set myself I goal before I purchased a new fragrance and I've done it. I was dreaming about this fragrance ever since it launched and I'm so chuffed I finally got it. It's such a beautiful, fresh and floral simple scent that just makes you smell nice and elegant. Boss fragrances aren't the most exciting scents, but I love most of them. I also love the bottle and I keep it displayed on my vanity.


(August  2015 with some bits still available)
I think this is the best limited edition collection in history made by a drugstore-priced brand. They really nailed it with the rose gold and the packaging feels seriously high end, especially the lipsticks. The latter are absolutely amazing in every respect and are the best creamy lipsticks I've ever tried. Kiko should really think about making at least the lipsticks and the mirror permanent.

(November - December 2015)
Hands down the best collection Essence ever made. It is truly outstanding and people went crazy for it, me included. I got two nail polishes, two lipsticks and a hair fragrance, but there was plenty more. The colour scheme was beautiful, though incorrect on the press release, especially as far as the Red Rocks shades was concerned since it's not at all a red, but a Mac's All Fired Up like magenta, which just made it even more awesome. However, for me the real winner was the 03 pink & perfect nail polish, which is one of my favourite shades ever. The bottles of the nails polishes are outstandingly beautiful and I wish Essence changed their packaging of The Gel Nail Polishes to these. The lipsticks were actually quite nice quality, much better than the regular ones. More of this and less of the average performing products please Essence.

(July - August 2015)
I'm the person who just walks past limited editions, but this one made me pause. I only have the blush from this collection and it's a complete stunner. I often speak of Illuminating blush in I'm Nuts About You, my favourite blush, which isn't actually illuminating at all, but this one called Flushed-Fiction is about the same shade, yet actually glowy. How I wish they would make permanent! The collection also included some pretty highlighters, a bronzer and a few lipsticks, all in some very attractive shades.  

And that concludes my favourites of year 2015. You can find all such posts under the best buys label or at the end of the All-Time Favourites page.
What were the stand-out products for you this year?

Have a great day!

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  1. these all look so pretty! I want the merry berry essence nail polish lol

    1. It's a bummer Merry Berry was a LE. I wish they made all their nail polishes like that :)

  2. I love tangle teezer!
    This hairbrush is a miracle for my hairs!
    The Essence Merry Berry collection is so beautiful!
    Lipsticks are amazing.
    Happy new year!

    1. I've been using Tangle Teezer for years, though my hair isn't that tangly, but I like how much faster the job of combing is done :)
      Happy new year to you too ;)

  3. Odgovori
    1. They were, too bad those stuff are only LE. That Catrice blush is too pretty not to be added to their standard line :)

  4. Berry Merry in Rebel Romantik sta res najlepši kolekciji. Za Rebel Romantic mi je še zdaj žal. Saj Kiko vedno navdušuje, bo imel zagotovo še kakšne luxe izdaje :). Pink Sugar je pa itak sladica v steklenici <3

    Odlične objave o favoritih. Čudovite fotografije kot vedno.

    1. Obe kolekciji sta bili res prekrasni <3 Mene praktično nobena kolekcija ne prepriča, ampak ti dve sta bili pa odlično narejeni :) A zdaj ko si dobila iz Kika od Kvine pa ni bilo nič več od Rebel Romantic? Na spletni je še par kosov.

      Pink Sugar je res kot da bi se zavil v sladkorno peno :D

      Hvala <3

    2. Žal ne. Sem ji naročila eno šminko, pa je v trgovini niso imeli. Škoda, ker sem jaz tudi na netu gledal :).

  5. Končnooo sem prebrala vse te lepotičke:), se mi kr fajn zdi, da jih imam neki tudi sama:), Hugo Boss parfum imam sama sicer je v isti steklenički ampak bele barve, pa je precej tak močan vonj, bolj zimski, ga malo porabim obstojen pa ful, pa zanimivo diši:).Deborah lakci so mi tudi debest, meni je tako všeč ker so bogato prekrivni,vsaj ti temnejši odtenki, tako lepo se nanašajo in končni finiš je super.Čeprav Collistar lakci imajo tudi tak gelish efekt, res tist sijoč efekt in vedno, ko si nalakiram nohte se mi zdi, čist neka druga zgodba:). Deborah so super za svojo ceno in bi blo včasih bolše dat še kaka evro več in da neham gledat v to stojalo od Essence, ki ima res lepe barve,samo mam sam en dan mir z njimi:) Bom pa probala Ciate, da vidim, če so res dobri, ker če prenesejo test, konkretnega pomivanja posode potem se jim klanjam:). Če ti je L´occitanov olje immortele všeč, mislim, da ti bi bil tudi karite. Madonca kolk se razvadiš s temi olji in na koncu se ti nek navaden gel, pena ne zdi nič ekstra. Sem imela že kar nekaj malo dražjih gelov, npr. zj od Nuxe miele kolekcijo, pa olju ne se ženiti do kolen:).L´occitane Immortele nežnakrema za umivanje iz iste linije kot imaš ti olje mi je pa tako zategovala kožo, da sem ga dala zj dalje. Mi je pa tak univerzalen in res dober od Melvite peneči čistilni žele, res tak no trouble zadeva, očesnega makeupa lih perfektno ne odstrani, samo je pa kul, ker ne izsuši kože in ni blo duha in sluha o kakih mozoljih in mi je bil res všeč. Essence je res zadel s tole božično kolekcijo, sicer sem dobila samo šminke ampak ok, so pa te superr in ful dobro obstojne,lepo se nanašajo,kremne, res za tako ceno kapo dol:). Za Kiko je pa tudi meni žal, pa sem gledala to kolekcijo, ker ima embalažo, ki mi takoj ukrade srce:) in bom letos res malo bolj spremljala njihovo spletno stran, verjamem, da bodo nardil kako dobro limited edition kolekcijo. P.s oprosti za abnormalno dolg komentar:)ne bi bla jst, če ne bi še zraven zapisala kakega svojega mnenja:)

    1. Mislim, da je beli Boss edini, ki mi ni bil najbolj všeč :D

      Od Deborah mi je 01 (najsvetlejši)še vedno najboljši kar se tiče kvalitete, ampak so vsi odlični. Od Essence imam tudi rada formulo, so mi pa njihove barve nezanimive, me noben ne pritegne na stojalu. Od Ciate imam Sugared Almond, pa je zelo tečna formula za delat, ker je še tista stara negelovska in je ta odtenek pastel, ampak kakšnih drugih barv pa nisem sprobavala.

      Sem že zdavnaj nehala uporabljat gele, ker mi povzočajo luskice in sušijo kožo (sem imela jih že tone od dražjih do baby stuff), tako da sem že dolgo na oljih in balmih. Olj se sprobala že nekaj, pa mi vedno mašijo pore, razen od L'Occitana.

      Od Kiko kolekcija je bila izjemna. Škoda, da je bila LE, ampak je pa super pa Kiko ni tako čuden glede LE kot Essence/Catrice in ne zmeče eno za drugo dvakrat na mesec. Me pa njihova pošastna poštnina zelo moti. Bi večkrat naročila od njih, ampak ne za take dodatne stroške.

      You know I don't mind :)

  6. Heheh, sej jst ko sem parfum dobila, sem bla lih nosečain sem misla, da bom kr bruhala, sam sem se zadržalapri bruhanju, da ne bi užalila fanta:):)heheh, zj sva pa krnekak postala frenda, čeprav ni pa moj najljubši:). Vidiš meni pa barve od essence niso lih slabe, me pa ubija njihova obstojnost:) 2x pomijem posodo in se že kruši:)Čeprav je pa res,da nekih ekstra specialnih barv pa res nimajo, pa mislim, da jih ne bodo imeli:):):).Škoda za iate, ker jst sem zj res vajena, da ima ta gelish videz in si tudi bolj take kupujem. Je pa res, da pr stojalu sam pokukam, namazat se mi pa lih ne da kakega nohta za probo:). Olja so res zakon, se ti vse ostalo zdi kr neki:).

    1. Lol :D
      Na mojih nohtih vse dolgo ostane, ampak imam zelo močne in zdrave. Pa Seche Vite uporabljam, mogoče je tudi to :)

  7. Rebel Romantic mi pa vedno znova in znova zlomi srce :( Mislim, da mi je za tole LE kolekcijo najbolj žal, da sem jo zgrešila.

    1. Ene par kosov je še v spletni trgovini, ampak kaj ko je poštnina tako blesavo visoka :/
