Revlon Ultra Volume Mascara Waterproof - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Revlon Ultra Volume Mascara Waterproof

torek, marec 08, 2016

So Revlon did the unthinkable and discontinued ALL of their mascaras. I just hope you didn't have any of them as your ultimate favourite, though to be fair this was a considerably tamer move than Essence and Catrice  put us through every six months. They decided to simplify their mascara system, so no flashy names and tubes, just a basic selection of five mascaras, each with a different colour of cap, wand and formula. I like their approach of taking it all to the basics, mascara names have become ridiculous anyway (looking at you Too Faced),  but I'm wondering how long will they stick to it and not be tempted to do a the new launch of fancy mascara, which inevitably brings more money than boring tubes. I got to try Ultra Volume version with the pink cap and a waterproof formula (regular exists as well, of course), but I would actually name it Ultra Definition.  

Wand: The wand is a classic one, but thick and with very dense bristles. It's a standard wand shape for a mascara that promises volume, however, unlike most such mascaras I've tried this one excels at definition. The brush manages to catch every eyelash, but doesn't coat it with a ton of product. It behaves pretty much like a standard plastic wand mascaras. However, please note that the regular formula may perform differently as waterproof mascaras are drier than regular ones. 

Formula: As I said this is waterproof formula and therefore drier than regular mascaras which means you don't get tons of product on the lashes, but instead each lash is lengthened, defined and still enough natural looking to fool someone less makeup-savvy into thinking you're not wearing anything on your lashes. In terms of effect it reminds me of my old favourite, L'Oreal Million Lashes, except this one has a great waterproof formula that keeps my lashes perfectly curled all day. Normally I wear more volumising mascaras like Essence I Love Extreme that give me absolutely massive lashes, but I really like this one. It's got such a great defining effect that screams: "ofcourse my natural lashes look so great". The fact it holds a curl so well is another big plus in my books. It's also less difficult to remove than most waterproof formulas.

At 10.49 € per tube it's not the cheapest mascara, but if you're looking for a good waterproof formula that has a very natural, defining effect, this one is lovely to try. I actually started using it as a base coat, so I curl the lashes, apply a bit of this mascara first because it defines so well and then I add a more volumising mascara on top. It works brilliantly that way, but I also like wearing this one on its own. Mine is from Click2Chic, where is might be a bit cheaper than in the shops (I don't know, but Colorstay foundation is), but Revlon is sold in drugstores here too.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ufff to pa je volumen :)
    Bo treba sprobat :)

    1. Zelo lepo definira in potem izgleda, kot da imaš več trepalnic :) Všečna maskara :)

  2. Ok your lashes look stunning! I love the look of the wand, I really need to try this out x

    Zoe Mountford x

    1. Thank you :) These types of wand are my favourite too :)

  3. Vsakič znova sem wow kako dolge trepalnice imaš :D <3. Res odlično definira. Čeprav mene zanima kako bi se obnesla navadna verzija, če obstaja. Cena se mi zdi kar v redu, približno isto kot Maybelline Lash Sensational :). Drugače pa res zanimiva poteza Revlona. Ampak dobro, očitno so že dobro stestirali in vejo, da je uspeh zagotovljen :D.

    1. Hvala <3 Obstaja :) Predvidevam, da ima bolj mokro formulo in da ne definira tako lepo, ko je nova. Sem pa že slišala pohvale zanjo.
      Res pogumna poteza. Ampak mi je všeč :)

  4. This mascara sounds nice and I like the packaging.

    Chaste & Beautiful

  5. I reviewed this one too the other week. I like it. It's not THE best volume mascara though, but decent enough for me.

    1. Seen it :) Exactly, it's better at definition, but the volume is perfectly fine too :)
