Kiko Smart Nail Lacquer 129 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Kiko Smart Nail Lacquer 129

ponedeljek, februar 20, 2017

I own a couple of Kiko nail polishes and I can definitely say that they are brilliant for the price, however, mine are from their regular line, while I've never tried these Smart Fast Dry ones. The bottle is smaller, but aside from that I expected about the same formula. But it isn't.

129 is a beautiful a nude shade with some pinky-mauve tones, making it similar to my beloved Deborah Gel Effect 01 and a shade for every occasion. Petra chose this one for me and she clearly knows me well.

Kiko has the best pastel mint green shade and trust me that's hard to find, so I was surprised when I saw this has one of those old school annoying pastel formulas. It's thick and pigmented, however the application is rather tedious. I'm very spoiled by gel formulas at which even pastels basically cover everything evenly in one coat. This one is very uneven and even the second coat doesn't manage to fix it as you get sheer patches. I've been doing three coats with this one and if it weren't a pastel shade, I'm sure the unevenness would be much more visible.

Staying power is already a better characteristic of this nail polish. It lasted the normal 1 week one me and there weren't any major chips. The brush is classic.

It's sold in Kiko for 2.50 €.

Have a great day!

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  1. Res škoda, da nimajo običajne formule. Jaz sem bila pa prepričana, da so jih samo prepakirali. Še zdaj mi ni jasno z temi njihovimi laki...vedno ko pridem v trgovino je manj tistih običajnih.
    Je pa odtenek tak kot sem upala, da bo izgledal na naohtih in paše ti ;).

    1. Čisto si zadela s odtenkom :) Ga dosti nosim, itak menjavam lak enkrat na teden tako da tisti tečen nanos že potrpim, pa še Seche Vite ga itak pomaga znormalizirat :)

      Mene je obakrat ko sem bila v Kiku zelo razočarala izbira odtenkov teh navadnih lakov. Tiste nove, ki so po 5 € so imeli pa vse.

  2. This is such a pretty color! I can't wait to wear similar tones for Spring <3

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  3. Zelo lep odtenek in paše ti! Se niti ne opazi, da bi bilo neenakomerno, verjetno res zaradi odtenka. Pa super, da ti zdrži toliko časa. :)

    1. Hvala :) So tri plasti gor, zato je enakomeren, ampak na drugi roki sem imela samo dve in se je na parih nohtih videlo čez. Plus Seche Vite vse popravi :)
      Ah, meni vsak lak zdrži več kot en teden, tako da ni tako impresivno. Sem samo napisala tako, da tisti, ki vejo kako na meni zdržijo laki, lahko potem pričakujejo da bo ta lak zdržal kot povprečni lak na njih, torej npr. tri dni če jim običajno toliko :)
