AliExpress Bargains #3
petek, junij 09, 2017
Not surprising in the past months I found and bought more AliExpress bargains (eBay has the same things, you know that, but Ali has better organisation of the website and is often cheaper), so here's more bits I'm sharing with you. Previous posts are here: link 1, link 2 & link 3, plus a wishlist. Prices are the ones I paid, so they might be different of the link. Some links will eventually stop working, so just put the name/description of the product in the AliExpress search engine.
Clutch Wallet and a Cellphone Case with a Bow
By now I'm used to getting actual quality goods from AliExpress and this is another fantastic one. It looks like a mini clutch and it can hold a phone, some money plus there are plenty of spaces for credit cards. Only car keys won't fit, otherwise you're set. It very well made, I see no mistakes in the design, the outer casing feels soft, the opening mechanism works fine and you can either use the strap or not. It fits the my Galaxy S5, at least 8 cards, paper bills and change, though that compartment is a bit small. It's well worth the money, though my only concern is that it's possible the metal bits will lose their shine. I bought another one as a gift in light pink and I think it's prettier than red. There are several colours available.
Rose Gold Watch
I got this only to be in the pictures because I have the tinniest wrists known to mankind, so I haven't been able to buy a proper women's watch in my life, though I did have a sliver of hope that if I buy a watch for an Asian market, it'll be smaller, but it's pretty standard. You can't take off any links, so it'll only fit wrists size 19 cm or slightly smaller. Now that it's new it looks really good, elegant in a nice rose gold colour. It works surprisingly well considering these cheap watches always start being more and more inaccurate, but five months in, it's working well. Closing mechanism is very tight and can only be opened with nails. It exists in several designs and silver.
Smartphone LED Ring Selfie Light
I take a ton of pictures for my blog and my lighting conditions are not the best, so I would need a ring light which costs way too much and I thought I'd try a cheap alternative. It turns out it's more of a gimmick than not, though it's a great thing to have if you're taking pictures in very low or at night because it's a thousand times better than flash. It arrives packaged so beautifully, so you can easily give it as a gift. It works fine, but it's not as bright as I had hoped. It's a good substitute for flash in darker conditions, but as an additional light source in less ideal light conditions, it's not strong enough. It fits Samsung Galaxy S5, though the plastic is very rigid. It turns on by holding the button and it has three brightness settings, I find the brightest one actually useful, the rest are not enough. I bought the larger one deliberately, but a more elegant one exists that fits nicer on the phones.
T-Shape Non Slip Cushion Heel Protector
These look and feel comfortable, though I haven't stuck them to any pair of shoes yet (no new shoes in about a year), but I have something similar from before and it works great. These are also good when you're trying to make the shoes smaller, which us petite ladies buying shoes in Slovenia desperately need (a tip to all of you - shoes from New Look. The only ones that aren't ridiculously wide. By the way, their 36 is ours 35). These exist is beige, pink, violet and leopard print, plus you can also find clear silicone versions.
Paper Punch Shape Cutter Tool
I thought I ordered a bow shape, but I ended up with a heart - bleh, too cheesy. Regardless it works fine and it isn't too hard to squeeze on normal paper, but on thicker one it's already a challenge. Shape always comes out fine. This comes in several shapes.
Bunny Shaped Cable Wire Organizer
I bought these to organise the cables on my desk. These are made from silicone and they're flexible enough, though you need to pull apart the ears and it takes so extra effort to push in the cable (only thin ones fit, like those for phones or cameras). However, the added stickers are complete crap, so I needed to use my Tesa double-sided tape. These come in three more colours: red, blue and green.
Black Cat Cable Organiser
These are longer than I expected, which makes them even better because you can organise much longer and thicker cables, not just headphones. It's got a wire inside, that's why it holds and bends so well. I have it for cables of my curling irons. This was such a great buy.
Hair Trimmer
I used to have one of these, also a cheap one, so naturally it broke after about a year. This one doesn't cut close to the skin, but it cuts well. The battery isn't included, but you get a mini brush to clean and a useless attachment for longer hair. It's not the best, but it's fine.
Tea Infuser
I already said I bought these in my last bargains post, but they haven't arrived yet by the time I posted it. Well now I can show you how they look (I bought four). These are made from a very soft silicone and the hands can swivel as well as detach. It sits nice on the edge of the cup, but you need to have the water all the way to the edge. Though it's completely hollow, only the bottom part serves its purpose and it's quite small. More gimmicky than not, but it's a cool inexpensive gift. It's now available in several colours.
Lip Shaped Tube Squeezer
Affordable, cute and useful. I put these on toothpastes and hand creams so I'll be able to get every bit of the product out. There are also versions with cute animals, but I choose lips, which also come in pink.

Headphone Cable Organiser
These are cable organisers for small and short cables, such as for earphones, phone and camera USB cables,… The silicone material is very flexible and the plastic clasp holds well, so my cables are much better organised now (I used hair clips before). Too bad you can't pick the colours yourself, but I got mostly the cute ones, except the ugly dinosaur.
Polka Dot Satin Ribbon 10 mm
I have several colours of these bought in Slovenia, but I could never find it in navy blue, so I ordered it online. Here you get 15 m.
Satin Ribbon 40mm
Again I have several ribbons already, but mint green and proper pale peachy were impossible to find here, as are many other normal colours (we only have fluorescent colours here). Bows look really good with these since they are large, but they are a bit more expensive online than here. I still want more colours. One roll is 22 m.
Sample Pots 10Pc
Here sample pots are not the cheapest (80 cents in Műller for one), so I got a pack of them online because these always come in handy. These are 5 ml, but you can find other sizes and colours.
15g Gold Empty Pot
This ended up looking quite nice, though I bought it almost as a joke because I was annoyed with sample bags. I store Tony Moly Prestige Jeju Snail Cream in it which I bought 20 samples of. It looks super fancy, though the gold is too yellow for my taste. It comes in more colours at other sellers: silver, violet, pink and green.
Vitamin Pill Telescopic Ballpoint Pens
These are just the cutest. A bit bigger that I imagined, but that's not an issue. Obviously the stem with the ink can't be big, but they write just fine and by the way, all are the same colour, so classic blue. You get all 6 for the price.
Polka Dot Ballpoint Pen
Anyone who knows me at least a little bit will recognise this as my sort of dream pen - mint green plus polka dots, both things I love (aside from galaxy pattern). It's just a basic pen with blue ink. I regret not getting a few more of these, since I can't find this exact one anymore, but there are similar ones sold now.
Smartphone Silicone Case Grumpy Cat
Just a simple clear soft phone case with a printed grumpy cat picture. Mine fits Samsung S5, but they also have it for other Galaxy models and iPhones.
Have you found any great AliExpress or eBay bargains recently? Have a great day!
Hallo, ich finde deine posts immer toll. Hast du auch eine email Adresse, unter der man dir schreiben kann? Ich hätte nämlich eine Frage, aber die passt nicht unbedingt zum Thema dieses posts, sondern ist mehr allgemein. Ich finde auf deiner website nämlich keine (oder ich habe nicht genau genug geschaut)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLiebe grüße, Doro
Hi, I'm so glad you like my posts :) Actually, I deliberately removed my e-mail from here and closed messages on Facebook because I was overwhelmed by all the PRs & companies wanting something from me. I know it sucks because my readers have it harder to reach me, but I you can contact me through Instagram messages if you wish or write is here, topic doesn't matter :)
IzbrišiAlso, o.k. Ich habe gesehen , dass du ein Samsung Handy hast.
IzbrišiIch habe mich vor kurzem bei bloglovin angemeldet am PC (Windows 10/ Chrome) und per App (Samsung).
Wenn man die Beiträge "marked as read" setzt, werden sie doch grau. Ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass diese dann komplett verschwinden, wenn man aktualisiert.
Ich aktualisiere, indem ich am Handy nach unten wische bzw. am PC nochmal auf bloglovin klicke. Verschwinden tut nichts......
Verwendest du auch bloglovin? Auch als App auf dem Handy?
Kannst du mir helfen?
Muss ich irgendwas einstellen?
Mache ich das mit dem Aktualisieren falsch?
Dann noch etwas anderes.
Ich habe mich bei bloglovin angemeldet, um mein leicht ausuferndes blog-lese-Verhalten einzudämmen.
Ich weiß, es ist etwas komisch, eine bloggerin das zu fragen, aber meine Freundinnen lesen keine blogs. Deswegen kann ich nicht mit ihnen darüber reden.
Etwas, das ich mir immer wieder vornehme, ist, weniger Zeit mit blogs und youtube zu verbringen. Ich folge ca. 60 bloggern und mehreren youtubern und da ich ein extrem perfektionistischer Mensch bin, lese ich täglich sorgfältig alle neuen posts bzw. schaue die Videos, was (zu) viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt.
Ich habe mir schon vorgenommen, einige zu entabonnieren oder nicht alles zu lesen, aber irgendwie habe ich dann Angst, etwas zu verpassen und den ultimativen Tip was Pflege, Makeup usw. angeht nicht mitzukriegen.
Es fällt mir extrem schwer, nach wichtig-unwichtig zu unterscheiden, das ist wie ein Automatismus: neuer post/Video: anschauen.
Bis auf Reise- oder Restaurant Beschreibungen von Orten, wo ich sowieso nicht hingehe oder Rezepten, die ich aktuell nicht nachkoche, ist doch irgendwie alles interessant: Pflegeprodukte, dekorative Kosmetik, Ernährung und sonstige Tips. Irgendwie könnte ich alles lesen. Auch wenn ich nicht vorhabe, das Produkt nachzukaufen, da zu teuer o.ä. schaue ich doch gerne die Review dazu an aus Neugierde und Interesse. Ich finde es sehr interessant, welche Meinung blogger zu Produkten haben, gerade Hautpflege, aber auch Foundation, Puder, Lippenstift, Neuheiten, LE`s. Selbst Highend Le`s oder Coulorpop schaue ich mir gerne an, obwohl ich das nie nachkaufen würde. Es ist irgendwie ein Automatismus, alle neuen posts zu lesen.
Wie gehst du da vor?
Du hast natürlich den Vorteil, selbst zu bloggen. Dadurch besitzt, verwendest, testest du vieles , das ich nur vom lesen her kenne. Ich interessiere mich schon sehr für Pflege, Lacke und Make up und kaufe da auch Produkte nach, aber AMU´s mit 5 Farben und die neuesten Highend Lippenstifte sind weit entfernt von meiner Realität. Trotzdem oder vielleicht gerade deshalb, schaue ich mir alles an.
Ich könnte mir für mich auch vorstellen, zu üben, den post zu überfliegen und nur das Fazit zu lesen. Ich brauche immer ewig, bis ich einen post gelesen habe, da viele blogger auch Herstellerbeschreibungen usw. einfügen, was meiner Meinung nach sehr langwierig zu lesen ist.
Und wie machst du das bei youtube? (falls du es nutzt). Das ist auch ein grosser Zeitfaktor, da z.B. v-logs gerne mal 30 Minuten daue
Manchmal bin ich diesbezüglich von mir selbst genervt...
Besonders schlimm ist es, wenn ich auf Grund von Urlaub usw. ein paar Tage nicht zum lesen komme. Dann staut sich immer ein riesiger "noch zu lesen" Haufen an.
Wie machst du das? Folgst du einfach nicht so vielen Leuten, liest Du nicht jeden neuen post, überfliegst du posts nur ohne jedes Wort genau zu lesen und kennst du die Angst, etwas zu verpassen auch?
Sorry für den langen Roman und liebe Grüße, Doro
Und entschuldige, dass ich nicht auf englisch schreibe. Ich kann zwar englische Texte einigermassen lesen, aber selbst nicht schreiben
Ok, lets just hope I still understand German enough :D The Bloglovin app on the phone is a software issue, so it doesn't matter if you have Samsung, it only matters which Android you have. I still have the old version, Kitkat, and it's working fine on my phone. What is marked as read sticks on my feed, just then it's gray and it's synchronised with what I see on my PC account. I don't use the app on my phone much though, I prefer to read posts on my PC. Maybe try marking Browser View under Settings which are under Me in the right corner down.
IzbrišiI read maybe 2-5 posts top per day, I skip most because I've reached a point a while back where I realised there is no point in me reading about products I'll never be able to get or I'm just not interested in it. Also almost 3/4 of bloggers that I loved to read simply stopped blogging and now I'm actually missing good quality content to read every day. I don't even watch YouTube anymore precisely for that reason, every one I loved to watch changed completely as soon as they become popular, so I unsubscribe when they become predominantly vloggers and don't talk about makeup any more. I'll take the time to watch a few videos twice a month, but even then I'm doing something else beside it because I'm too busy. So yeah, I'm pretty picky about what I'll read and I usually bookmark them, so I can read them sometime at night when I have time for it.
Izbrišidu liest also nicht jeden neuen post, sondern sortierst schon vorher aus. Ich lese auch posts über Produkte, die ich gar nicht kaufen möchte, einfach aus Neugier. Da muss ich auch noch konsequenter aussortieren.
Habe Browser view eingestellt, aber es ändert sich nichts.
Am PC verschwinden die grauen marked as read Beiträge aber auch nicht. ich aktualisiere, indem ich auf das bloglovin logo klicke, das links steht. Bleiben bei dir die grauen posts auch am PC bestehen? Muss ich da am PC etwas eintellen?
Viele Grüße, Doro
Why do you want the grey posts to disappear? They never made it so the posts would disappear after you read them, they remain on the list of post after you read them. Is that what's bothering you?
IzbrišiIch dachte, ich hätte irgendwo mal gelesen, dass die posts, wenn sie "marked as read" sind, komplett verschwinden. Deshalb war ich verwirrt, dass das bei mir nicht so ist. Ich persönlich fände das schon übersichtlicher. Aber anscheinend habe ich mich getäuscht und das nur falsch gelesen.
IzbrišiIt's normal on Bloglovin that the post doesn't disappear once you read it, so don't worry, nothing is wrong with your app or on PC :) It's been like that since forever on Bloglovin.
IzbrišiGreat items! I immedeatly ordered Some insoles, i think they will be very handy!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnd they are so soft :) I actually have Essence super soft insoles that are made from the same material as these and they make you feel like you're walking on clouds.
IzbrišiTe sample/travel pots si jaz tudi na AliExpressu naročim, vidim vedno več teh travel setov pri nas, ampak so kar dragi. Joj vedno, ko objaviš te bargaine me vedno mika, da bi šla vse kupit :D Sploh te kjut kulije :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPri nas predvsem ni teh mini lončkov, pa še kar dragi so. Sem pa našla refil tubice v Tediju in to celo za isto ceno kot na AliExpressu :) Ta mentolno zelen kuli vse čas uporabljam. Dober nakup :)
IzbrišiSuch cute things that you've found!!
To so pa te objave, ki te spet prisilijo v aliexpress nakupovanje :D. Denarnica je čudovito narejena. Sicer ni niti tako poceni, tako da sem pričakovala, da bo dobre kvalitete. Svetlo roza mi je adorable :D.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem tudi kupila ring light, ampak tisto mini verzijo za telefon in včasih res prav pride. Za kakšne fotke za Instagram, pa tudi selfije za story in podobno. Jaz tudi uporabim vedno tretjo nastavitev. Izgleda pa res veliko boljše kot kakšen flash.
Blazinice za čevlje sem si takoj dodala na wish list. Moram kupit. Jaz imam večen problem s prevelikimi čevlji. Salonarjev pa sploh ne moram nosit, ker mi odzadaj drsijo ven. Mogoče bi to dejansko pomagalo. Kje pa kupuješ New Look čevlje? Na Asosu?
Dodane so že te cute zadeve za kable. Sam sem sicer enkrat naročila črne ježeke na metre in jih potem režeš, ampak to je way cuter :D. Tudi lončki so priročni. Jaz sem naročila tubice, ki jih sicer težje polnim, so mi pa ful priročne za kakšne gele za umivanje s sabo. Sem mislila, da dobim enega, potem sem pa po vsakega dobila 10 komadov :D. Total bargain :).
Jaz nič kriva :P Ja, svetlo roza je zelo lepa. Kar malo obžalujem, da sem se odločila za rdečo.
IzbrišiRing light je kar priročna zadeva, sem si pa vseeno želela, da bo malo močnejša. Samo flaš se sploh ne more primerjat.
New Look kupujem na New Look. Imajo svojo spletno stran. Sicer drago poštnino, ampak naberem za 60 € pa je zastonj. Vse balerinke imam od tam in so top. Sploh ni primerjave s tem šmornom, ki ga dobiš pri nas, ki samo pada z noge vsakih pet minut. Čevlji s peto isto, edino od New Look lahko nosim. Asos ma sicer tudi dobre in imam nekatere pare že leta, ampak so dražje. Angleži imajo na splošno za eno cifro manjše čevlje kot pri nas in veliko ožje. Ne vem zakaj je tako, ampak jaz očitno nisem za v Slovenijo :D
Ježke za kable imam pa že od prej, ampak tiste imam za urejanje kablov od računalnika. Tubice sem pa celo videla v Tediju. Me je kar malo šokiralo :D
The tea infuser and pill ball pens have to be the cutest things I have ever seen! I've seen strawberry tea infusers floating around aliexpress and ebay and have been wanting to purchase it for a while now but I was worried that the quality would be terrible and the rubber might melt. Might actually purchase it because it looks like it sits at the bottom of the cup and will work a little better! Keep up the good work.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI was a doubtful about the tea infusers and the Nessie ladle (in the previous post), but both turned out fine :). Thank you :)