Catrice New Products for Autumn/Winter 2015 and my Wishlist

torek, junij 16, 2015

1. Chocolate Nudes Eyeshadow Palette
010 Choc'Let It Be
I was hoping Catrice would make a chocolate palette and I'm glad my wishes came true. I'm a huge fan of the Absolute Matt Eyeshadow Palette, so I have high hopes for this one. For one the shades certainly look gorgeous from the preview. 
5.29 €

2. Highlighting Powder 
010 Stardust
I love their blushes in the same design, though I don't find them very illuminating on my cheeks, so maybe these will be not super shimmery, but subtly glowy which I would actually prefer. There will be two versions, a pink toned and gold highlighter.
4.29 €

3. Defining Blush
100 Rose Couture
My love for Defining Blushes is well documented and out of the three new shades, this one seems most promising. If it's a warm pink in real life, it's going home with me.
3.79 €

4. Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette
010 Ashy Radiance
Along with the chocolate palette, I'm most excited about this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the quality is nice (though Catrice rarely disappoints anyway) and that the contour powder is a nice taupe shade that is appropriate for my pale skin. 
4.69 €

5.Eyematic Eyepowderpen
050 Al Cappuccino
I've seen such eyeshadows before and though they never proved to be very popular designs, I'd like to give one a try, probably the darkest brown shade, since most look very light.
4.29 €

6. Ultimate Nail Lacquer
94  It's A Very Berry Bash
I'm a sucker for berries, so there is a high chance I'll fall in love with the colour when I see it in person. I haven't bought a Catrice nail polish is a very long time (from the Ultimate line that is) due to the most idiotic brush they had (granted Bourjois' 10 Days was a whole new level of hell compared to this one), but they have since changed them and I hear they have been much improved.
2.49 €

7. Shine Appeal Fluid Lipsticks
I saw this one coming. Everyone is releasing these intense lip gloss formulas and I'm a fan of them (L'Oreal's is amazing). I wonder what these will be like and I'm even more interested in the colour range.
4.29 €

The rest of new products:

Even Skin Tone Beautifying Foundation 7.69 €
005 Even Ivory, 010 Even Vanilla, 020 Beige Rosé and 030 Even Sand

Nude Illusion Make-up 7.69 €
015 Nude Vanilla

Velvet Finish Foundation 
015 Beige Velvet

Prime and Fine Dark Circle Eraser 4.29 € 
020 Nude Rosé

Velvet Finish Powder with Hyaluron 5.29 € 
015 Beige Velvet

Liquid Camouflage - High Coverage Concealer 3.79 €
010 Porcellain and 020 Light Beige

Absolute Chocolate Nudes Eyeshadow Palette 5.29 €  
010 Choc'Let It Be
Deluxe Trio Eyeshadow 4.99 €   
010 Antique C'est Trés Chic, 020 Meet The Gemstones and 030 Rose Vintouch

Absolute Eye Colour Mono Eyeshadow  2.89 €
920 Game Of Stones, 930 Hakuna MATTata, 940 Popeye's Daily Dose, 950 Gold Out! and 960 Choc'Late Night Show

Velvet Matt Eyeshadow 4.29 €
070 Princess Mattleine

Lash Curler 4.29 €

Longlasting Brow Definer 3.49 €
040 Brow'dly Presents…

Fixing Brow Wax 3.29 €
020 Nut-ting Else Matters and 030 Choco Mademoiselle

Kohl Kajal 2.29 €
210 Brownzer

Liquid Metal Gel Eye Pencil 3.49 €
090 I'll Be Right Black

Eye‘Matic Dip Liner Waterproof 3.49 €
010 Stay With Me!

Lashes To Kill Ultra Curl & Volume Mascara 4.29 €

Luxury Lashes Volume Mascara 4.99 €
Black, Ultra Black and Black Waterproof

Eye‘Matic Eyepowder Pen 4.29 €
010 West White Story, 020 Hotel Pearlafornia, 030 Champagne On Me, 040 Keep Calm And Love This Colour, 050 Al Cappuccino and 060 Lavender Mc Queen

Defining Blush 3.79 €
110 Legend-berry, 045 Lilactric and 100 Rose Couture 

Multi Matt Blush 4.29 €
010 Love, Rosie! and 020 La-Lavender

Highlighting Powder 4.29 €
020 Champagne Campaign and 010 Stardust

Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette 4.69 €
020 Warm Harmony and 010 Ashy Radiance 

Sun Glow Mineral Bronzing Powder 5.29 €
010 Golden Light

Shine Appeal Fluid Lipstick  4.29 €
010 To Be ContiNUDEd, 020 Kiss Me In The Sunshine, 030 Meet You At The Bar-bie, 040 Pink Macaron, 050 What-A-Melon, 060 Marry Berry, 070 Better Make A Mauve, 080 Rose, Would You…?, 090 Metal N' Roses, 100 AdREDnaline Rush Lovers, 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller and 120 Nude-Tritious

Beautifying Lip Smoother 3.79 €
040 Coffee To Go, 050 Frozen Joghurt and 060 Blackberry Muffin

Pure Brilliants Colour Lip Balm 5.29 €
050 Next Stop Golden Gate Bridge, 040 Romeo & Jeweliet, 030 Plum-Up The Volume, 020 Catch The Brillianaire and 010 Sparkle Sparkle Little Star 

Longlasting Lip Pencil 2.29 €
170 Plumplona Olé

Glossy Lip Glow 5.29 €

Ultimate Colour Lip Colour 4.29 €
410 Rocking Like A Pink-Star and 420 Plum Fiction

Ultimate Stay Lipstick 5.29 €
130 Rusty's Gold & Treasure, 140 Behind The Red Curtain and 150 Chocolate Kiss

CC Care & Conceal 2.89 €
01 Delicate Porcelain Doll, 02 Tender Touch Of Rosé, 03 Perfect Beige Skin Twin, 04 Apricot Skin-Fit, 05 Subtle Sand Sensation, 06 Perfecting Pale Almond and 12 Metallic Rose Revolution

Luxury Nudes 2.59 €
09 Dreamin' Bohemian and 10 Lily From Piccadilly

Luxury Lacquers Liquid Metal 3.79 €
09 Never No To Holo, 10 Pink Rock Shock, 11 Red Notting Hill Thrill and 12 Metallic Rose Revolution

Ultimate Nail Lacquer 2.59 €
90 She Said Yes In Her Red Dress, 91 It's All About That Red, 92 Snow White's Apple Bite, 93 Red Midnight Mystery, 94 It's A Very Berry Bash, 95 For Some It's Plum, 96 A Wink Of Pink, 97 Love Affair In Bel Air, 98 No Coffee Without Toffee, 99 Sweet Macaron Sin, 100 Red Goes Nuts, 101 Tiny Teint Treasure, 102 London Town At Sundown and 103 Think In Dusky Pink

Effect Boosting Base Coat 2.59 €
01 More Reflect Of The Effect!

Million Styles Top Coat 3.29 €
05 Let's Do The Holo Show, 07 Unfold The Unlimited Gold and 06 Mysterious Mother Of Pearl

Pro Care Nail Oil 3.79 €

All the products are already on the website and my press release says new things will be available in July, but I'm doubtful as the list of the things that are being discontinued hasn't surfaced yet. 

Anything caught your eye? I can't wait to see new things from Essence. Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz se najbolj veselim novih izdelkov za ustnice in rdečil, laki mi pa najbolj dolgočasni izgledajo - pogrešam več modre in zelene. ;)

    1. Jaz isto :) Laki so mi lepi odtenki, ampak ja, so res samo bolj jesenske barve :)

  2. Vec sam kupila paletu od Catrice, veoma je dobra, nijanse su prekrasne! :)

    Nikoleta, xoxo.

    1. Absolute Matt je super, zdaj razmišljam, da bi vzela še Nude in Rose :)

  3. Oh wow the eyepowder pens sounds interesting!
    Jennie Emma

    1. I saw L'Oreal has these, but I don't know whose tutorial I was watching. It was such a lovely intense, bronze shade, so I'm excited about these, though I hope they won't all be super light :)

  4. Moja wishlista je čisto predolga :(

    1. Jaz se tudi zagledam v veliko stvari, ko pridejo te novice o prenovah, potem pa v živo me pol stvari sploh ne pritegne. Tako da bom videla kakšne bodo stvari v real life in se potem odločila kaj je res vredno vzet:)

  5. So stoked for the highlighters and the contouring palette as well! First time that the new products actually get me going. :)

    1. Right!? The Spring/Summer products were so boring to me that I didn't get one new thing from Catrice, but these new products look so promising :)

  6. The Nudes palette and some of the blushes look interesting enough. I like the Effects nail polishes too.

    1. I'm really excited about the palette :) I am concerned about which blushes they'll discontinue to make room for these, hopefully if won't be any of my favourites..

  7. The highlight powder looks so pretty <3

    1. It does :) I hope it'll be as pretty in person :)

  8. Does anyone know where one can order from this brand in the states? Been trying to get my hands on some of their products for a long time. :) Thanks!

    1. Unfortunately, I don't know of any online shops that would ship to US, but you can get individual items on eBay. Catrice is owned by the same company as Essence, so I'm sure you'll get this brand there eventually :)

  9. Odgovori
    1. There are quite a few lovely products, aren't they :)

  10. Tudi jaz sem dodala precej stvari na svojo wishlisto; enako me zanimajo čokoladna paletka, contour duo in eyepowder pen (pa še kaj zdraven :)). Upam da bo res že julija na voljo.

    1. Jaz tudi upam, da bo čim prej, ampak se iz prejšnjih let spomnim, da so bile nove stvari šele enkrat avgusta.

  11. Mene laki sploh niso pritegnili, se pa zelo veselim novih tekočih šmink in pa blushev :D eyepowder pen bom tudi gotovo preizkusila, ker izgleda zelo zanimivo :D

    1. Meni so pa lepi odtenki lakov, je pa res da so bolj umirjene in klasične barve :) Upam, da bodo nemške bloggerke hitro dobile vse te novosti v roke in jih poswachale, sploh tekoče šminke in eyepowders :)

  12. Imava kar podobno wishlisto. :)
    Tudi jaz imam velike upe za te tekoče šminke, contour duo (se strinjam s tabo glede odtenka contouring pudra!), rdečila (hočem ta odtenek kot ti in tisti berry) in rozast osvetljevalec. :D
    Drugače pa mene zanimajo še ti novi odtenki Lip Smootherjev, ker iste, ki so na voljo zdaj, obožujem in nov tekoči puder. :) Pa tudi paletka izgleda lepo, sploh če si chocolate lover. :P

    1. Lip Smoother mi bo morda zanimiv 060 Blackberry Muffin, če bo dovolj pigmentiran, ker zdajšnji so vsi preveč prozorni. Tekoč puder bo tudi za pogledat, ampak me skrbi glede odtenkov, ker skoraj zagotovo ne bodo imeli dovolj svetlega zame. Korektor me še zanima, če je slučajno podoben tistemu od Collection :)

  13. O ja, spet bomo zapravljali :) Je moja WL tudi dokaj podobna tvoji, me mikajo pa še Lip Smoother-ji, ker sem pač čisto nora na trenutne tri odtenke, pa ta concealer, ker pač piše da je high coverage :D Hm, pa mogoče še matt blush... No boljše da kar neham :D

    1. Očitno bomo res :D Pa še če bodo Essence stvari zanimive. Korektor se dobro sliši in upam da je dober, ampak njihov iz Velvet kolekcije me pa ni prepričal.

  14. Zdaj si me spomnila, da kaj dodam na wish listo. Sem že enkrat želela objaviti na sploh kaj vse si želim, ker se mi zdijo take objave zanimive. Pri tvojih itak vedno novega odkrijem:). Meni je prvo padel v oči dvojec za contour in highlight. Nekako imam občutek, da bo to spet samo bronzer in highlight. Upam, da se motim. Tudi tekoči lip glossi/šminke izgledajo super. Eye matic senčke je imel dolgo nazaj podobne Avon in je bil problem, ker so bile v prahu in je to kar padalo dol po obrazu. Upam, da bo formula bolj kremasta pri teh od Catrice, vsekakor hitro uporabno - vedno plus. Mene zanima še vodoodporen (?hja, bomo videli) in seveda hig coverage korektor. So se mi kar oči zasvetile :D. Samo naj naredijo dovolj svetle odtenke.

    1. Jaz to objavo objavljam že par tednov, lol, pa sem vedno znova našla napake, ker imam v treh verzijah druge izdelke - ali preveč ali pa premalo.
      Upam, da bo vsaj svetlejši contour duo bolj taupe, ker že ime Ashy Radiance je obetavno :) Te Eyematic senčke so podobne tudi L'Orealovim Infallible Smokissime, ki jih ni pri nas. Tiste so menda ok, upajmo, da bodo tudi te. Korektor je res obetaven in kar mislim, da bosta dva svetla odtenka na voljo, ker je že pri Velvet verziji korektor dosti svetlejši kot puder :) V vodoodpornost pa tudi jaz dvomim :D

  15. Čokoladna paletka je tudi moja number 1 na wishlisti :D drugače pa je tudi moja wishlista teh novih izdelkov čist predolga.. bolj kot gledam, bolj se ne morem odločit kaj si sploh želim :D bom videla v živo :D

    1. Yup, paletka res izgleda super :) Jaz bom tudi verjetno šele v živo videla, kar se res splača vzet ali pa če bo katera nemška blogerka naredila dobre swatche.

  16. New lipstick shades and the berry blusher caught my eye :)

    1. That berry blush terrifies the pale old me :D Especially since I know how pigmented Defining Blushes tend to be, but it I'm sure it'd be a great shade for darker skin tones.

  17. Oh My God!!! I will be crossing my fingers, I need this collection in Chile RIGHT NOW!! I love the chocolate palette with my whole heart, it's so lovely!! Thanks for show it, Mateja!!

    1. I hope you get all these products :) By the way these are permanent :)

  18. Phew, that's a lot of new stuff :-O I might check out the contouring duo. I've always liked the Prime & Fine range.

    1. They really didn't hold back :D I just remembered that I've been meaning to try their loose powder from this line, but I always forget to check if we have it :)

  19. Še dobro, da so stvari tako poceni, drugače bi moja denarnica zelo trpela :)

    1. True Story :) Čeprav že niso več tako poceni kot Essence, ampak Catrice veliko bolj zaupam kar se tiče kvalitete.

  20. Novosti je UAU, noro veliko! Večina jih bo seveda padla na wishlisto (še posebej paletka in ostala snečila) kakšen blush in izdelki za ustince, pa tudi podlaga izgleda zelo obetavno :) Mogoče celo highlighter, čeprav prisegam na mat finiš za moj obraz :) Zelo so mi pa všeč embalaže fluid lipstickov, upam da bodo tudi dobro pigmentirane.

    1. Puder ima menda srednjo do visoko prekrivnost, ampak bomo videli če je to res :) Fluid Sticks izgledajo malo kot kopije Diorjevih in Maybellinovih, upam, da bodo tudi tako dobri :)

  21. Joj Catrice in njihove novosti, vsako menjavo mi denarnico spraznijo :D Definitivno se najbolj veselim novih izdelkov za lica in ustnice, čeprav me bo 'v živo' verjetno prepričalo še kaj drugega :) Edino z laki postajajo malo dolgočasni, se mi zdi da ves čas iste odtenke ven dajejo :/

    1. Ko vse te nove stvari vidim v živo se mi pol wishliste spremeni :D Catrice res nima najbolj inovativnih odtenkov lakov, mogoče zato ker ciljajo na malce starejšo populacijo kot Essence, ampak meni tile odtenki prav lepo pašejo v jesen in zimo :)

  22. Oh my! So many interesting products that are coming out! :o I'm particularly interested on the Liquid concealer (waterproof) cause I have yet to find the perfect one lol fingers crossed this will be THE ONE! X)

    Xoxo Jessy

    1. Adjusting Beauty already has a review on the concealer if you're interested :). I tried it in the shop, but I didn't get it because it surprised me how much it oxidized on my skin.
