Balm Balm Frankincense Deep Cleansing Balm - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Balm Balm Frankincense Deep Cleansing Balm

sobota, januar 18, 2014

My skin loves cleansing balms. Before I started using them, dry patches were my eternal nemesis, but I haven't had a single one in months and my skin is definitely more balanced out. This is my solid cleansing balm and my second cleansing balm in general, the first being Balance Me Cleanse and Smooth Face Balm. Despite the not so good first impression for which I lay the blame entirely on the awful scent, this has become one of my favourite cleansers ever.

Texture: It's a solid balm that is so smooth and soft. I scoop out about a fingernail sized amount and while massaging it into the skin, it just melts into an oil. It stays solid even in my always-warm bathroom, unlike the Balance Me, which was always so runny I really needed to be careful when pouring it out of the tube (there was never any squeezing required at all), but Balm Balm melts only on the actual skin. 

Performance: It cleanses the skin well and breaks down the make up, including the waterproof mascara. It's one of the rare cleansers I've used that tackles the stubborn layers of waterproof mascara I wear, but it doesn't remove it completely as I still wake up with a bit of panda eyes if I don't follow up with Maybelline's Makeup Remover Waterproof. I remove the balm with a wet flannel that also provides some gentle exfoliation. My skin is left soft and balanced in a sense that the drier areas are moisturised and the T-zone cleansed. It makes my skin more normal and never leaves it tight or oily.

Scent: Keeping in mind that scents are subjective, I find it awful. It smells strongly of incense and citrus, so the overall effect is like being in a church on a holiday at the moment when the priest is swinging that smoke thingy (yes, that would be the technical term) while you're sitting next to someone wearing a D&G Light Blue. I genuinely dislike it and it kind of lingers, but thankfully the longer I'm using it the less I notice it. But honestly, they could have an unscented version.

Packaging: It comes in Balm Balm's standard, brown glass 30 ml jar that they sell all of their other balms in. It's dainty and cute, though I'd prefer it came in a bigger size as well. However, I like that they offer a small size because is handy for anyone who wants to try balm cleansers first, before committing to pay 40+€ per pot (looking at you Emma Hardie) or need something small for travelling. I've had it for over a month and used up about a half or 2/3, but I'm not the one to pile on skincare.

Ingredients: Looking at the ingredients, I must say this is so simply made. Some sunflower oil, shea butter, beeswax, jojoba oil, marigold extract, frankincense extract oil and grapefruit peel oil. It looks like it's easy to make at home if you're into such things, but it would take a lot of experimenting to get the quantities right.

Price and availability: I bought it on Feel Unique for 10€ (30 ml).

I love the texture and the performance of this balm cleanser, but it's a crying shame that it smells so strong, especially since the scent is not exactly pleasant. Also they could offer a bigger version of it as well. But all in all, it's a fantastic balm. I still love the Balance Me and considering it's cheaper per ml plus it smells so much better, I'd probably still choose it over this one. Though, I must admit I prefer the texture of Balm Balm's one as it feels so luxurious to use, so I would repurchase it.

I wish someone came up with a balm like this one in bigger size and for an affordable price (so not something that costs one month's food budget), maybe even with such a lovely scent that Balance Me has. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Yeah, it's tiny huh? But it does sound like a lovely product!

    1. Yes, it quite small, but nice if you want to try balm cleansers :)

  2. Jaz tudi ne bom razumela kako lahko skupek navadnih masel in olj stane toliko:) Pri tvojem opisu vonja sem se kar nakremžila s to cerkvijo in dimom:) Veliko izdelkov je po čisto nepotrebnem nadišavljenih.

    1. Točno to, zakaj so ta masla draga kot žafran? Od kje jim ta cena? Sončnično olje ima vsak doma, karitejevo maslo je tudi v najcenejših izdelkih, vosek ni drag za tako količino, jojobino olje tudi ne, ognjičevo pasto ima skoraj vsak doma in grenivkino olje sem kupila v lekarni za par evrov. Edino ne vem koliko stane to olje kadila, samo predvidevam, da ni drago. V Emmi Hardie je pa mandljevo olje in druge dokaj poceni stvari. Trapasto.

      Res ni najboljši vonj, verjetno je tisto eterično olje kadila notri tako močno.

  3. Izgleda fino... :) Vonj zna bit kar problematičen, če je tak, da ti res ne ustreza. Meni recimo od Liz Earle čudovito diši, tebi pa ne najbolj a ne? Imam pa zdaj tudi LE verzijo - grapefruit & patchouli. Drugi balm, ki ga uporabljam je pa od Antipodes in sem precej zadovoljna, čeprav ga moram še malce stestirati preden podam realno oceno.

    1. Pri meni je vonj zelo pomemben, ampak dobro, sem se navadila. Liz Earle mi ni slab, ni mi pa nič posebnega. Je pa veliko boljši od tega:)

      Za tale Antipodes čakam na oceno od tebe, ampak prej ga kar temeljito stestiraj. Se ne mudi :)

  4. I do prefer balms and cleansers, in general, that I can take my whole make up with - face and eyes, both. I, however, do find the shea butter suspicious in all skincare, since it can clog pores. Funny enough, jojoba oil is known to unclog them. It is a peculiar concoction.

    1. Yes, you're right, shea butter can clog pores to some people, but I've been using it for a month and had no problems. I looked at their other balms and as far as I can tell, they all have very similar ingredients, they are just in different positions. I guess they didn't want to experiment with the formula too much.

  5. Sounds really awesome but do you know where I can find it in the us?

    1. Sorry, I don't. But Feel Unique ships worldwide :)

  6. Okej sliši se super, samo ta z vonjem je pa res mimo. Sovražim vonj tistega kadila..Bom še premislila malo pred naročilom :)

    1. Če so ti vonji zelo pomembni (meni so) potem mogoče raje izberi kaj drugega :)

  7. Haha sem se nasmejala ob opisu vonja :D Nisem drugače še imela nobenega balma, me pa mikajo, priznam :D

    1. Meni so super. Prej ko sem uporabljala čistilne gele sem takoj dobila luske in kožo mi je zategovalo po parih minutah, če nisem takoj nanesla kreme. S temi balmi pa sploh ne bi rabila nanesti ničesar več :)

  8. Škoda, da ti ni všeč vonj, ker drugače pa zveni odlično! In ne vem zakaj že ti balmi za čiščenje niso prej postali popularni, ne pa da sem vsako zimo luskasta hodila okoli :P :D

    1. Vonji so itak subjektivni in verjamem, da je marsikomu všeč. Sicer pa, se navadiš :)
      Se strinjam. Si skoraj ne predstavljam več, da bi uporabljala čistilne gele :)

  9. Jaz nisem probala še nobenega, ampak sem jih naročila par od Etude House za mojo spletno trgovinico, tako da bom prvo preizkusila tistega. :)

    1. Nisem vedela, da ima Etude House tudi balme. Se splača pogledat :)

  10. Totally inspired, congratulations for doing best to keep things interesting. Learning many new topics from the blog, maybe keep an eye on it!

    1. Thank you :) I hope you'll enjoy future posts as well :)

  11. Haha, lol'd opisu vonja. Si pa moram tudi jaz omisliti nek cleansing balm, še iščem enega cenovno sprejemljivega. Clinique-ov naj bi bil miracle worker, samo ima kar težak price tag.
    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Najdt en poceni balm je kar a challenge. Jaz bom verjetno za naslednjega vzela Cliniqueovega. Sem že iskala po netu in je na Salmi najcenejši, čeprav me ta poštnina znotraj Slovenije zmeraj znova iritira (seriously, 4€ ?! What for?).
      Upam, da kakšen Alverde začne kmalu kopirat ta trend balmov :)

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