How to Curl Stubborn and Difficult-to-Curl Lashes - Mateja's Beauty Blog

How to Curl Stubborn and Difficult-to-Curl Lashes

torek, maj 27, 2014

Edit: I updated the pictures (in 2020), since this is still one of the most read posts on the blog. I'm still doing this technique all the time - I have to, otherwise my lashes don't curl, nor hold a curl - and in all these years, nothing ever happened to my lashes. No breaking, falling out or ripping. Why am I saying that? Well, because there have been some comments on Pinterest to never do this to the lashes. I urge to read the steps well first before you judge based on one picture that I admit wasn't completely clear on the technique, but I assumed people will read the post too. Also sorry to those who find my lashes "like spider legs" - they grow this way, no mascara can do miracles on me in that respect, so just chill. I've updated that picture and expanded my explanation. To be clear - I'm not the creator of this technique, I learned online. On to the original post: 

Curled lashes make a huge difference - the eye looks bigger and more awake. I'm sure I've complained numerous times about how stubborn my lashes are. Though they are long, they are poker straight, grow criss-cross and years of being smashed behind my glasses have caused a very noticeable sideways split on one eye. All that and my hooded eye shape mean that if I don't curl them well, it looks like I have no eyelashes at all when looking from the front. I've tried a few eyelash curlers, some really bad and some good, but none of them work on me like on most people - meaning that a few seconds of holding them on each eye does pretty much nothing on me and the lashes drop in seconds (I really envy all of you whose lashes are easy to curl!). But, a few great tips and years of experience taught me how to curl them relatively well. Curling the lashes is actually a long step in my make up routine, but that's just the way it is. I can make an effort and have lovely looking lashes or have the look of having no lashes at all.

Start by finding a good curler for your eye shape. My eyes are small with a rounded upper part. Best I found are Tana's and Shiseido's. Tana Eyelash Curler is cheaper, slightly smaller with a rounder shape and feels more sturdy, but it is very hard to find (It used to be sold in Műller, now I don't know. eBay or Amazon probably). Shiseido The Makeup Eyelash Curler is more expensive, a bit bigger, flatter, feels lighter and is dark, which means it's not easy to really see the lashes, however, this one fits my eye shape best and it's the only one I've been using for the past six years (I bought my first one on Feel Unique and a replacement on eBay from Japan). You can buy replaceable pads for both unlike for Shu Uemura, which recommends you replace the curler every 6 months. Both Shiseido's and Tana's feel very comfortable to use and don't pinch or pull out lashes (I've had Manhattan's that did that). Other curlers that are supposed to be good are from Japonesque, Tweezerman and Kevyn Aucoin.

Find a good waterproof mascara. The drier the formula the better. Waterproof mascaras hold curl much better because they don't allow the moisture to drop the lashes, however, they require an oil based remover. I've been using Essence's I <3 Extreme waterproof for years and I've used up numerous tubes because it's not just affordable, but also it holds a curl all day and creates big lashes. Other great mascaras that hold a curl are:
- REVLON VOLUMazing Mascara Waterproof
- L'OREAL Paradise Extatic Waterproof / Lash Paradise Waterproof
HELENA RUBINSTEIN Lash Queen Feline Black waterproof.
LANCOME Hypnôse waterproof
- LANCOME Hypnôse Star waterproof
- REVLON Ultra Volume Mascara Waterproof
MAYBELLINE Lash Sensational Waterproof Mascara
ESSENCE get BIG lashes volume boost waterproof mascara
- MAYBELLINE the Colossal Volum' Express Waterproof
- MAJOLICA MAJORCA Lash Expander Frame Plus

Heated eyelash curler are not a must, but nice to have. It helps the curl to last longer, but you can also just heat your regular eyelash curler with a blow-dryer. In my experience that works very well and it's not too hot. 

I have Panasonic's Heated Eyelash Curler which I find really helps to give the outer lashes that fluttery look since it lifts and combs them so they point outwards (these are the lashes that are squashed on the edge when using a regular eyelash curler). It heats up in about a minute, there is an indicator that turns from purple to pink on the back, which tells you when it's ready to use. It's not that hot, but some people say that it burnt them, so caution is advised. I just place it on the lashes and wait three seconds, but combing doesn't do anything. I bought it on eBay and it's still working like new over 6 years later.

Step 1: Start by curling your lashes in four stages, each time moving closer to the end of the lashes and do the last one as close to the roots as you can. This will give you a nice rounded curl instead of crimped looking lashes.
Step 2: Apply a very small amount of the driest formula waterproof mascara you have and I mean really small. This will give some grip just like a hair styling product with hold (e.g. hairspray) gives to the hair before curling it. I use a dried up waterproof mascara for this (so I don't waste product), but you can use your "fresh" mascara and wipe the brush before so there is only a small amount of product on the wand. I've learned this tip from Wayne Goss.
Step 3: Curl your lashes again as close to the lash line as you can. If you worry that this might cause your lashes to break - don't. I've been doing this for years and it's fine. Just make sure you apply a very small amount of mascara before and make sure your lashes are dry as well as still soft to the touch. I really notice the difference if I skip this step and my lashes drop fast without it.
Step 4: Apply a generous coat (or coats) of mascara. I prefer a very defined look so I also use an old mascara wand to comb the lashes after (plastic ones are best like from L'Oreal's Million Lashes or Maybelline Lash Sensational). 
Step 5: (Optional) Use a Panasonic's Heated Eyelash Curler. Not every heated curler works this way, but Panasonic's works only after the lashes have already been curled with a regular curled and mascara has been applied. It helps to create better lift and fixes the lashes that may look droopy, it also combs and defines them.
By the way, if you plan to heat your regular curlers, do that for step 1 and/or 3, but not after thick coat of mascara was applied.

And you're finished. A good waterproof formula should keep the lashes curled well enough until you decide to take the make up off. 

The before and after on my lashes:

L'Oreal's Paradise Extatic Waterproof

One more thing: waterproof mascaras can dry out the lashes, so take care of them. I use a face oil every day (Nuxe) and apply a bit on the lashes as well. Coconut oil is great as well and it works as a make up remover. 

I hope this was helpful and have a great day!

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  1. Ti in te tvoje kilometrske trepalnice!<3

  2. Vau, to pa je razlika. Ampak že tvoje naravne trepalnice izgledajo popolne. :)

    1. Hvala :) Ampak kar zavidam tistim, ki imajo naravno zavihane trepalnice :)

  3. vau, res zakon :)
    Jaz uporabim samo navadni curler, ampak tudi dvakrat, najprej na začetku, pa nanesem malo maskare in potem spet, ker imam drugače tudi dokaj ravne. Na srečo pa ne potrebujem še toplega na vrh :)


    1. Ja, ta tehnika ima še najboljše rezultate po mojih izkušnjah :) Ti heated curlers so bolj za popravke, npr. če kakšno trepalnico zgrešiš pa da ti lepše stoji v kotih. sicer pa bi z delnim curlerjem isto naredila :)

  4. Js sicer nimam težav z zavihanjem trepalnic, je pa res, da moje niti približno niso tako dolge kot tvoje. Bom pa verjetno vseeno naročila ta Panasonic curler, ker me iz nekega razloga ful zanima :D

    1. Če te zanima si ga kar naroči, itak ni pretirano drag :)

  5. Ooo kako zelo dolge trepalnice imaš <3.

  6. Jaz imam tudi probleme z ravnimi trepalnicami... Ti imaš vsaj dolge! :D

  7. Your eyelashes are sooo looong! :)))

  8. Moje trepalnice rabijo kar nekaj vihanja, ampak potem dokaj ostanejo zavihane. Ne rabim vodoodporne maskare, ker je ne amram odstranjevati:). Drugače pa jaz začnem pri korenu trepalnic in grem vedno bolj na vrh, končam pa spet pri korenu. Tvoje trepalnice so res zeloooo dolge:)) Mogoče pa so pretežke, ker so tako dolge in ti zato ne ostanejo zavihane:)

    1. Imaš srečo, da ti ostanejo zavihane, mene tudi živcira odstranjevanje vodoodporne maskare, but I persist :) Mislim, da ni samo teža, ampak je bolj to, da so že leta za očali in ker so tako dolge se zadanejo v stekelca. Prav trapasto :/

    2. Ja to pa tudi mogoče, sploh ker imaš dolge. Nisem prej vedela, da nosiš očala. Jaz tudi, ampak ne še tako zelo dolgo. Sem imela prej leče:)) Očitno nas je vedno več takih z očali:)

    3. Imam oboje leče in očala :) Sem tudi jaz opazila, da nas je kar nekaj :)

  9. What an amazing result that gets you. Wonderful long dark lashes as well :) Jealous anyhow ;)

  10. Awesome trick, you have really long eyelashes doll! I am new follower!!! Nice to find you
    kisses from Greece


    1. Hello and welcome to my blog Mary :) Thank you for the compliment :)

  11. Your lashes look beautiful! They are very very long naturally, but you do a great job curling them.
    Thank you for the tricks! I am thinking to buy the Tana curler as well (I have now one which doesn't do anything for me, so before I just assumed curlers in general don't work for me). Would you recommend to buy the classic, or the silicone curler?

    1. Both of my eyelash curlers, Tana's and Shiseido's, have silicones replacement pads. I had a different one before, just one from the supermarket and it was seriously bad. I would actually recommend you Shiseido's more because I notice how much longer the pads last. At Tana's the are cut so fast, but at Shiseido's they are still perfect and I use it every day. Though Tana's are still very good :)

      As far as mascara's go, I only had two versions, the classic one and the Star one. The only difference is in the wands. Star one has a cone shaped brush, which just didn't work as well as the original one, so I'm still a huge fan of the original Hypnose. But the formula is the same in all of these. I think you can miss with the original. By the way, I recently found an absolutely brilliant drugstore mascara that holds my curl all day. It's the new Essence I Love Extremes Waterproof mascara :)

    2. Thank you for the answer! Could you please tell me if you think this is the original one? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shiseido-taiseido-curler-silicone-refill/dp/B005CMGTJ2/ref=sr_1_8?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1441752555&sr=1-8&keywords=shiseido+curler

      how much is it supposed to cost?

    3. These are just refill pads :) I got mine on Feel Unique where the regular price was 24 €, but I waited for a discount so I paid 20 €. It's expensive, so if you can't justify the costs, get Tana's instead, but it's worth it.

  12. By the way, what is the difference between all the types of Lancome Hypnose (ie. star, drama, classic, doll etc). There are sooo many! I want to choose the best one for me (medium lashes, straight as yours, also hooded eyes).
