essence all about matt! fixing compact powder

sreda, avgust 06, 2014

I've been putting off posting a review for this powder, in fact it's been in my drafts for three months now, but the first months of use left me with such a bad impression that the review would be very negative, so I waited for warmer months when my skin is a bit oilier compared to the rest of the year because I hoped it would perform better then. Before I found my beloved Bourjois Java powder, I purchased this to try first and to serve as a replacement for MAC's Mineralize Skinfinish, which I've grown to dislike because it always gives me either cakey look or nothing when I use a small amount. Essence's powder comes highly recommended and is a darling in the beauty community praised for its great mattifying abilities and affordability. However, I have found it anything but fantastic.

For the first few uses I though it was an ok powder, but with each use my displease grew. It does what it claims to do - mattifies and it does that quite well, however, my problem is with how it does it. I find it has several sides - one of how it looks over a foundation, one on bare skin and on a summer version of my skin.

On a "normal" version of my skin, over foundation it just makes the makeup look so flat and it's so obvious on the face. I don't even find it all that transparent, since I can see a slight white cast on my skin when I look at it closely and I'm not the one to use a ton of product. For me it just ruins the foundation by making it cakey and it's obvious from the space that I'm wearing something. I want my natural skin texture to show, so this does not work for me. Even if I use a super fluffy brush the effect is the same and if I try to use a very small amount of powder, it doesn't mattify nor set the makeup well. In general it mattifies well if you apply enough, but I get shiny in on my T-zone after about four to five hours.

In hotter months it is a different story for me. It works a lot better, doesn't look that obvious on the skin than in colder months and sets the makeup in place as well as mattifies, however, the makeup still looks a bit flat.

On bare skin, however, it looks great. I sometimes like to powder my skin when I'm not wearing foundation or I'm just wearing sunscreen to keep the shine away during the day and it look really nicely matte, but not flat.

This is a well loved product in the beauty community and many oily-skinned people love this, so please don't let my opinion discourage you from an affordable drugstore powder. I've actually tried it on other people and it looked very decent from which I've drawn a conclusion it must be my skin that doesn't comply with this powder. At Bourjois Java powder I see myself in the mirror after a few hours and I'm shocked at how great my skin looks, but with this it's just meh. I think the loose version must have been better, but essence discontinued it (obviously. It's what they do. Amiright?).

It was 3.29 € in DM.

Have a great day!

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  1. Tudi mene je ta puder pustil ravnodušno, pa še vlage se mi je napil v torbici, se napihnil in potem razpokal. Ima pa Catrice (zaenkrat še) loose varianto, ki je za moje pojme kar v redu. :)

    1. Sem ravno prej gledala na spletni stani za ta Catrice puder, pa ga ne najdem :/ Mogoče sem ga spregledala ali ga po no novem ni več. Vem da ima zelo dobre ocene na Makeup Alley.

    2. Berem, da je "discontinued", ja. Res ga svirajo tile Cosnova ljudje. Zdaj ga po mojem lahko dobiš samo še v kakšnem kupu zadnjih kosov v akciji ali kaj podobnega. Žalostno. :/

    3. Tole skoraj kompletno menjanje robe me počasi že živcira :/ Bolj da se ne navežeš na kakšno stvar, ker je čez leto ne bo več.

  2. I had this and was happy with it. Unfortunately, I dropped it by accident and it broke beyond repair. I haven't repurchased and am currently using up a loose powder that I had.
    I bought my sister the Innisfree No-sebum pressed powder, that was also praised for its oil-control properties and she likes it.

  3. Jaz sem ta puder začela uporabljat kakšen mesec nazaj pa sem res zadovoljna z njim. Uporabljat sem začela tudi njegov bratski tekoči puder pa sta skupaj res fajn :)

  4. I am a big fan of white translucent powders. I use one from Catrice but unfortunately it is being discontinued :-( I actually wanted to buy this one instead then, but it looks like it's been replaced by a newer (non-translucent) version too. BOO!

  5. kakšen čopič za nanos pa priporočaš? (razmišljam o real techniques.. )

    1. Real Techniques Blush brush ali pa multitask brush :)

  6. hvala :) sem glih danes naročila za puder nanašat, pa če bom zadovoljna, bom še to :D

  7. Meni je tale puder v kamnu res top, upam samo da ne gre iz prodaje. Sicer pa je nekaj podobnega tudi v novi kolekciji Catrice, le da je nekoliko dražji ampak z zelo lepo embalažo z ogledalcem.
    Moram preizkusiti še Bourjois Java, ki si ga pohvalila, bi mi znal ustrezati :)

    1. Meni še zdaj ni všeč :D Uporabljam večinoma Bourjoisov Java, zdaj poleti pa od Catrice Color Correcting powder, ker rabim malo več matiranja.
