2015 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

2015 in Retrospect: Popular Posts and My Favourites

So another prolific year behind me, this time actually on two blogs, so if you count those reviews as well, I've written 236 posts. My blog had it's fifth birthday in September and I reached two million views not long after, which is just insane because this means I had a million just this year (gosh, I sound braggy), I updated it visually...

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Best Products in 2015 Part 2

Best makeup products in 2015 and best buys under 5 € got their own posts and now for the rest of the stuff I got in this year that impressed me. If you'd like to read last year's such post, you can find it here. DEBORAH Smalto Gel Effect 01 Pink Pulse This is one of the best nude nail polishes ever, certainly...

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Best Products in 2015 Part 1

The end of the year is here, which means it's time for my traditional posts with best products or best buys in 2015, so products that I got this year and they really impressed me. I already posted the budget version with all the products under 5 €, but I found many more excellent products that are above that price range. I think...

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