Essence Colour & Go Candy Love and Be Berry Now - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Essence Colour & Go Candy Love and Be Berry Now

ponedeljek, februar 02, 2015

These two beauties are being or are in the process of being discontinued. While I suspect they'll at least be replaced by similar colours, I'd still be quick about it if you can find either of these shades on their stands (though, these might already be gone in most places, sorry). 

167 Candy Love

Candy Love is a brightened apricot nude. It's a bit like someone applied a thin coat of apricot nail polish over a white base. On my pale complexion it's not exactly a barely-there type of shade, like for example Essie's Spin the Bottle or Deborah 01, it's a lot more noticeable, but still a demure and understated shade. There is silver shimmer in it, however, I can barely tell there is any when it's on the nails, except if I look at it very closely. The formula is a classic pastel nail polish one, meaning that even application is difficult to achieve. Due to the thickness, the nail polish is quite pigmented and requires two coats for full coverage, however, the formula is streaky meaning that on some nails two coats won't suffice for an even application. The wide brush is helpful at getting the best result with such a formula. This nail polish barely shines even with a Seche Vite top coat. I don't know why, but it just doesn't. A large amount of shimmer is revealed during the removal process, so it's not as easy to remove as cream finish polishes, but it's not a complete PITA like proper glittery nail colours. 

175 Be Berry Now

Be Berry Now is like Bahama Mama's rosier and lighter cousin. It's one of those warm purple-pink shades that I love and definitely less purple on the nails than how it appears in the bottle, which I actually really like. The formula is a classic red-nail-polish one, so smooth and completely opaque in two coats. It's just one of those nail polishes that are easy to work with, also because of the wide brush.  

L-R: Candy Love, Off to Miami, Naughty and Pink, Juicy Love, Be Berry Now, Do you Speak Love? and Black is Back.

Have a great day!

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  1. O Be Berry Now sem že razmišljala, da bi ga kupila, res je lep. Candy Love pa tudi izgleda dobro na tebi, čeprav nisem ziher, kako bi izgledal na meni. Vse, kar vleče na marelično barvo ali je v marelični/breskvasti barvi, grozno izgleda na meni.

    1. Be Berry Now se splača vzet če ga še kje najdeš :) Candy Love bi pa verjetno izgledal zelo svetel na tebi, že na meni je bil praktično off-white. Pa tale marečni podton je kar izrazit.

  2. It's been years since I last tried Essence nail polish but these look like nice enough budget buys.

    1. I've just realized they've discontinued every shade I own :D But I like the quality of these, especially for the price. People say these chip on them, but not on me.

  3. Ravno tak lak za nohte iščem kot je Candy Love :) ga moram it čim prej kupit :D

    1. Upam, da ga še kje najdeš. Je pa ta za razliko od Berry bil na voljo tudi v DM-ih, tako da če najdeš kakšen manj obiskan DM, ga imaš možnost še dobit :)

  4. Ja na tieto Essence laky nedám dopustiť, sú skvelé, rýchlo schnú, aplikácia jej jednoduchá a kryjú už v prvej vrstve, takže čo viac si želať.

    1. I like Essence nail polishes as well :) As far as I'm concerned they perform well on my nails, but I'm usually not drawn to most of their shade range.

  5. Candy Love sama nikoli ne bi kupila v trgovini, ampak mi na tvojih nohtih zgleda čudovito :)

    1. Sem sama šla verjetno miljonkrat mimo, prvič zato ker ima v steklenički viden šimer in drugič zato ker vedno predvidevam, da je preveč prosojen. Če mi ga ne bi Katja iz Viva la Vida priporočala, ga ne bi nikoli vzela :)

  6. Both shades are gorgeous! I haven't tried ant Essence nail polishes but I really need to :)

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. I find them nice for the price, but I hear complaints that they don't last well on the nails. I have no such problems :)

  7. Be Berry Now mi je zelo všeč :) Lepo izgleda na tebi :)

  8. Such pretty colours! I will definitely need to invest in that pale pink colour as it's such a nice neutral everyday colour. Lovely post. Holly x

  9. I never would have guessed that the peachy nude shade (Candy Love) could turn out so opaque! Usually, Essence's light nail polishes are quite sheer. This shade must have a semi-matte formula, one I always cover with a top coat, but it's strange to hear that even that doesn't work.

    1. I know, right? I've seen it a million times in the shop, but walked right passed it because I just assumed it's that classic "barely there" sheer formula. I've searched high and low for an affordable drugstore opaque nude nail polish for years and made many missed purchases because of the prevailing sheer formulas, so this was a complete surprise :)

      It's so strange that even Seche Vite doesn't make this shine, but it's ok. I'm not too bothered anyway :)
