Maybelline Lash Sensational Waterproof Mascara - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Maybelline Lash Sensational Waterproof Mascara

petek, december 04, 2015

Since its release this mascara has received a fair amount of attention. I've read quite a few of very positive reviews of both the regular and waterproof formula, but in general its rating on Makeup Alley is average, still I was itching to try it, especially since I heard this was close enough to Benefit's Roller Lash. We only have regular formula in Slovenia (if I don't count the online shop Salma, which got it recently) and I had the hardest time finding a waterproof version for months, until it magically appeared on Look Fantastic. I was so unimpressed by this mascara the first week, but things took a dramatic turn and now it's in my top three.

Brush: It has a plastic curved brush that has short bristles on the inner part of the curve and longer on the outside. I think I used it wrong at first as I used the short bristles side first, but it's much better if you use it in the reverse order. The longer bristles comb and separate the lashes, while the short bristles deposit the product and add volume.

Formula: As I said things were really bumpy from the start. I was almost at the point of hating it. The formula was too thin, but at the same time it stuck the lashes together, so it gave the appearance of half less lashes than I have. Then on a completely random 8th day of use, it got fabulous. It  now makes my lashes absolutely huge, adequately separated, long and with tons of volume. It behaves like a mascara that doesn't have a plastic comb. No idea what made this switch, but now I love it. This mascara holds curls like nobody's business. It's in the rank of Lancome's Hypnose and Essence's I Love Extreme waterproof, however, it makes the lashes more stiff than the two. In fact so stiff that I have to use an eyelash curler otherwise it's quite painful for me, since I wear glasses a lot and the lashes hit the glass, so they need to be either soft or very curled (such a stupid problem, but it's the reason I started curling my lashes at a very young age). The formula is classically very black, but be careful not to get this on the skin or do the makeup afterwards because it's difficult to clean off (almost impossible without an oil-based remover). It lasts forever on the lashes and doesn't smudge at all.

Price: Mine is from Look Fantastic where it was €11.26. 

I think it's a great mascara once it's opened for a while, but it's no smooth sailing from the start as at Essence I Love Extreme. I still love the latter more than this one, not just because of the price, but because it's amazing the moment you open it and it gives some pretty fabulous lashes. But Lash Sensational definitely gets top marks from me, especially because it manages to hold a curl on my stubborn lashes, plus I love the fabulous volume and length it gives to my lashes. Some real great stuff here and I wouldn't be surprised if I end up repurchasing it (especially if Essence discontinues I Love Extreme out of the blue).

Have a great day!

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  1. Ta je trenutno moja najljubša maskara - navadna verzija. Meni je všeč zato, ker dobro definira, da volumen in drži zavihanost brez problema. Essence maskara je tudi super, ampak samo vodoodporna verzija, jaz pa teh ne maram, ker jih je težje očistit. Da pa je ta navadna verzija in drži zavihanost je pri meni en velik plus :). Verjetno je potem ta vodoodporna super hold :D.

    1. Mogoče bom pa sprobala navadno, ker vas toliko pravi, da drži zavihane trepalnice. Worth a try :) Meni se tudi ne da vodooporno maskaro ves čas odstranjevat, čeprav sem že navajena in L'Occitanovo olje itak dobro deluje.

  2. Js mam tud regular varjanto in je moja top maskara sploh!:) Prej več let uporabljala Maxfactorjeve in mislila, da več kot to z mojimi (ravnimi, tankimi, precej gostimi) trepalnicami ne morem nardit. Tale Maybellinova pa je presegla vsa moja pričakovanja, pri meni gre v hall of fame. :P

    1. Pozabla sm dodat še, da se mi nikoli ne drobi in mam še po celem dnevu zavihane trepalnice. Zame verjetno vodoodporna varianta pri vsakdanji uporabi ne bi predstavljala velike razlike, bi pa bila najbrž super za morje/nočne žurke, ker bi bla pol res ziher.:)

    2. Jaz se pa z MF maskarami ne zastopim dobro :) Tale je res odlična, Maybelline ima na splošno precej dobre maskare, ampak tako dobre vodoodporne pa še niso imeli :)

  3. Sliši se super, jo moram poskusit, sploh ker imam tudi sama bolj ravne trepalnice. Sem ravno zaradi tebe začela uporabljati vodoodporne maskere in res dosti dlje in bolje držijo privihane trepalnice :D Moja go to maskara v tem trenutnku je Million Lashes, amak me ta sedaj neizmerno mika :)

    1. Meni so bile vodoodporne maskare odkritje desetletja :D Million Lashes sem imela navadno in vodoodporno, pa mi je bila slednja veliko slabša od originalne (ta mi je odlična). Mi Essence I Love Extreme wp, Lancome Hypnose wp in tale Maybellinova veliko bolj odgovarjajo :).

  4. I love this mascara! I use the non waterproof one and it lasts me all day!

    Annie | DrugstoreDreamer

    1. Perhaps I should give the regular formula a try for those lazy days when I don't feel like removing waterproof mascara :)

  5. bas sam preključer pisala o njoj tj. onoj normalnoj verziji maskare. meni se pokazala odličnom, kod nas ima ista sa poboljsanom formulom dok ovu vodootpornu verziju nisam čula. a mozda je bas ta nova vodootporna samo za nas u drugom pakovanju?

    1. Tudi pri nas ni v trgovinah vodoodporne. Mislim, da ne obstaja v drugem pakiranju, ampak ne vem točno :)

  6. joj, joj kako lepe in veliiikkkkeee trepke:)LIKE:)

  7. Oh no, zakaaaj -res res si želim sprobat to maskaro in sem se že odločila da jo bom naslednjo kupila, samo sem dobila toliko različnih maskar za sprobat od raznih znamk, da se mi zdi popolnoma brezveze kupovat še eno :/
    Ampak enkrat bom že prišla do nje :D

    1. I feel you. Jaz tudi dobivam kar nekaj maskara za sprobat, ampak vedno samo navadne, ki mi pa kaj dosti ne pomagajo izven bloganja, tako da si normalno privoščim zase vodooporne maskare. Še vedno raje sama raziskujem in preizkušam mejkap, ki sem ga sama izbrala in si ga želela.

  8. How strange that it actually gets better over time, hah! :-)

    1. I was told on Instagram that a lot of Maybelline mascaras behave like that. The formula just needed to thicken a bit for it to work :)

  9. The length of your lashes is insane!

  10. Wow, your lashes look like falsies! I need to try this mascara once run out of the falsies mascara


    1. Thank you :) I heard so many good things about both the sensational and the falsies version, so it's worth a try :)

  11. You have beautiful eyes, I think the mascara doesn't need to do much here.:)

  12. This mascara is so hyped and I'm glad you did a review on it. It seems really promising!

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I'm gonna have to agree with the hype :) It's pretty good :)

  13. I'm happy to read this review because I was intrigued by this mascara but I could find just the original version in the drugstores until one day I saw the waterproof one on maquillalia.com, until that moment I had no idea there was also the waterproof one.
    Let me tell you you're highly blessed with very long eyelashes! ;)
