Essence Soft Touch Mousse Concealer - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Essence Soft Touch Mousse Concealer

torek, maj 03, 2016

I was checking out this concealer around the time it launched several times in the shops, but the lightest shade looked so dark and yellow that I always dismissed it as a good fit for me. Then I read a very bad review about it, so I decided to stay away from it completely, but I was sent this one a while ago. I expected a bad product based on reviews, but it's actually quite decent and excellent at hiding pores, just don't get it if you have dry or flaky skin.

Texture and finish: It's a mousse product, so soft and fluffy to the touch, but very matte on the skin. One of my first foundation was Maybelline's Dream Matte Mousse, which I loved, right until it started causing the worst flakes. This one has a very similar texture, except it's a bit less moussey and has no air bubbles inside. As the matte texture indicates, it's probably fantastic on oily skins, but on dry it will emphasize and possibly cause flakes. Due to being matte, it looks flat on the skin. Instead as concealer, I actually prefer to use it on my problematic areas with enlarged pores to hide them, so mostly around the nose. I hope you can see on the pictures how it hides pores, the pictures are big enough, just click on them.

I noticed it has a difficulty cooperating with different textures below. In fact, it performs the best just on bare skin, while with moisturising foundations it looks patchy and uneven as you can see on my nose bellow. On bare skin it just blends in almost seamlessly. The pictures above have no foundation as a base.

Coverage: The coverage surprised me at first because due to reviews, I expected very poor coverage, but it does cover at least a medium, though later as I checked the pictures, it looks like it covers less than my other concealers, even if I don't see in in person. It's a bit too sheer for my circles and you can spot that some redness peaks through. I haven't had any major spots to conceal, so I can't really say how it works on those, but I suspect it will emphasize dry skin around the spot and probably won't cover enough to hide all the redness.

Colour: I have the lightest shade called 10 Soft Beige. My friend exclaimed: "It's so yellow!" Well I've been testing the super yellow Revlon's Colorstay at the time, so I didn't find it that bad, though as you can see it does have a pronounced yellowness to it. Actually, on me the match really isn't that bad. It just kind of works for my skin tone and blends in nicely (on the pictures above there are no visible edges, so it really does blend in nicely). Considering how concerned I was in the shop, it turned out really well. My friend used it as well, she uses Healthy Mix 52-53 and it had a nice brightening effect on her because it was lighter than her skin.  

Staying power: Well, it's an Essence product, so don't expect much. While it stays long enough on parts where pores need concealing, under the eyes it tends to go patchy because it lacks moisture, so I can't say it wears all that well on that area. 

Packaging: Concealer comes in a mini glass pot with a plastic cover. It's big enough that you can easily scoop out the product with fingers.

Price and availability: I believe these are sold on all Essence stands and cost 3.29 €.

I would suggest this one to those with oily skin or those who're looking for a cheap pore disguising product, but don't expect too much from it in terms of coverage and staying power. Also bear in mind will emphasize flakes and I suggest applying it before foundation on bare skin. Personally I like it purely for the pore hiding effect and because it blends into the skin so nicely due to the mousse texture, but it's not that good for under eye circles and I wouldn't use it for that. Now that I'm thinking, I would actually call this "tinted pore minimising primer" because that's what it does best.

Have a great day!

*PR product

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  1. Not for me. Se mi je njegova tekstura zdela ful suha ze po swatchih testerja, sodec po tvoji oceni pa za mojo trenutno zelo suho kozo res ni primeren. 😕

    1. Ne, tole ni nikakor primerno za suho kožo. Prijelo bi se na vsako lusko, usedlo v gubice in jo naredilo starejšo. Je klasičen korektor, ki cilja na mastno kožo :)

  2. Nisem si mislila da lahko essence izdelek tako lepo zakrije pore :) Hvala za oceno in slike :)

  3. Krasna objava s super slikami in swatchi 1 Jaz sem ga kupila skoraj takoj ko sem ga videla na prodajnih policah. Na moji mešani koži deluje super, najbolj pa me je presenetilo, da zelo lepo skrije res tiste malo večje in opaznejše pore, vendar pa bi lahko obstojnost bila boljša. Ampak se za tako ceno ne bom pritoževala.

    1. Hvala <3 Na nesuhih predelih se kar dobro odreže, ampak pri porah pa zmaga :)

  4. Simply a gorgeous blog! It's amazing, I am blown away by the content you have uploaded.

  5. Ko porabim še eden concealer, ga bom verjetno sprobala. Me res mika samo zaradi dobrega prekrivanja por :D
    Pa daaaaamn, ko je Revlonov concealer rumen, mi je kar v oči skočil :O

    1. Meni se zdi spodoben nadomestek za učinek L'Orealovega Matte Infallible pudra, če je koga zanimal le zaradi zakrivanja por, ampak ni pa enaka prekrivnost in obstojnost :)

      Revlonov je prav nenormalno rumen! Me zanima kakšen je odtenek 1 Fair :)

  6. I really love a concealer for W7 - GO! Concealer. But concealers from essence are really not for me :/

    1. I heard some good things about the W7 one :) Yeah, I'm not a fan of Essence base products in general either. This one for example, not good for its original purpose as a concealer, but as I said it's good as a tinted pore minimising primer type of product :)

  7. Mene tudi čaka testiranje le tega. Odlična objava in swatchi! xx

    1. Bo zanimivo slišat tudi tvoje mnenje :) Hvala :)

  8. Tale ne bo zame. Se spomnim Maybelline podlage in vem da so jo eni oboževali, ampak jaz na sploh ne maram takih super mat podlag. Čeprav imam poleti mastno kožo, se mi zdi, da izgledajo taki izdelki na moji koži preveč flat in seveda poudarjajo majhne gubice, kar me izjemno iritira. Raje "trpim" s sijajem :). Ampak ta Nars korektor...vsakič, ko ga vidim na tvojem blogu si ga zaželim :D.

    1. Ko sem prvič kupila Maybellinov puder mi je bil krasen, ampak potem ko mi je začel povzročat luskice sem se začela izogibat vseh takih izdelkov. Tudi tega ne bi uporabljala kot navadni korektor, ampak samo preko por okrog nosu, čela se že raje izogibam, ker tam najprej dobim luske.

      Meni se zdi Narsov korektor zelo podoben tistemu od Collection, ki je cenejši. Ga pa uporabljam takrat ko rabim nekaj extra prekrivnega :)

  9. Well, I think its still something worth checking out. Got me interested for its affordable and seem quite okay since I do not have severe marks.

    1. If you don't need much coverage and have oily skin, it could be for you :)

  10. Even though it's not much money spent I think I'll pass. Thanks for another thorough review!

  11. Jaz sem ga rudi dobila, ze barva ni okej za nepravilnosti, za pod oci je pa precej suh. Kateri korektor ti je pa od nasih drogerijskih najbolj vsec?

    1. Za pod oči ni. Od naših mi je daleč najbolj všeč Bourjois Radiance Reveal :)

    2. Oh ja hvala, na tega sem pozabila. Mojga Collection bo zmanjkalo in nujno rabim nekaj novega. Glede na to, da sem brala, da je še malo vlažilen bo verjetno super za pod oči, ta Radiance Reveal ;)

    3. Za pod oči mi je perfekten, ampak lahko zahaja v gube, če ga ne utrdiš s pudrom v prahu. Meni je res najljubši :) Menda je Catrice Liquid Camouflage primerjiv Collection-u.
