Wet'n Wild Cover All Concealer palette

četrtek, junij 16, 2016

Colour correcting is quite a trend at the moment and lot of brands are releasing new correcting products, but this Wet n Wild palette isn't that new, though I think either a different colour combo existed before or it still does, but there are different combinations and packaging when you google it. I've never had a colour correcting palette before, not even a green concealer, so this was fun to try out and see how this whole thing works, even though I don't see this trend really catching on. The palette contains four colours that correct, neutralise, cover and highlight. 

Pastel pink with peachy tones or a salmon colour that has a brightening effect and is designed to perk up dull skin. It's a very light shade and on my skin it doesn't have an intense undertone, so basically it works as a concealer (by the way, I'm about NC/W10-15). On a darker skin than mine, it will look very pale, but should brighten, however, I would put a concealer over it to avoid it looking too white.

Spring green shade that was designed to counteract any redness. It's very pigmented, but in a thin layer, it doesn't look that green, instead it looks almost like skin colour over redness. When you apply more, you get a greenish tint on the face which will prompt anyone to ask if you're ill. This is shade that definitely needs a concealer or foundation on top, but that's obvious anyway. It works well on larger areas such as around the nose, but it couldn't quite manage to neutralise blemishes because you would have to apply a thick layer of this and then a concealer which would make it super obvious.

Medium skin tone shade with peachy-orange tones was made to neutralise blue and violet under eye circles. On my skin it's of course way too dark and too orange, but I can see it working on medium skin tones with an additional concealer or foundation on top.

Pearly highlighter has a intense silver-white shine, so it will probably suit cool skin tones rather than warm. On me it works fine and it gives a nice, strong, but still nice looking glow with no chunky shimmer.

Texture: All shades apart from highlighter has a thick, waxy, but creamy texture and this means they have a tendency to look heavy on the skin if you don't use them correctly. I would keep this someplace warm otherwise you'll have problems applying it. Fingers are the preferable method of application so you get some warmth from the skin, but with a brush it'll probably end up looking dry and thick. They blend reasonably ok, I would apply them over a moisturising foundation or BB or just moisturiser, just to ensure it blends better into the skin. The highlighter shade is again thick, but a lot more emollient, since it feels like there is a bigger silicone content and it's less waxy, so it's much easier to work with and blend.

Just the pink concealer with no additional concealer or foundation.
Highlighter (it's stronger in real life), pink concealer under the eyes and a bit of green concealer around the nose, but covered with foundation.

Packaging: is a fairly cheap plastic one that takes a bit more time to close it properly because it never nicely adjusted, but it's ok.

Price and availability: Mine is from Click2Chic where it costs 4.99 €. International readers can get a different colour combination on Beauty Joint for 5.99$.

Have a great day!

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  1. Ta highlighter mi pa izgleda svetovn <3

    1. Precej bolj se sveti v živo, tako da je res intenziven, nekako kot Mary-Lou Manizer, ampak ker je bel, ne bo za vsakega :)

  2. Prav zaradi tvojih objavic sem zadnjič nakupila pravo malo bogastvo na click2chic :) Meni je super,tudi o highlighterju nimam za povedat nič slabega :D Šminke so pa za to ceno itak top :) Po tvoji objavici sem si privoščila kar 4 in sem super zadovoljna :))

    1. A res :) Upam, da nisi preveč zapravljala zaradi mene :D Včeraj sem nosila Bare it All zdaj ko imam malo temnejšo kožo in res lepo izgleda :)

  3. Od kje so pa uhani? Take si zelim ze ful casa ;-)

    1. Iz eBaya za par centov :D http://www.ebay.com/sch/sis.html?_nkw=2pc+Punk+Women+Simple+Tiny+fashionable+Earrings+Stud+Cute+Bar+Earring+Stud+MGC3A&_id=331738804541&&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2658
