Best of Catrice

ponedeljek, junij 06, 2016

We can these a blatant copy of Kiko's sticks and they are certainly very similar, but they are a good copy. They're not identical, since the pigmentation isn't as intense, but they are certainly worth picking up. These are great cream eyeshadows in my favourite type of format, which makes them very easy to use. Pigmentation is nice, they are very cream, so they apply without any dragging and they last all day on normal lids (on oily they will probably crease). I love using these as a base for powder eyeshadows, so they intensify them and make them last all day. Both of the shades I own (020 G'Old Mc Donald and 040 Brown to Earth) are shimmery, so they don't look as even on the eyelids as Essence's do, but I still find them very impressive and 040 Brown to Earth is a very close shade to Kiko's 06 Golden Bronze.

These Catrice palettes are mostly nice, but not all (chocolate one is most disappointing out of the ones I tried), but this one is by far the best they ever made. The eyeshadows are very pigmented, apply nicely, aren't chalky (though some say they find them dusty) and they last well on the lids. I love the shade range in this one because it has a great selection of neutral matte colours that are perfect for creating a simple defined look, but you can also create a smoky eye. 

Whether you're on a budget or not, these blushes are a fantastic drugstore buy. They have excellent pigmentation, they apply and blend nicely, plus they have great staying power. Their shade range is lovely, but the one shade I recommend you to try is 020 Rose Royce, a natural looking shade that just adds some definition to the face. Those who like classic pinks will love 025 Pink feat. Coral.

Catrice does great blushes and among them are also these from the Illuminating line. The name isn't the best because they aren't actually illuminating, but they are again great quality blushes with excellent pigmentation and staying power. My favourite is 010 I'm Nuts About You, which is a similar shade as Rose Royce, but more a toned down and it's a type of shade that goes with everything. 020 Coral Me Maybe is a classic peachy-pink-coral shade and 040 La Vie en Rose is a muted peach shade and the lightest in the bunch.

This is a product that received very mixed reviews, though I think most of the bad ones were about the other shade 020, while I have the lighter 010 Ashy Radiance. It's not the softest powder, but when it comes to contour I think that a good thing if you don't want to end up with an obvious brown stripe on the face. It's a cool brown shade, which is a rarity in the drugstores, it blends nicely and fakes a shadow pretty well on my pale, neutral skin tone (I also use it on more tan people than me and it works well). However, only the contour shade is nice, while the highlighter is very subtle and not that impressive. 

I used to own the hyped-up Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector and this is pretty much the same, well at least it's a very good replacement. It's such a wonderful, creamy and balmy lip gloss which it feels quite luxurious on the lips. My only issue with it is that it gets a bit odd when it's wearing off, like it's peeling, but I just wipe it off and apply it again. I got one of the lightest shade called Apricot Cream and though it's sheer, it still makes my lips paler, so if I were buying a new one, I'd pick something darker. 

There are many impressive lipsticks in the drugstore, so nowadays these are just some of many good ones, but they are miles better than Essences, which is Catrice's sister brand. They have an excellent pigmentation, lasting power, don't dry the lips, don't bleed and they are very smooth. Their colour range is beautiful, but shades are discontinued and new added often, so don't get too attached to one colour. 

You might wonder why I didn't include Nude Illusion foundation. While it's a very impressive foundation, I resent the shades are quite dark (but I like that the lightest shade is neutral) and it has a very moody character when it comes to my skin. It can look fantastic and on random days it can look very obvious on the skin, slipping into pores and lines. It is a foundation I use a lot of other people and it always look fine. My friend used to wear it everyday, but has since switched it to All Matt because she wanted something without UVA/UVB to avoid the white cast on pictures and I think she likes it more. Nude Ilusion and All Matt are definitely worth a try if you're looking for a medium coverage cheap foundation with a matte finish. 

I also hear a lot of positive feedback in regards to the Liquid Camouflage concealer, but I never tried it. Check Petra's and Nadja's reviews.

Have a great day!

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  1. These are the reasons why I so love Catrice. Look at their products, aren't they lovely and impressive???? You will love it!

    1. It's definitely a budget brand you can rely on most :) So far I liked most of their products I've tried and the packaging doesn't look cheap.

  2. Jaz se na Catrice zanesem pri podlagah in korektorjih. Se mi zdijo korektorji in pudri precej dobri glede na cene. Catrice vsekakor zna nardit nevtralen odtenek, kar ne morem reči za npr. L'Oreal - katastrofa. Nude Illusion je bil tudi meni precej všeč, samo res škoda, da nimajo še kakšnega svetlejšega odtenka. Tudi All Matt sem imela in prav tako solidna podlaga. Lip Smoother je en najlboljših "lip gloss" variant. Jaz obožujem občutek na ustnicah. Deluje mi precej negovalno. Imam pa tudi Apricot pa še tisto nude varianto. Contour paleta je prav tako hit - vsaj contour odtenek, highlight je pač kr neki. Defining Blush pa ima zame skoraj predobro pigmentacijo :D. Včasih moram res malo uporabit, ker lahko hitro izgledam kot klovn. Edino njihove šminke me niso pritegnile. Imam občutek, da zaradi finišev ali embalaž. Mat paletko sem si tudi enkrat kupila, pa nikoli ne posegam po njej. Se mi zdi, da najbolj zato, ker odtenki niso moji. Zdijo se mi precej hladni.

    Hvala za omembo ;). Se veselim podobnih objav z drugimi znamkami. Tukaj potem res pride v selekcijo samo best of the best :).

    1. Imam izkušnje samo s pudri in so mi všeč, sploh za ceno in odtenki res nimajo tako izrazitih podtonov kot drugje, bi pa želela svetlejše. Korektor sem imela pa le Velvet in me ni navdušil, bom pa enkrat kupila ta opevani Liquid Camouflage, da vidim kakšen je :)

      Ni za kaj :) Mi sploh ni bilo težko izbrat favorite, ampak me je presenetilo, da imam res raziskanih tako malo znamk. Očitno kupujem vse povprek :D

  3. Sem dodala par omenjenih izdelkov na wish listo. :) Za Rose Royce blush se strinjam, sem bila precej presenečena nad kvaliteto. Sem imela namen napisati, da moraš dodati še Liquid Camouflage korektor, ampak si že sama omenila, da ga s Petro vedno pohvaliva :)

    1. Rose Royce je res odlične kvalitete :) Prav krasno mehek in fino mlet, barva je pa itak top. Imam še preveč korektorjev na zalogi, da bi kupila Camouflage, ampak ga bom enkrat preizkusila :)

  4. Tudi jaz imam nekaj Catrice izdelkov in se popolnoma strinjam, da so Illuminating blush-i in njihove šminke top. Tale Clarinsov dupe mi že nekaj časa ne da spati, ampak moram najprej porabiti kakšen glos/balzam preden si ga privoščim. Bi pa še dodala Camouflage korektor, zaenkrat ga imam samo v lončku, ampak ko ga porabim bom preizkusila tudi tekočo obliko, bo bolj higienično in upam da je formula enako fantastična

    1. Beautifying Lip Smoother je meni labela. Je kot izjemno kvaliteten balzam za ustnice in je sploh dober ko so ustnice suhe ali pa si bolan :). Tega korektorja v ločnku pa nisem nikoli preizkusila, čeprav sem slišala pohvale :=

  5. Super objava :) Ko se končno prepričam, da pa nečesa morda res ne rabim...preberem tvojo objavo, in zdrava pamet zataji :P Ob naslednji priložnosti gre še ostalo, kar nimam z mano :) Se veselim ostalih podobnih objav :)

    1. Ah, zaradi mene pa res ni treba zapravljat :D Upam, da ne bodo naslednje objave povzročile predolge wishliste :D

  6. Thanks for this roundup! Gonna keep these recommendations in mind.

  7. Res imam veliko Catrice izdelkov, glede na razmerje cene in kvalitete se ful splačajo :) Tako so moji favoriti kamuflažna krema (res top zadeva za prekriti mozoljčke in podobno), Eyebrow filler, Defining blush v odtenku Legend-berry in pa Illuminating blush v odtenku Kiss me ken. Absolute matt paletko sem prej velik uporabljala, zdaj nekak ne pride več na vrsto. Imam tudi čokoladno in se popolnoma strinjam s tabo :) :)

    1. Meni je najboljša najcenejša znamka in veliko bolj zanesljiva kar se tiče kvalitete kot Essence. Nobene stvari od tvojih naštetih razen paletk še nisem preizkusila tako je lepo slišat še nova priporočila :)
