Top 5 Essence Products - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Top 5 Essence Products

torek, junij 21, 2016

It's not the first time I've said this is my favourite budget mascara and it won't be the last. As an owner of lashes that refuse to hold a curl, this mascara is everything I need to get those big, voluminous and curled lashes that stay like that all day. It's just brilliant and I hope Essence never discontinues it.

After Kiko's these are my favourite cream eyeshadows ever. Well, actually these might actually be my favourite, especially 05 She's Got the Mauve because it's such a stunning and quite a unique taupe-mauve shade. The formula is nicely creamy, but firmer than most cream eyeshadows, so it stick  on the lids really well and because these shades don't have chunky shimmer, they look very even on the eyelids. They last all day on my normal lids with no creasing, so I use them as a base for powder eyeshadows because they intensify them and make them last a lot longer. Fantastic product by Essence.

I'm not a fan of Essence cheek products, they all fail me in one way or another, but these are amazing. They are so smooth, it's almost like they are not even powder blushes because there is none of that obvious powdery finish on the cheeks  so it looks like your cheeks are naturally such colour and staying power is impressive as well. They only made two shades, which is a bummer, since neither of these shades are what I usually wear, but they are the classic peach and pink shades that should suit so many people. I think they now have a different geometric/oriental pattern, but I didn't check in the drugstores.

While wasn't a fan of Essence regular lip liners (until they changed the formula), these are brilliant. They are creamy, so you can use them all over the lips, but they aren't too soft, so they still define well. Unlike Catrice version they aren't annoyingly thick and sticky, they also don't dry out and break like crazy, they just perform like they should. I have several shades, but my favourite are 05 Lovely Frappuccino and 06 A Girl's Dream.

You might think I put this here because it's innovative due to the colour changing formula. Well, it's not, because that doesn't work on me, but I love the shade of this. It's a medium, slightly taupe grey that just works so well with my skin tone. I call it a pretty, "weird neutral", not a classic nail polish colour, but one that somehow just works and looks great on the nails. The reason I didn't include their The Gel Nail Polish is because they vary so much in terms of quality, for example 13 Forgive Me performs so well, but 63 itsy bitsy blue bikini is the worst formula I've tried in a while.

What are your favourites from Essence? 
Have a great day!

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  1. Moja top izdelka sta zagotovo to senčilo v palčki in pa lip linerji :) Zelo redko sem uporabljala lip linerje ampak,ko sem odkrila te na tvojem blogu sem si jih morala takoj kupiti :D

    1. Te liplinerje sem tudi jaz kupila prav zaradi odličnih ocen, pa sem se otepala nakupa kar nekaj časa, ker nisem zaupala kvaliteti. Res so odlični :)

  2. I think lip pencils are my favourites :)

    1. I think they are many people's favourites, so I hope Essence never discontinues them :)

  3. Oh my! So lots of great products that I would love to try out. I wanna try those blush and long lasting lip liners.

    1. Lipliners are definitely worth a try, they only cost 1.59 € so the don't break the bank :) I like them for trying if a certain type of colour suit me, so I wish they have a bigger selection of colours :)

  4. Zdaj pa res moram pogledat te blushe v trgovini. Jaz drugače nisem nek grozen fan Essence izdelkov. Bolj me pritegnejo LE, ki imajo včasih res odlične izdelke. Npr. Metal Glam highlighter je še vedno en najboljših in bi se z lahkoto kosal tudi z Mary-Lou :D. Se strinjam glede eyelinerjev. Nove palete za oči - Nude in Rose sta obe fantastični. Ne, niti približno nista tako pigmentirani kot kakšen theBalm ampak tekstura je tako svilnato kremasta, da je pravi užitek uporabljat. :) Jaz bi k temu še pristavila Essence I Heart Nude senčilo v 05 My Favorite Tauping za contour. Sicer sem zdaj odkrila še 15 Hazel Me Not! med njihovimi enojnimi senčili in mi je skoraj še bolj všeč (ker je še svetlejši odtenek).

    1. Essence mi je zelo hit-or-miss znamka, bolj zaupam Catrice za tisti evro več na izdelek. Joj, mene pa te paletke ne prepričajo, ampak to je že splošno znano, da sem razvajena :D L'Orealova in Wet n Wild so mi milje boljša. Moram se že enkrat spomnit pogledat ti dve contouring senčili ko bom pred stojalom, vedno pozabim :)

  5. Same super izdelke si izbrala. Joj maskara, sicer pinki verzija, ful mi je bla fajna, volumem, da ga iščeš:), sploh ne vem več ali se jo še da dobit, upam, da ja. tale 2 in 1 Eyeshadow and liner bom pa preverila, tega tasvetlega, ko sem fejst utrujena si dam rada take svetle odtenke na veke, da izgledam malo bolj ŽIVA:)in se res super bere.

    1. Roza maskaro sem tudi imela, samo ker ni vodoodporna mi ni držala zavihanih trepalnic. Mi je pa bila glede volumna odlična :) Pa Princess Lash tudi.
      Svetli odtenek 2 v 1 senčila ima take mikro bele bleščice in se mi zdi, da res zbudi oči :)

  6. I never liked the Essence lip liners, but I must check out that mascara.

    1. I don't like the original lipliners, but I love these :) I really rely on that mascara when I want my lashes to look good all day :)

  7. I love the Essence lipliners and they really have awesome nail products. I use the gel top coat and it really streches my manicure.

